Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 8, 2013

I'm Back...With MORE Grocery Savings!

Being laid up with a sore foot this week has basically set me back in my couponing trips to the store. I seriously could not do any walking whatsoever this week and today was my first day without people coming over to help me keep up with the children and housework. What a blessing though to have people who are willing to help out when you need it and believe me...I NEEDED it badly. So, today I ventured out to several stores and nailed some pretty sweet deals. Thrilled I was to get out again. :) On the other hand, I am beat tonight. Hee hee. Here are some of my favorite deals from today's trip.
Ok, so this wasn't a HUGE shopping trip. I had some coupons expiring soon and had to use them...thankfully the items they were for were on sale. In the above picture, here is what I saved:

Almond Breeze Iced Coffee:  Normally $4.99 - on sale for $3.99. I used two coupons for $1 off each and only paid $2.99 per carton.
Colgate Toothpaste: Normally $2.99/tube - on sale for 2/$5. I had two coupons for $1 off two. I purchased 4 tubes and paid $1.50/tube.
Sorrento String Cheese: $5.99/bag - on sale for BOGO. I had two coupons for $1 off and paid $4.99/2 bags and received 2 bags FREE.
Bryers Toppings: Normally $2.99/pouch or jar - on sale for $2.29 - I had 5 coupons for $1 off and so I purchased 5 pouches @ $1.29 each.
Jell-O 4-Pack Pudding Cups: Normally $2.99 each - on sale for 5/$10 ($2 each) - I had 5 coupons for $1.00 off and paid $1.00 each.
Kelloggs Pop Tarts: Normally $3.49/12 ct. box - on sale for $2/6. No coupons used...still a great buy. :)

Here is the run-down which includes some items not pictured.

Total bill BEFORE discounts/coupons: $91.26
Total bill AFTER discounts/coupons: $49.75
Total saved this trip: $42.47 


Now, we head to my Walgreens visit. I had some valuable Gillette Venus Buy One Get One Free Coupons & $5 off coupons expiring today that I wanted to use and I knew that Walgreens was probably my best bet for the highest discount. 
Proctor & Gamble coupons are very strict as to the number of coupons you can use per day, per visit. I am sure this drives big couponers absolutely nuts. This was frustrating when I got to the counter to pay for my razors, but it ended up working out...the cashier accepted two additional coupons so I could get my great discounts. Gillette Venus Razors were $5.99 each. The Gillette Venus Embrace Razor was $8.99 (they had run out of the blue ones). I used three BOGO coupons and got 6 razors total. Those coupons deducted $26.97 from my bill. Then, I used my two (I had three but their computer would only let me use two...this was probably because of the limit set on these coupons by the manufacturer) $5 off coupons on the razors that were purchased from the BOGO coupon. This took another $10 off my order. Total saved this trip: $36.97. Total paid: $5.09! That is a total savings of 95%!! I left the store feeling a bit depressed that they didn't take my third $5 off coupon which would have made my bill just $.09...but I was thankful that I purchased all of these fantastic razors for a little over five bucks!! 

Total bill BEFORE discounts/coupons: $42.06
Total bill AFTER discounts/coupons: $5.09
Total saved this trip: $36.97 

I would have to say I was pretty pleased with my $5 Gillette Razor bill...what a steal! Looking forward to better shopping trips like these in the future! How about you...what have you been doing to save money for your family this week? Leave a comment and let me know...I always love new ideas. :)

Cheribundi REFRESH Teas and Juices {Review & Giveaway}

I am all about finding healthy beverages for myself and my family. This is not an easy task as there are so many different types of juices in the juice aisle of the do you know you are getting something that is good and healthy for you? Ingredient lists are a great way to rule of thumb is that if you can't read the ingredients, it probably isn't that great for you. Sure, it may taste good but is it really REALLY good for you? Most  likely, no. Even apple juice is watered down and sugared up and that is what my children love to drink. Bleah. Trying to branch out into new drinks is exciting for me; I enjoy offering different things to my family to drink and knowing that the drink is healthy, makes it all the more enjoyable.
Recently, I was approached by a company called Cheribundi and they carry premium tart cherry juices and teas that are packed full of cherries. One of the things that really caught my eye about this company is their passion about cherries and the way your health can become better simply by adding cherry juice to your diet. Many of you may or may not know this but I have Lupus. I deal with a good amount of joint pain and inflammation on a pretty regular basis...especially during the warm summer months. So, in looking for dietary help with that it is good to know that cherry juice can help with my health issues. Before I continue on with my review, here is a bit more about Cheribundi...

