Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2012

Renting Your College Books

Campus Book Rentals - your textbook alternative
Back when I was in college, I think the worst part about going to college was having to fork out outrageous amounts of money for books. The even more frustrating part was that some of those books WERE NEVER USED. When our book list was given to us (of required books for the semester), I always cringed. The thought always crossed my mind "How much is this going to cost me and am I even going to use it??" You see, I paid my own way through college and worked my tail off for every penny. This was why the college textbook issue was such a big deal to me. Too many times I would sit in class with my brand new book and throughout the semester, the professor would refer to the book several times but we were never required to read it, nor would we be tested on the material found in the book. Then, when the new semester would start, you couldn't get a used book because the publisher would change one word in the book and suddenly, it was no longer usable. So, selling my textbooks after I used them was pretty much out of the question. Now, I did sell some of them but didn't get near what I paid for them new.

So, for all of you "newbies" out there who are starting college, or are in the middle of your education, I wanted to tell you about CampusBookRentals. This website caters to the matter what stage of college you are in!

This is a fantastic option when thinking about buying about renting them? Here are some benefits of renting your books through CampusBookRentals:

-Save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-Free shipping both ways
-Can highlight in the textbooks
-Flexible renting periods

I can take so many things on that list and talk for hours about how great these benefits are. I love the idea that with CampusBookRentals you can actually highlight in the books without worrying about being penalized for "damaging" the book. I also love the fact that you get free shipping both ways so all you are paying for is the rental of the book itself.

Here is a brief video of how this cool site works...

One thing that CampusBookRentals does is donate to Operation Smile with each textbook that is rented. Operation Smile is a children's medical charity that helps children's smiles and improves the quality of their lives. I don't know if you have ever seen a child with a cleft palate but honestly, it is one of the saddest things to see...especially when it effects a child.
Operation Smile is a charity organization for children – donate non profit
When I was working, my boss was someone who had been born with a cleft lip and palate but her parents could afford to get her the medical help and attention she needed. Today, she is a beautiful woman who has minimal scarring and a gorgeous smile. Many children don't have the luxury of being able to be treated and that is where Operation Smile comes in. This is a truly wonderful work that CampusBookRentals donates to and one that I would be honored to be a part of...even if it was just a small part.

So, as you can see...renting books is definitely an affordable and fantastic option. I wish I had known about this company when I was in college years ago. It makes me ill thinking about all the money I wasted spent on my textbooks...most of which have either been thrown away or are now collecting dust. I am definitely going to share this information with my sister, who is a college student now.

Have you ever rented college textbooks? If so, I would love to hear your story and about your experience!!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post for CampusBookRentals. All opinions and thoughts are my own .

We Made It!

Yay! Hurricane Sandy just dumped a bunch of rain and wind on us. We made out very well and didn't experience any power outages either. We are very thankful...but are praying for those who weren't as fortunate as us. Believe me...I am VERY thankful.

Here is a little giggle for you. I cannot jog to save my life, so this is SO me! Tomorrow the gift guide starts so be on the lookout for some great reviews, giveaways and gift ideas!!

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2012

Preparing for "Frankenstorm"...a.k.a Hurricane Sandy

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that because there is a huge gigantic storm headed our way here in New York state (as you all probably know by now), I may be without power in the next day or so. I don't know how this storm will effect my area as I am in the far western portion of the state but I just wanted to let you all know that if you don't see a post for a day or two not to worry! I have scheduled posts for the weekend so if you don't see or hear from me before then, a power outage is probably the reason.

If you are in the storm's path and it has not hit yet, make sure you are all stocked up on your necessities...water, food, blankets, flashlights, batteries, etc. Be wise and don't know how much or how little of this storm you are going to get. Presently, we are experiencing high winds and lots of rain but that is about it. Thankfully, all the leaves are pretty much off our trees so that should help keep the trees standing.

