Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 11, 2012

A Little Way To Thank Our Troops...

My brother was in the military for 8 years. I remember those years like it was yesterday. Because of his service overseas, he missed my wedding and that was a difficult thing for me. After he had joined the service we grew closer. We always had a good relationship, but didn't get close until he was gone. I guess it was the reality that there are some in the military who never return home and I was scared that he would be one of them. Fear can bring you closer to someone if you know you might never see them again.

Anyway, while he was gone I remember the one thing he craved was news from home. My mom often sent him military care packages with snacks, toiletries and other necessities. She always threw in some extra things for his platoon members and they always appreciated her thoughtfulness. When my brother would call home, I would take the phone into a different room of the house, snuggle up in a rocking chair and talk to him forever. I missed him so much. As my wedding grew closer and he was serving in Afghanistan, I realized that he was not coming home in time for my special day. On my wedding day, my thoughts were on my handsome groom...but also on my brave and strong brother. Oh, how I missed him.

Now that he is out of the service, he is married with two beautiful little girls. Out of habit, whenever I see a person in uniform, I try to thank them for their service. It isn't hard because I was there...I have deep respect and gratefulness in my heart for those who serve because I know the sacrifices that they make.
Thanks to Shutterfly, there is a Thank the Troops campaign running right now through Facebook that enables YOU to send a thank you card to a member of our military. This is such a fantastic really gives you a way to be a blessing to someone who is sacrificing so much. So, this Veteran's Day...take a minute and thank a veteran. Better yet, send a card to someone who is currently fighting for our freedom. It won't cost you a dime and believe me, they will be so grateful! Remember...all gave some but some gave all. Say THANK YOU!
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. However, I will be receiving free Shutterfly gift code in exchange for this post. All quotes and stock photos are from the Shutterfly website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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