Sometimes it takes regular people to stumble upon a really good thing. That's how cheribundi™ was created: snacking on tart cherries eased a regular person's back pain. This anecdotal cure was researched by food scientists at Cornell University who not only uncovered the benefits of tart cherries, but also developed a proprietary juicing process so all the cherry-goodness and nutrients could be delivered in a great tasting juice.

Whether you're trying to stay active and healthy or win a triathlon, this superfruit juice will give you benefits exclusive to the round little fruit.

It was also really cool to read on their websites that many professional sports teams use Cheribundi juices for their players...teams like the Dallas Cowboys, Kansas City Chiefs, and many more. These sports athletes need so much energy and stamina when playing their games, it really says alot that they use cherry juice as part as their health regimen. So, when I was asked about reviewing some Cheribundi juices and REFRESH teas, I was very excited and agreed!
So, for this review I was sent a case of assorted juices to try and I have to say, I am impressed. :) Just so you know, the bottles with the green caps are the REFRESH Teas and the clear caps are the Tart Cherry Juices in various flavors. The flavors I received were: from the REFRESH Teas line - Cherry Rooibos Tea, Cherry Green Tea, Cherry Jasmine Tea, Cherry Black Tea. From the REFRESH Juice line - Tart Cherry Pomegranate, Tart Cherry Raspberry, Tart Cherry Blueberry and Tart Cherry Cranberry and Tart Cherry Lemonade.
First of all, I love the packaging. It is fresh, modern and very eye-catching. The art work is pretty and you can definitely tell these juices apart from others as the look is signature for Cheribundi. I have not really seen these around at my stores but I found out that the Cheribundi brand is sold at some stores not too far from me...good to know. :)
I LOVE Lemonade so the first flavor I tried was the Tart Cherry Lemonade. Of course, I loved it. It has just the right balance of sweet and sour and what I loved the most was that this was not a super thin drink in consistency. It needed a good shake before I poured it because there was sediment in the bottom of the bottle. This is a GOOD sign of a really GOOD juice!!
Of course, I cannot review any type of food or drink with my little taste-testers finding out. :) These guys love juice and I am thrilled to offer them Cheribundi juices. Want to know what they thought?
Yep! They LOVED it! I had a very difficult time keeping this juice away from them for the remainder of the day and even my 16 month loved it! He was practically wearing it when he was done tasting drinking the entire glass. My hubby and I tested some other flavors and the other favorite I now have is the Rooibos, what an amazing flavor! Hubby is pretty picky when it comes to what he drinks but he really enjoyed drinking Cheribundi.

Cheribundi Juices and Teas vary in price. You can purchase directly from the company in large quantities or you can find a retailer near you and purchase these individually. They run between about $2.50 each to about $3.50. Again, it depends on where you purchase it and which variety you want. You can also purchase Cheribundi on Amazon...some varieties are on sale right now and you can qualify for free shipping as well. Definitely, I would say that Cheribundi is a delicious brand and would be well worth the purchase. I have a friend who I am going to be sharing some of these juices with as she is a cancer survivor who suffers from other health problems and is always looking for healthier diet options. She will LOVE these! :)

For more information, be sure to visit Cheribundi's website or check them out on Facebook and Twitter.
Cheribundi has offered to give away an assorted case (12 bottles) of Juices and Teas! What a fantastic giveaway. :) Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 8, 2013

Today Only...Download 23 Kids Apps for FREE!

I love fun apps for my children. It is hard to snag them for free and I just found out that today is Free App Friday at Smart Apps for Kids. Check it out...they have Cut The Rope, Frosby's Bouncy Castle and more! Check it out today and hope you find something useful for your children!
**Some of these apps are only free until 10 pm CDT so hurry and check them out before they are not free anymore!

