Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 11, 2012

Holiday Gift Guide ~ FunBites Review & Giveaway {US & Canada}

How many of you believe that in order for children to eat certain foods, it makes it easier to get them to eat if it is fun? I have always known that my children are pretty picky and they are not easily fooled. I sometimes have a difficult time getting them to eat pasta and sauce, which is just plain sad. The other night, we had alfredo sauce over fettuccine and my daughter was HORRIBLE when it came to finishing her dinner. I don't run a restaurant and have stopped fixing them special foods because they don't like what is for dinner.  Nine times out of ten, they will eat, it just takes them alot longer. At dinner, we usually eat a bigger meal but at lunch when hubby is at work, we have a smaller meal. My children LOVE sandwiches...peanut butter and jelly, bologna, grilled cheese, etc. It isn't hard to get them to clean their plates when they have something that they love in front of them.
Today, I am going to introduce you to a company that will make your lunch and snack times sooo much fun! FunBites is a product that I ran across while perusing the Internet the other day and I am so happy I found them! They offer fun shaped food cutters that allow you to turn your food into fun shapes...which will totally "wow" your children. FunBites was invented by Bobbie Rhoads who is a mom that grew weary of constantly having to cut her children's food into small bite-sized pieces. Here is a bit more about Bobbie's story...

My name is Bobbie Rhoads. My husband and I have two girls...Jackie who is now 11 and Dylan who is 7. A few years ago we came up with FunBites®. Jackie has always been a great eater. She would eat pretty much whatever you gave her so long as the food was neat and organized. My little one, Dylan, was a different story. She was truly picky nicky - she liked the same food all the time, didn't like to try new things, unless it was junk food. 

At meals we would spend so much time cutting food into small shapes. Wouldn't it be easier if there was something we could just press down into their food and bippity boppity boo! would be made into bite-sized pieces? Maybe our kids would try new foods and eat better; maybe mealtime could be less stressful and more fun. Is that even possible?  

Welcome to FunBites. It cuts food into bite-sized shapes. FunBites® works on kid-friendly food from lunch meat and cheese to hamburgers, pancakes and fish. Jackie loves FunBites® because the food is cut neatly and evenly. Dylan finally eats her food, real food, not junk food. 

We just had to share FunBites® with you. Maybe you have a kid like ours or maybe you simply want to add a little more fun and simplicity to your kitchen. We hope FunBites® makes your mealtime more nutritious, a little easier and a lot more fun. 

FunBites® Bite-sized mealtime magic!

I was really excited about this product because I have small children and I too, am constantly cutting food into small pieces. Wouldn't it be great to have a tool that would cut your child's food into small pieces in one stroke? I say "yes!".
So, for this review I was sent a FunBites food cutter in the square shape. I had my choice of squares or hearts. This cutter is shaped perfectly for cutting sandwiches, cheese, pancakes, french toast, etc. There are easy to hold handles on either end, allowing you to cut food without touching the food itself.
There are two pieces...the cutter, and the popper top. The cutter obviously cuts the food. The popper top is inserted into the top of the cutter and pushes the food out of the cutter.
So, to use the FunBites cutter, place it on top of whatever you are wanting to cut. In the picture above, I am preparing to cut a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Next, you press down the cutter and rock it side to side 5-6 times. This ensures that you will cut through the food entirely. I was honestly concerned that I would have to peel the food on the outside off the cutter and that it would be a sticky mess.
However, I was very happy to see that the cutter completely and cleanly severed the inside of the sandwich away from the edges and I had no mess to clean up.
After you have cut the pieces, you insert the popper top and push out the pieces. I loved how each piece was the same size and were in nice, bite-sized pieces for my children. With the leftover crust pieces, I simply cut those up and served those to my children along with the other pieces, so there was no waste.  When it is time to clean up, you can hand-wash this BPA-free food cutter or toss it in the dishwasher. I used a small brush to clean the small openings and nothing stuck to the cutter at all. It was a breeze to clean!
Buy One of Each!
Each FunBites cutter can be purchased directly from the FunBites website and they retail for $12.99. You can get one of each (squares and hearts) together in a set for $22.00 too! Visit FunBites on Facebook and Twitter. You can also see what they are up to on Pinterest (my newest addiction hobby...ahem)

So, in my opinion...FunBites is a fantastic product! As a mom, I am always looking for creative ideas on how to make mealtime fun and this surely does the trick around my house! This would make a perfect holiday gift for anyone, especially for moms, grandparents or caretakers. Check FunBites out today!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free FunBites Food Cutter for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the FunBites website and email. Prize is being provided by the sponsor and shipped by myself. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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