Hope you all stay safe and hunker down as comfortably as you are able. See you soon! :)

Enjoying My Mommy Moments With Nescafe Memento & FREE SAMPLE

There are just a few things in life that I have just for me. My coffee is one of them. Every morning, after the children have been fed breakfast, are dressed and I have showered, I make a cup of coffee. It is something that I do that is exclusively for me. Not for the children or my husband but for me. My hubby doesn't drink coffee so he would not care anyway.
Caramel Latte Product Image
Recently, I saw that there was a product available from Nescafe' called Nescafe' Memento. Being that I love coffee, and enjoy flavored coffee the best, I was really excited about this product. Think about are preparing to embark on a busy day with three little ones. YOU need something that will give you a little boost and help you get through the day.
I first tried Nescafe' Memento when I requested a free sample. This Free Sample of Nescafe Memento is still available, in case you are interested. I am telling you...providing consumers with free samples WORKS because I have since purchased this product!! If I hadn't received a sample, I probably would have never tried it. My sample pack contained two packets, which was great. It also contained a coupon for $1 off a box, which I used when Nescafe' Memento was on sale at my grocery store.
My favorite has to be the Mocha. It froths so nicely and each sip has such great flavor. My children hover around my cup waiting for their sip (which sometimes I allow...just for fun) and they think it tastes pretty good too!
Because this coffee beverage comes in long, thin packages, I wanted to throw the idea out there that you can use these for stocking stuffers!!!  Tie a thin ribbon around several packets (mix and match the flavors) and stick them in your coffee lover's stocking this Christmas. Plus, these boxes retail for about $3.99 so you don't have to break the bank when buying stocking stuffers! What a great way to share this fantastic product with those that you love!
So, I just wanted to share this new product from Nescafe' with you all today. I am loving it and don't think that anyone should miss out on this one! In case you missed it before, head on over to their website and request your FREE SAMPLE today!!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I purchased my own product...and conducted this review after using the product. Some images and quotes are from the Nescafe' website. All thoughts and opinions are 100%  my own.

Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 10, 2012

Friendly Reminder :)

I just wanted to give you all a quick, gentle reminder about entering my giveaways. I am so thankful for all of my readers and YOU are what makes this blog the success that it is. 

I have been having to redraw winners recently because there have been some who just click through the Rafflecopter entries without doing any of the work associated with the entries. Friends, if you do this, you cannot win. I do verify all entries and if I draw your name and you have not done what I have asked, I have to re-draw a new winner. This is truly unfortunate but in order for this to work for everyone and be fair, only those who have done the entries properly are eligible to win if chosen. 

So, if you want to win, it is simple...follow the instructions and do what is expected for each entry. If you don't, you can't win! 
Thanks again for all of your entries and please stay tuned for the up-coming Holiday Gift Guide. I promise will be soooo much fun! I'm looking forward to offering you some fun and useful gift ideas for this up-coming Holiday Season!!

Free Folgers Gourmet Selections Coffee Sample!

Folgers Gourmet Selections FREE Sample of Folgers Gourmet Selections
I didn't post this when it first came out but there are still samples available! From the Folger's Facebook Page:

With so many exciting, indulgent flavors and roasts to choose from, now you can go gourmet every day.
And as a way of thanking our wonderful Facebook fans, we’re giving away a free sample of either our Traditional Blend or Vanilla Biscotti coffee.* Just click the "Like" button above to find out how you can get your free sample.

Sign up today to get your free sample...these probably won't last long so hurry hurry! The best part of waking getting a FREE Folgers Coffee Sample!! :)

FREE Cream of Wheat Chocolate Sample *LIVE NOW!*

Cream of Wheat FREE Cream of Wheat Chocolate Sample
Head on over to Cream of Wheat on Facebook and sign up for your Free Sample of Cream of Wheat Chocolate! Sounds YUMMY! They are giving away 10,000 samples so get your info in so you don't miss out!

Happy Not-So-Wordless Weekend!

Walkin' in Daddy's Shoes! :)

See You Monday!!

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 10, 2012

Tips for Managing and Alleviating Back Pain

As you all know from past posts, I have back issues. When your back is injured, you really are out of commission. My back injuries stem from several things...falling from a swing when I was a pre-teen and a car accident several years ago. It is really amazing to me how debilitating back pain can be...especially for someone who has never suffered from it before.
Because of the years I have had to deal with my health concerns I have learned how to make the best of the situations I find my self in and how to help alleviate my pain. I am going to share some of my tips with you all today in hopes it may help...some things you may already know and some may be new to you. Either way, I hope it helps!