Greene Bark Press ~ "Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again" Board Book Review

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I am a huge fan of teaching my children the basics about road safety as soon as they are able to grasp the concept of danger...which is typically when they are still very young. When our first child was a toddler, she was very much an explorer and she loved to wander. I didn't let her out of my sight when we were outside because she could take off in a heartbeat and if I wasn't paying attention, she would disappear. At the time, we had a very short, black-topped driveway but lived on a very quiet street. She loved to go outside and play so most nice days, that is exactly where we would be...out in the front yard playing on all the riding toys. I remember one day like it was yesterday. She was playing on the driveway and I was sitting there watching her. In the blink of an eye, she was racing towards the street as fast as her little legs could carry her and no matter how loud I yelled, she wasn't stopping. I finally caught up with her and carefully and FIRMLY explained that we do NOT run into the road. Ever. She learned quickly with dedicated training sessions in which I would let her go and give her voice commands as to when she should stop. Surprisingly, she learned quickly and didn't enter the road unless I was with her.
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Now that she is older, she has begun to ride a bike and we go for long walks in our neighborhood. She is learning the concept of stopping at stop signs, riding on the SIDE of the road rather than down the middle and how to start and stop her bicycle safely. These are all things that she needs to know in order to ride her bike and we have had fun teaching her! Today, I am going to introduce a cute board book to you that will help YOU to teach your child all about road safety and this book is from Greene Bark Press and it is called "Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again", which retails for $8.50. I was sent this book to read through with my children and wanted to share my thoughts with you today. :)
Oh goodness...this is such a cute little board book! Perfect for children ages 3 - 8, it is full of cute characters, adorable, brightly colored pictures and wonderful lessons to be learned about crossing the road safely. The story line is all about a little duck named Wally Waddlewater, who wants to mail his grandmother a letter...but needs to cross busy streets in order to get to the mailbox.
Packed full of action and scenarios that are perfect for teaching children, this book is very well put together for little ones. Before I had the chance to actually read this book TO my children, they had grabbed it and ran off with it simply so they could look at the pictures! They absolutely loved the drawings and they are good enough, you really don't need words to fully understand what is happening in the pictures.
One of my favorite sections in the book is when Wally Waddlewater was walking and they used the words "Wadda, Wadda" to describe the walking...I thought that was sooo cute! You can use voice inflections to make it seem cuter too...which....*ahem*...I did. :) 
Wally Waddlewater has to wait for many things to come down the road before he can cross (elephants, trains, etc.) and if his mommy was not there to guide and teach him, he would have been badly injured. The good news is that he did learn how to cross the street and was able to get his letter into the mailbox safely.
This book has been GREAT for teaching all of my children about crossing the road. I also love how it teaches obedience...immediate obedience. This is something we strive for in our children and I love it when a book comes along side my teaching and helps to reinforce the lesson we are trying to get across to them. So now, when we go for a walk as a family we always repeat the phrase "look left, look right, look left again" at each intersection, making sure the children stop walking/riding. They all turn their heads in both directions and ultimately, we make it safely across the street.
I would DEFINITELY recommend this book to anyone who is looking to teach road safety to their children. It is a fun way to teach a very important lesson to your child without scaring them or, God forbid, having them get hurt because you failed to teach them. 
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So, check out Greene Bark Press' board book, "Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again" and invest in your children's safety today! You will be so glad that you did. Our family enjoyed this book and hope you will check it out! Be sure to read what my other crew mates had to say about this book, by clicking the banner below.

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Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 8, 2013

Encourage Good Brushing Habits With FireFly Oral Care Products for Kids! {Review & Giveaway}

My daughter has been actively and seriously brushing her teeth for over a year now. When she was really young, I would help brush her teeth but it wasn't a priority at the time. Now that she is bigger, she has officially had her very first dental appointment this past spring and is brushing all the time. Her teeth are beautiful, but she will need braces when she is older due to a huge overbite. Her little brother has been brushing his teeth right along side of her for over a year and as much as he dislikes it, I know it is important for him. Making teeth brushing fun has always been my goal...I go out of my way to buy fun toothbrushes and toothpaste for them and I always try and keep the experience positive.
FireFly is a company that has really dedicated their entire existence to kids and to keeping teeth brushing FUN. I was made aware of this company a while back, but somehow didn't follow through and investigate more. Until today. :) FireFly makes fun toothbrushes and toothpaste that will attract just about any child and encourage good brushing habits. I am especially excited about their NEW Ready Go Brush and Foam Toothpaste that has provided some serious fun for my children. Before I continue though, here is a bit more about this company...

Dr. Fresh is the creator of the FireFly® toothbrush, the number one selling kids’ toothbrush in the country. We are privileged to say our flagship product has helped children to develop excellent lifelong oral care habits, and proud that we can also help reverse the childhood cavity epidemic in our country.

