Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 8, 2013

Recovering. :(

This has been one tough weekend. On Friday night, my family and I went out. We had just loaded the  children into the stroller and were headed down a sidewalk. As we were walking, I suddenly had shooting pain in my right foot. I looked down only to see a small board stuck on my shoe. I tried to remove my shoe but very quickly realized that it was nailed to my foot. I had stepped on a board with  four nails sticking out of it. :( We notified a nearby police officer and he called an ambulance. My only concern was that I had not had a Tetanus shot in the past 10+ years and because the nails were rusty, I feared for infection. The paramedics came and cleaned the four holes and bandaged my foot and my husband took me to an Urgent Care center as it would be quicker than going to an ER.  After a Tetanus shot, x-rays and the doctor examining my foot, I was sent home to recover. And that is where I have been ever since. Not being able to put any pressure on my foot has been bothersome...and the pain is not fun either. Hubby has been taking good care of me and although my foot is swollen, it is not looking infected...which is wonderful. I will probably be calling in reinforcements when hubby goes back to work as I cannot really do much.

So, if you have any good advice as far as foot soaks/ pain relief goes, PLEASE share them. I am probably looking at about a week of recovery and could use all the advice I can get. Hope your weekend has been better than mine and that the week to come will be a good one! :)

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