1. Wear supportive shoes.
For years, I loved to wear high heels. I had a job as an administrative assistant which required me to dress up and there was a point in my life where "dressed up" meant nylons and high heels. Well, after wearing high heels for 4 years at my job, my back began to ache again. I kept reading about how you need to wear supportive shoes if you have back pain but I ignored what I read for the sake of fashion. Can I just say here that it isn't worth it? Wear shoes that have good soles in them and supportive arches. This may seem small, but it is important!

2. Watch your posture.
I tend to do a lot of sitting...especially when I am on the computer. I am also a nursing mother and am constantly holding children. So, whenever I plop down (which is something you should NOT do...sit down gently to avoid jarring your spine) I try to remember to have good posture. Your feet should always be flat on the floor, or sometimes depending on the type of injury you have, have a small stool under your desk to put them on. Make sure your spine is straight and try not to slump over. This will also help you to feel more energized and less groggy.

3. Find a supportive mattress.
I know, mattresses are EXPENSIVE. However, when your back hurts and you cannot sleep at night it probably is because your mattress is either worn out or not supportive enough. Several years ago my husband and I got a new mattress for our bed and when we were shopping for one, I don't know how many I laid on. Shopping for mattresses is so hard because you need to find one that meets your needs and not every mattress is right for everyone. So, having a good surface on which to sleep is KEY. If you can't sleep, you can't heal.

Those are just a few thoughts I had on managing back pain. Most if not all of these are ones that I have used through the years to help my back feel better. Hope there was something here that was of use to you!

This is a sponsored post for Healthy Back, however, all the points and views are my own.

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 10, 2012

"What Children Need to Learn to Read" Book Review & Giveaway (US & Canada)

Growing up, I was home-schooled from about first grade until graduation. If you were to ask me today what I thought of being home-schooled, I would tell you that I loved every minute of it (well, there were a few moments I didn't enjoy but overall, it was a wonderful experience).  My mother had her hands full but did an amazing job teaching her six children. All of us made it to graduation and most of us have either graduated college or are on the brink of graduation college. We did well and could not have done it without a mom who truly loved us enough to sacrifice her time to teach us.  So, it is no wonder that I plan on homeschooling my children. My oldest child, Hannah, just turned 4 and she is one smart 4 year old. From the time she was able to sit up, she was so inquisitive and loved books, blocks and anything that kept her mind busy. I have really been looking forward to starting school with her.
"What Children Need to Learn to Read" is a book from Learners Lane that is hot off the presses and it is a fantastic resource for parents with young children. This book was written by Michelle Vallene and she is a mom who, with the help of another mom were searching for better ways to help their children learn how to read. Those of you who have tried to help children read know how children NEED motivation and this book teaches you how to do this. Here is a bit more about Michelle...
Michelle Vallene, the President and founder of Learners Lane and the author of “What Children Need to Learn to Read”, is also a busy parent with three children. She currently teaches reading and math at an elementary school in Redmond, WA. She believes strongly in the impact that education, teachers, and parents have on the future. She continues to develop products and services that make the world a better place, one child at a time.