Our products are always built on an ongoing dialogue with kids and families, and that is why we pride ourselves on being an “idea factory,” not just a manufacturer of oral care products. Three years ago, we established our annual “Be A Dental Inventor” contest for elementary school children. The contest has become a much anticipated element of February’s National Children’s Dental Health Month, and the entries are an ongoing source of inspiration for us. When a child’s imagination is fired, the world is a richer place. And we remind ourselves of that every day by keeping the fantastic toothbrush drawings we receive on the walls at our headquarters.

Through our contest and many other outreach programs, as well as our products, we at Dr. Fresh seek to engage and to educate, and to provide practical and affordable tools and solutions that work every day to combat childhood cavities.

Cavities are NO fun and thankfully, my daughter had none at her very first dental appointment. Sadly, some children (like my brother) have very soft teeth and are prone to cavities. If you have a child like this then you want to be even more vigilant in enforcing good oral care habits at a very young age. I was excited when FireFly reached out to me to gauge my interest in their products! I of course, accepted and am thrilled to introduce them to you today!
So, for this review I was sent three FireFly Ready Go Light Up Brushes and two tubes of the FireFly Fluoride Foam Toothpaste. These toothbrushes come in a variety of fun characters (Spider Man, Angry Birds, Strawberry Shortcake and many others) and are designed to keep a child brushing their teeth for a full 2+ minutes.
These toothbrushes are awesome. Have you ever wondered just how long you should brush your teeth? This nifty toothbrush has a built in timer and it actually lights up as the child brushes. It looks just like a stop-light! The bottom light is green and they start brushing then. When the yellow light comes on that means they are halfway done. Red means that they can stop! I love this idea and think that brushing thoroughly is so important. Another nice feature of these brushes is that they have a suction-cup base to keep them standing nicely between uses. I really love this feature of children's toothbrushes.
This toothpaste is a Fluoride toothpaste, which is why the recommended age is 3-12. By this age, your child should know to NOT swallow their toothpaste. When my children were younger, I used fluoride-free toothpaste just to be safe because they swallowed alot of toothpaste during those early years. Now that they are older (5 and 3), they know better and do a great job! I was sent the Angry Birds Fluoride Foam Toothpaste as well as the Barbie Fluoride Foam Toothpaste and this is so much fun to use! Simply squirt some into the child's mouth and they can brush, brush, brush. :) Foam is fun. :)
I will say that I really do not like "character" toothpastes/toothbrushes and was glad that I was sent a plain pink toothbrush. When it came time to have Hannah try out her new toothbrush, she was VERY excited because hey, we like pink. :)
First, we squirted some of the foam into Hannah's mouth. This Barbie Fluoride Foam Toothpaste is Bubblegum flavored and she always likes that taste. What I like about this style of toothpaste is that you aren't gooping toothpaste onto a toothbrush and you can use as little or as much as you want. We used about three small pumps.
Next, you get your handy-dandy light-up toothbrush, press the button and brush brush brush while the light is green. I left Hannah in the bathroom while I went and did something and she brushed until the light turned red! This is great because it means she was able to follow the "cues" of the toothbrush and brush for the recommended amount of time without me telling her when to stop. Watching the lights change gives them something to do while they brush...which is nice. :) She NEVER used to brush her teeth in the morning and evening but now, she does just because she LOVES this toothbrush and can do it all by herself. No twisty caps to get off, no balancing the toothbrush on the sink while trying to squeeze the toothpaste onto the bristles and easy peasy brushing. These are all combinations that make for a very positive brushing experience.
So needless to say, my daughter loves her new kid-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste. :) It has been a huge hit and is even more of a blessing to me as it encourages her to care for her teeth without me standing over her telling her what to do.

FireFly also carries mouthwash as well as manual and battery-powered toothbrushes in a plethora of styles, characters, colors and flavors. The Foam Toothpaste retails for $2.99 (available at Walgreens, Target,, and other drug and mass retailers) and the Ready Go Brushes retail for $3.99 (available at Target, Kroger, Meijer, and

So, there you have it! Brushing little children's teeth made simple with FireFly. I am very impressed with the brushes and foam toothpaste I was sent and would strongly encourage parents to check out their products today. If you struggle with you child when it comes to brushing their teeth, FireFly can take all the fear and boredom away...just try it and you will find that you and your child will love it!
FireFly has offered to giveaway an Angry Birds FireFly Ready Go Brush and Fluoride Foam Toothpaste to one of you! Here are your easy entry options into this giveaway...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free FireFly products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the FireFly website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 8, 2013

