Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 12, 2012

Sage Spoonfuls Review & Giveaway

Several years ago when my son was learning to eat solids, I was shocked at the price for baby food. I don't know why those little jars are so expensive...and I am not even talking about the organic brands! When I did the math, I was amazed at how much money is actually spent on baby food. This was about the time I started to do some research into making homemade baby food. After reading the ingredient list on most baby foods, I found that most of the ingredients used were ones that I could easily purchase myself and cook how I would like. The scariest thing about buying pre-made baby food is you have no idea what the factory was like in which they were prepared (cleanliness, employee health, handling of the food, etc.) and what the actual ingredients are. Now, I do believe that factories have to meet certain health, food and safety requirements and am not paranoid about baby food safety, but I just like to know what I am feeding my baby. If I have made it, then there is no question about the quality. After seeing how easy it actually was to make baby food, I decided to try it out and I LOVED IT! 
Today, I am going to introduce you to a company that totally equips you to create, prepare and store your very own, homemade baby food! Sage Spoonfuls was founded by Liza Huber...a stay-at-home mom of 3 (#4 due in January!) and here is a bit more about her...

Liza Huber is an award-winning author, wife, mother of 3 (with #4 due in Jan), and CEO and Founder of Sage Spoonfuls. Drawing from her own experiences and the guidance of a leading pediatrician, she designed Sage Spoonfuls to fit the needs of all parents and their busy schedules. Sage Spoonfuls allows parents to easily make, serve, store and take their healthy, homemade baby food on-the-go. 

In addition to launching Sage Spoonfuls, Liza has been appointed an Ambassador Mom for the March of Dimes, which is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. Having been the mother of a preemie herself, this cause is very close to her heart. 

Liza has also been appointed a Parent Ambassador for Healthy Child, Healthy World and will help to inform and inspire people to take action and create cleaner, greener, safer environments where children and families can flourish. Healthy Child, Healthy World has been a national leader for nearly two decades, igniting a movement of awareness and responsibility. 

Liza and her husband, Alex, have been married since 2004. They have 3 children, Royce 5, Brendan 4, and Hayden 18 months. They are excited to welcome baby #4 in January 2013!

I know that when it comes to making home made baby food it can be challenging to be creative. It also takes a bit of practice learning how to create the right textures and blend flavors. Liza takes all the guess-work out of this and gives you exactly what you need to succeed!
So, for this review I was sent her Sage Spoonfuls-Simple Recipes, Healthy Meals, Happy Babies book and also a Sage Mini Storage Pack.
I was so excited to receive the Sage Spoonfuls book because I am on the verge of introducing solids to Isaac. He hasn't been interested at all (unless you were offering him a pizza crust or pretzel) in anything that resembles food and that is so opposite of how his siblings were. Right now,Isaac is almost 8 months old and I love how this book breaks down foods into age-appropriate chapters. The particular page I photographed above shows you what foods baby can eat and also directs you to the page on which you can find recipe and preparation ideas. There are soooo many yummy foods that your baby can eat now!
Also, Liza gives you some great food combination ideas so you can mix things up a bit. I know that my children always loved eating different fruits and veggies and so the flavors can blend nicely if you use the right foods. Above, you can see the suggestions as to what you can put with pineapple. YUM! Pineapple is such a tasty fruit and one that you don't see used very often in store-bought baby foods.
Also in Sage Spoonfuls you can find out how to make your own baby oatmeal, what foods to avoid and why, how to perform infant CPR, what tools you need for baby food preparation, how to properly store food and how to make mealtime fun! All this and so much more...all in one handy and fantastic resource!! The Sage Spoonfuls Book retails for $24.95.
The Sage Mini Storage Containers are wonderful. They are BPA Free and come with cute labels that can be affixed to the lids for easy labeling and identification. You can freeze food in them and then simply pop the containers in the fridge for thawing and storing.
They are also small enough to take with you in the diaper bag and will double as a serving dish when you need to feed baby! As a mom who is on the verge of feeding solids to my son, I am really excited to have these containers for my baby food. The Mini Storage Containers retail for $9.99.

These and many more great baby food preparation tools are available for purchase directly from Sage Spoonfuls. You can also become a Sage Spoonfuls fan on Facebook and follow them on their Twitter page and YouTube channel! Check them out...I am sure they would love to meet you. :)
So, in my opinion...Sage Spoonfuls is a delightful company! All you need for making and storing your home made baby food is available to you in one convenient place...I love it! I would definitely recommend this company to anyone who is preparing to embark on the baby food making is a wonderful resource and one that covers every need you may encounter.
Sage Spoonfuls has offered to giveaway a set of Mini Storage Containers and the Sage Spoonfuls Book to one of you!! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Sage Spoonfuls products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Sage Spoonfuls website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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