Because Michelle is a teacher, she is more than qualified to author this book...she knows what she is doing! She is probably just like my mom; a ready resource any time I have a question about teaching! :) 
So, for this review I received the "What Children Need to Learn to Read" book and I was very excited to read through and see what Michelle's tips are. Not only do I have a 4 year old, I also have a 2 year old who hates to be left out of anything. When I am teaching Hannah Pre-K, Jacob is usually right next to me looking for things to do too. Even if I just give him a piece of paper and a pen, he is content to be a little scribbler. Jacob is also not talking clearly and I have heard that reading to children can really improve their speech skills. So, we real LOADS of books. 
That is what this book is all about. It teaches you, as a parent, how to effectively create a solid foundation for your child's reading skills. You know where it all starts? When your child is an infant. Michelle's book focuses on children ages birth through the early grades so it is never too early to start teaching reading skills. It is important to not worry about whether they can understand the words...explain the pictures, use voice inflections, and be expressive. 
Another way Michelle teaches parents how to work with their children is to use hands-on projects. Kids do a ton of learning with their hands and touch is very effective when it comes to learning. In "What Children Need to Learn to Read", there are a whole bunch of ideas on how you can teach your child their letters and numbers. My favorite is the one pictured above...using shaving cream. It lets the child use their hands, and allows you to instruct in a way that will hold their attention.
This book also contains a plethora of helpful information including check lists, age-appropriate tips, techniques and activities to keep your little ones busy throughout the day. I find some days I really need extra activities to keep my children occupied and this book would solve a lot of our boredom problems.
"What Children Need to Learn to Read" comes with a music CD that has rhymes  poems and songs for children to sing along with. Honestly, I didn't care for the CD. The music really got on my nerves as the music accompaniment was mainly tom-tom-type drum music. It just wasn't my style and I found it rather boring.
"What Children Need to Learn to Read" is available for purchase from Amazon for $14.95. You can also order it through Learners Lane.

So, in my opinion...I LOVE this book! "What Children Need to Learn to Read" is very well-written and very easy to understand. No matter how young your child is, they can learn the foundational skills needed to read and write and this book will help you teach them how! I find it very practical and also very fun for the children. I am not naturally a creative person so I NEED this book.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free book for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Learners Lane website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2012

Renew Your Skin For The Holidays...With Mary Kay!

I don't know about you but I sure enjoyed this past summer. It was very hot (which isn't my favorite) but also had a nice blend of cool days that were thrown in here and there, making it a gorgeous summer. If you noticed, we received very little rain which turned everything brown...except those plants that were lucky enough to have a refreshing shower from a sprinkler. The sun really does a number on the vegetation but it also does a number on your skin! After a long summer your skin can become rough, dry and wrinkled and this is no way to start the holiday season!!
So, to combat the "summer skin" syndrome that we summer-lovin' women suffer from, Mary Kay has recently introduced a fantastic line of skin renewal products that will get your skin in tip top shape...just in time for the holidays!

Here is a quick summary of this new line and some information on what it could do for your skin!

Mary Kay®  TimeWise Repair™ is powered by Mary Kay’s exclusive TimeWise Repair™ Volu-Firm™ Complex, a formula containing biomimetic peptides, hyaluronic acid booster and plant stem cells, to support skin repair while providing youthful firmness and lift. Each of the five products works to target aging skin by increasing cell renewal and elasticity and promoting the production of collagen. Restore what was lost and lift away the years with this scientifically innovative regimen that proves it’s never too late to rescue skin from the damage of the past and recapture a vision of youthfulness.

  • The look of deep lines and wrinkles is reduced
  • Lifted facial contours are restored.
  • Youthful volume is recaptured.
  • Even skin tone is revealed.
  • Vital moisture is replenished.
I love it...reduce, restore, recapture, reveal and replenish. Sounds like a real recipe for success, doesn't it? 
So, for this review I was sent four of the five products that are in this collection. I was sent:

I was very excited to try these products out as I have tried the TimeWise line before and love what it does for my skin. The first products I tried were the TimeWise Repair™ Volu-Firm™ Night Treatment With Retinol and the TimeWise Repair™ Volu-Firm™ Day Cream Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30. I had a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to get the cream out. 
There was a diagram on the inside of the packaging that demonstrated pressing down on the top of the container but I didn't see how the cream would come out. Well, after some fiddling around it did come out and I thought the idea was a good one...once I figured it out! Ha ha! The night cream is refreshes and renews your skin while you sleep and feels sooo good. I have always thought that my face was oily but after using this cream, it really felt nourished and soft...not greasy. Using the day cream was also delightful. It contains sunscreen so if you go outside (the sun can still be dangerous, even in the cooler weather!) you can still protect your skin. It also evens out skin tone and can reduce redness, sagging and wrinkles!
I am really loving the TimeWise Repair™ Volu-Firm™ Lifting Serum. This serum is creamy/gel-like in texture and is very smooth. It also smells really pretty. The purpose of this serum is to help firm and lift the skin. Typically, the main of our body (that never needs to be covered) that needs a "lift" is our neck, as skin can get saggy in that area. So, all you do is apply it morning and night by smoothing it over your face and neck, working in a circular motion for the face and an up and down motion for the neck. 
Last but not least, I tried the TimeWise Repair™ Volu-Firm™ Eye Renewal Cream. I really think that the applicator tip on this product is wonderful. You squeeze a bit of the cream out onto the tip and then place the applicator on your skin directly under your eye. Starting at the side of your eye closest to your nose, smooth the cream under your eyes, avoiding the inner corner of your eye. The result of using this cream should make your eyes look reawakened and lifted. We can all use a product like this to help our eyes look better. (I know I can use son is NOT sleeping through the night and so I am pretty sleepy in the mornings!)