How to Create Cookie Gift Baskets

It’s often a nice gesture to give your neighbor, co-worker, teacher, or boss a goodie basket. It lets that person know he or she is appreciated and gives them something yummy to munch on. Cookies by Design gift baskets and other cookie baskets are something a whole family can enjoy. Cookies are small, subtle, and sweet, so unless you’re diabetic or on a diet, you can enjoy them to your heart’s content. You can order a gift basket of cookies, or you can make cookies to put in a basket you decorate yourself.
Displaying the Cookies

First, make your cookies. You can buy cookies, but homemade treats often taste better and add a more personal touch. Cater your recipe to the tastes of your recipient, or go with a popular recipe if you’re unsure what he or she likes. Then take out a basket that you are sure will accommodate all the cookies you wish to store. Wrap each cookie or a set of cookies in cellophane or plastic baggies. Next, add to the basket filler paper made out of shredded construction paper or tissue paper. Add a centerpiece if you so choose. This can be a toy, figurine, book, or a decoration that will remain after all the cookies are consumed. Line the cookies one stack at a time starting in the back and build on one another. Try to layer and angle the cookies so they are facing the viewer in the front. Another way to display cookies is to put them on a stick or around a foam ball. It’s all a matter of preference and creativity when setting up these cookies. Just be sure that your cookies are lined up and look neat and orderly. Otherwise, they may crumble and may not be so enticing to eat.
Wrapping the Basket

Now that your cookies are securely placed in the basket, you may wrap the package. Cut out colored cellophane so that it will wrap entirely around the basket. You will secure the top part with a ribbon. Feel free to add a bow or any other decorative elements. You can attach a tag to the ribbon to let the recipient know who the basket is from. For more ideas, go online to learn more about Cookies by Design gift baskets.

This is a sponsored post in part by Bucks2Blog

The Role of Search Engine Marketing Tools

Getting a website to rank high in the search engines for a keyword that results in enough of the right kind of traffic to convert into sales requires a lot of information. Professional Internet marketers using search engine marketing tools gather this information. There are many tools that do many different things. From determining potential keywords and their search volumes to seeing what kind of links a competitor has, it is all gathered using tools designed specifically for Internet marketing.

The Role of Keywords in Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is done in many different ways. Whether through search engine optimization, pay-per-click marketing, or banner advertising, they are all based around keywords. The first step in any Internet marketing campaign is to find the best potential keywords. Different Internet marketing professionals have different viewpoints on which kind of keywords are the best to go after, but they all agree that the process begins with keywords. If the wrong keywords are utilized to base any marketing campaign on, it will struggle to be successful.  To help make sure good keywords are chosen, professionals use tools designed to tell them the different combinations of words and phrases that people have searched for before, along with the average monthly search volume of each one and the level of competitiveness of each.

Spying on the Competition

One key way to get a website to the top of the search engines is to look at the website currently in that spot and determine what is being done differently with that website compared to the one being worked on. Again, tools play a large role in that process. One key factor in ranking in Google and other search engines are links from other websites pointing to the website trying to be ranked. In order to find out where competitors are getting links from, professional online marketers use search engine marketing tools that are capable of telling them where the links to that competitor are coming from. This allows the marketer to try to get the same links, thus leveling the playing field. It takes some time to get the rankings, but the right tools can make it easier.

This is a sponsored post in part by Bucks2Blog

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 8, 2013

CapriClear Spray-On Moisturizer Review

My babies have always struggled with Baby Eczema. The tell-tale signs are always there...dry, flaky skin - redness and irritation - itching that seems to bother them more than anything else. It is so heart-wrenching to watch your child suffer with any ailment and I have certainly watched my little ones deal with more than their fair share of Eczema. My daughter was my first one to have it and it was pitiful. Bathing her and applying lotion seemed to make it worse and come to find out, water is NOT good for Eczema. Finally, after tubes, tubs and bottles of different lotions, I found something that worked. Cortisone. I HATE USING CORTISONE. It works but is steroid based and I don't like putting that on my baby's sensitive skin. On really bad days though I was forced to use it and although it relieved the itching, the Eczema was still there.
My search for the ultimate Eczema remedy has taken me down many roads. I have learned so much about skin and what happens when babies have problems with their skin. I have also discovered some really amazing products that have helped immensely and have really enjoyed trying them out and watching the results. Today, I have yet another product to tell you about and this moisturizer is totally different from anything I have ever tried. CapriClear Spray-On Moisturizer is a colorless, odorless liquid moisturizer that contains 100% fractionated coconut oil...a known skin healer. To give you a bit more information about this product, developed by a dermatologist (Dr. Betty Bellman), here is some additional info from their website...
CapriClear® natural moisturizer is the world’s first spray-on, hypoallergenic moisturizer to sooth and moisturize dry, flaky skin. It is dermatologist formulated and tested. Reduces itching and irritation for people who are sensitive to ingredients commonly found in other products. CapriClear® does not contain steroids, emulsifiers, fragrances, animal products, artificial dyes, preservatives or other additives such as sulfates, parabens or toxins that can lead to skin irritation. 

Spray-on pure, simple, immediate relief that soothes and comforts. The spray permits an even, very thin coating to be applied to your skin. CapriClear® is colorless and odorless, absorbs instantly, so there is no oily feeling and no staining of clothing. For children and adults of all ages. It is safe for all skin types. It does not burn or sting upon application, making CapriClear® a great option for people who suffer from more serious skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis or eczema. CapriClear® is Nature’s Solution to dry, flaky and irritated skin - preferred over other remedies.
Like I said in the beginning of this post, all of my children have suffered from Eczema and right now, my youngest is my worst. He gets Eczema really bad in the crooks of his arms, his wrists, behind his ears and behind his knees. Poor little guy can't sleep sometimes because of it. This was why I was excited to try out CapriClear on see if I could get his Eczema to calm down and heal up a bit better.
So, for this review I was sent a bottle of CapriClear Spray-On Moisturizer. This bottle contains clear liquid that is both colorless and odorless.
Right away, my eyes were drawn to the National Eczema Association logo on the lid of the bottle. To me, this says volumes about the product itself. Because Eczema is such a big problem for us, it was nice to see this. I was even more excited to try this on my little guy!
Another thing that caught my eyes were the words "Gentle, Natural". These are always factors that I take into consideration when choosing a cream for my baby's Eczema. One particular cream that I use on Isaac makes him is very painful to use but it works well. I hate using products that cause pain which is why I loved seeing these two words. Typically, natural-based products don't irritate but depending on the ingredients, they can sometimes irritate. I was not at all concerned about this spray being painful on my son because it also contains Fractionated Coconut Oil...which has some amazing healing properties. 
CapriClear Spray-On Moisturizer is simple to use...simply spray it directly onto the skin and you can rub it in if you like. It does have an oily feel to it but that feeling disappears quickly and the spray itself absorbs nicely. My husband has had a mysterious rash on his legs that is persistently itchy...I thought this spray might help him but it didn't help as much as we had hoped. My son, however, has had this spray applied on his body multiple times and it seems to really soothe and take away the serious irritation that the Eczema causes. I was amazed at how he just let me spray it on and he would run off and play. No crying, no scratching, just happiness and THIS made my mommy heart VERY happy. :)
CapriClear Spray-On Moisturizer retails for $16.99 for a full-sized bottle and $6.99 for a travel-sized bottle. I love the fact that this is so easy and mess-free to use...I also love that it helps my son's Eczema to feel better. He definitely has been a bit happier these days. You can check out CapriClear on Facebook and also on Twitter to keep up with news and events that they are having. If you have some serious skin flaking and issues, check out CapriClear might just find the remedy you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free CapriClear products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the CapriClear website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 8, 2013

Recovering. :(

This has been one tough weekend. On Friday night, my family and I went out. We had just loaded the  children into the stroller and were headed down a sidewalk. As we were walking, I suddenly had shooting pain in my right foot. I looked down only to see a small board stuck on my shoe. I tried to remove my shoe but very quickly realized that it was nailed to my foot. I had stepped on a board with  four nails sticking out of it. :( We notified a nearby police officer and he called an ambulance. My only concern was that I had not had a Tetanus shot in the past 10+ years and because the nails were rusty, I feared for infection. The paramedics came and cleaned the four holes and bandaged my foot and my husband took me to an Urgent Care center as it would be quicker than going to an ER.  After a Tetanus shot, x-rays and the doctor examining my foot, I was sent home to recover. And that is where I have been ever since. Not being able to put any pressure on my foot has been bothersome...and the pain is not fun either. Hubby has been taking good care of me and although my foot is swollen, it is not looking infected...which is wonderful. I will probably be calling in reinforcements when hubby goes back to work as I cannot really do much.