Each of these products can be found on Mary Kay's website and you can also find a beauty consultant near you to order from as well. Also, to keep up with Mary Kay and their always growing and always changing beauty product inventory, be sure to follow them on Facebook!
So, in my opinion...this Time-Wise Repair Volu-Firm line is wonderful! I am really looking forward to the long-term results of using these products. My skin can only get better and that is all thanks to Mary Kay. I would definitely recommend this product to any woman out there looking to improve her skin and get gorgeous for the holidays! 

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mary Kay Beauty products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mary Kay website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Creative Ways to Tell Your Family You Are Pregnant!

Ever since Greg and I have been married, we have wanted children. We waited a year before trying to get pregnant with our first baby and it only took a month of trying. I remember taking that pregnancy test and the thrill I felt deep in my heart when it was positive. The month was December and we were a few days away from Christmas. It was about six in the morning and I was getting ready for work. I took the test and when I saw the plus sign, I snapped a picture of the test with my phone and ran in to show hubby (who was snoozing peacefully). His response was typical of him..."Oh wow." He really was excited, it just had not hit him yet. So, the fun began of trying to figure out how to tell our families. It would have been interesting to go to a flower shop indianapolis to purchase flowers and somehow tell them that way, don't you think? We scratched the flower idea and instead, thought about the idea of buying a piece of baby clothing so we ended up buying baby hats and wrapping them up for Christmas for our moms. Boy, were they surprised!!!
My mom finding out she was going to be a grandma!

Fast forward to several years later. Our daughter had just turned one and we found out a month after her first birthday that we were expecting our second baby. So, the planning about how to tell our families began once again. This is SO MUCH FUN!! I needed to be a bit more creative as they already knew how we announced our first pregnancy. What I did this time was to buy a plain onesie for Hannah. Then, I used fabric paint and wrote "Big Sister In Training!" on the front. I had to keep this pregnancy a secret for awhile as we didn't want to tell the family until Thanksgiving. So, as tradition has it, on Thanksgiving day before we eat our meal, we go around the table and every one tells what they are thankful for. When it got to Hannah's turn, I stood up and unbuttoned her jumper. No one could figure out what I was doing until they saw her shirt. WOW. It was SO fun!!
Hannah's shirt announcing her new role in life! :)

Then, last year in August we found out we were expecting our third blessing. Oh boy. How were we going to reveal our good news now??? I was once again forced to be a bit creative and here is what we did. We were invited to my mom's house for Sunday dinner and my mom had just returned from a three week vacation out west. I was horribly sick with this pregnancy and just couldn't keep it secret any longer. So, we went to the store before going to mom's house and purchased a huge bouquet of fall colored flowers. Then, I got a cute baby card and put a sonogram picture inside. My mom had NO CLUE. She opened the card and when she saw the picture, she was so thrilled! What an amazing feeling it is to surprise your family with news of a new baby. 
PS- and for those of you who are wondering, NO we are not expecting at this time...that I know of. LOL! :)

This is a sponsored post for Andrew’s Florist, however, all the points and views are my own.

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2012

Be a Wholly Hero!