So, if you have any good advice as far as foot soaks/ pain relief goes, PLEASE share them. I am probably looking at about a week of recovery and could use all the advice I can get. Hope your weekend has been better than mine and that the week to come will be a good one! :)

Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 8, 2013

Get Back To School Ready with the Mary Kay NEW ClearProof Acne System!

I have never struggled with Acne, although I have always struggled with oily skin and problematic blemishes. Skin imperfections can really make me feel self-conscious and I have been searching for solutions for my skin issues. For you ladies out seems that around "that time of the month", our skin can look especially scary and rough so I always dread that. When you have teenagers, it seems that having a clear complexion is almost as important as popularity because, after all, acne can be a real turn off when it comes to having friends. Because I was home schooled, I never felt the hurt and inconsideration of peers when it came to my skin so it never really effected me like it can effect some teens. However, there will be many teens and young adults returning to school this fall with acne and if not treated, it could lead to a devastating and lonely year for them.
Well, as usual, Mary Kay has thought through the Acne issue and has come up with a fantastic line of products to aid in the treatment and further prevention of Acne and is a necessity when thinking about your back to school beauty regimen. The all NEW ClearProof Acne System is a series of products that target Acne and reduce the horrible signs of this condition.  Here is a bit more information about this revolutionary product...

The ClearProof Acne System:

  • Helps to maintain a clear complexion
  • Unclogs pores, removes excess oil and leaves skin feeling healthier
  • Fades the look of lingering acne spots                          
  • Designed for both men and women, from teens to 50 year old adults
  • Mild enough to use every day
I have noticed that with other clarifying products I have used on my face they tend to dry out and seem harsh on the skin. This presents a very different result and I was excited to try it out.
So, for this review I was sent a $20 trial size set of ClearProof Acne System to try out and I wanted to share my thoughts on this product with all of you! I was also sent two other Mary Kay products as well...Mary Kay® NouriShine Plus® Lip Gloss in Rock 'n' Red and Mary Kay® Lash Love® Lengthening™ Mascara.
First and foremost, I have always loved the Mary Kay Lash Love is easy to use, non-clumping and makes my eyelashes look oh so full and gorgeous. The lengthening factor is a nice feature for someone with short eyelashes, but I have pretty long eyelashes to begin with so I don't notice much of a difference when using this mascara as opposed to the other mascaras. All of Mary Kay's mascaras are luscious so it is hard to pick a favorite. 
Oh goodness...Rock 'n' Red is SO red...hahaha! I am sure it looks amazing on the right person but with my ghostly white skin, it is a bit shocking. Mary Kay NouriShine Plus Lip Gloss is wonderful as a whole. I have several and I use them often. My favorites are the pink toned ones and the Cafe au Lait has to be my absolute favorite. Smooth and creamy, the NouriShine Plus Lip Glosses are fantastic and really do add a nice finish to any makeup look that you may choose. 
I was very VERY pleased to have the opportunity to sample the Mary Kay NEW ClearProof Acne System and was even more satisfied with the results. I first started with the ClearProof Clarifying Cleansing Gel. All I did was apply a thin layer to my entire face and then rinsed it off. My skin immediately felt clean and clear. I have really large pores on my nose and they typically harbor quite a bit of dirt. I was really pleased to see that those pores were last! Once I finished cleansing my skin, I applied some of the Acne Treatment Gel. This gel is thin in consistency and dries very quickly. I was really surprised that it didn't leave a filmy layer on my skin given the fact that it was a gel. 
The Blemish Control Toner contains salicylic acid and really adds a great feel to the skin once applied. It smells like any other toner you might use and it feels so refreshing. Typically, when I use a toner (which I haven't in a very long time) my skin feels tight. However, this toner actually left my skin feeling soft. I loved that. The only thing left to try was the Oil Free Moisturizer and was wonderful as well. All of these products are pretty much fragrance free and while I love scented beauty products, I was not at all disappointed with this ClearProof Acne System. 
So, the next time someone comes to me complaining of an Acne problem with them or someone they know, I will definitely recommend this Acne System to them. I am very happy with how my skin looks and feels after using these products and as always, Mary Kay is simply my favorite company for all of my beauty needs! 

Check out the ClearProof Acne System today...the travel size I received retails for $20 and the full-sized set retails for $45. When it is your skin that needs some extra TLC, Mary Kay definitely has you covered! :)

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mary Kay products for review purposes from Mary Kay. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mary Kay website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.