As you have seen here many times, my family loves Wholly Guacamole products. Guacamole itself...we're working on that. I know it is soo healthy for us and so we are trying to get used to it. However, we LOVE the salsa that Wholly Guacamole makes.
I just wanted to take a quick minute today to let you know about a promotion that Wholly Guacamole has going on right now and it ends this week. Wholly Guacamole recognizes the sacrifice that military families make when one or both parents are enlisted. Because of this huge sacrifice and all the memories that are lost,  Wholly Guacamole wants to send military kids to a special camp...but they need YOUR help!
This camp, called Operation Purple Camp is a special camp that will help children during the difficult times in their lives when they are separated from their parent(s). Here is a brief video of what this program is all about...

So, what YOU can do to become involved in this great cause is purchase a T-shirt that has been designed by Brad Meltzer. These shirts come in different sizes and by wearing one, you can support this endeavor to give military families the memories that they deserve so much.
These shirts are just $10 and every bit of that goes to the kids! This is your LAST WEEK to purchase a shirt so please, check out the Wholly Heroes website to make your purchase today and become a HERO in a very special way.

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I will be receiving  Wholly Guacamole coupons for review purposes. All quotes are from the Wholly Guacamole Heroes website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 10, 2012

Mary Kay Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month {Review & Giveaway}

So, not only is October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. These are two very powerful problems that our society is facing today and it's time to focus our attention on finding solutions to these problems. I have been focusing on Breast Cancer Awareness but today, I am going to draw your attention to a silent epidemic that is sweeping our towns, cities and country. Domestic Violence. I have never been a victim of this but know of some women who have been victims. Watching them suffer is one of the most helpless feelings that I have ever had. They feel trapped and most of them feel that they are the cause for the abuse that they suffer. Their abuser has brainwashed them into feeling that way and it needs to stop!!
Learn about Mary Kay’s industry alliances who serve as key advisors to Mary Kay research scientists.
For the past 4 years, Mary Kay has donated  millions of dollars from the worldwide sales of Beauty That Counts®. Their donations go to causes that change the lives of women and children everywhere who are affected by domestic violence...which I think is wonderful. Mary Kay has some of the best makeup products that I have ever used and they are a huge favorite for me.

Here is a bit more about today's promotion from Mary Kay...

Mary Kay Ash emphasized the importance of giving back. That’s why we are committed to changing the lives of women and children around the world. Like giving orphaned children a reason to smile, victims of domestic violence a chance to heal and cancer sufferers hope for tomorrow. You can help others through your purchase of limited-edition† Beauty That Counts® Mary Kay® NouriShine Plus® Lip Gloss. Loaded with benefits, this lightweight gloss delivers ultimate shine.
So, for today's review I was sent Mary Kay's two newest Beauty That Counts NouriShine Plus Lip Glosses. When you purchase these glosses, Mary Kay will donate $1 from your purchase to The Mary Kay Foundation in an effort to end domestic violence. The colors are called Inspiring (pearl) and Possibilities (pink).
Both of these NouriShine Lip Glosses are gorgeous. They both have a glittery shimmer to them and really add a lovely sparkle to your lips.
I really love Inspiring...the whitish colored gloss. This one is a translucent pearl shimmer shade and looks clear with shimmer and the shimmer looks pink. Really pretty!! I tried to get a picture of the shimmer but the light reflection made it almost impossible. Take my word for it looks amazing!
The applicator is a small brush that you use to apply the gloss to your lips. You only need a small amount too as a little goes a long way.
On each of the caps, you will see the words "Thank You" in different languages, which is really neat. It's just Mary Kay's little way of showing their appreciation for your donation to this wonderful cause. Each Beauty That Counts NouriShine Plus Lip Gloss retails for $14 and you can purchase directly from their website, or find a beauty consultant near you.

So, in my opinion...Mary Kay's Beauty That Counts NouriShine Plus Lip Gloss is wonderful! I love how it feels so glossy and smooth on my lips. More importantly, I love how Mary Kay cares for those who have been victimized by Domestic Violence. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to donate to this wonderful cause by purchasing these lip glosses.
I was sent a gorgeous, Mary Kay branded clutch with several Mary Kay beauty products (including Possibilities NouriShine Lip Gloss!) inside to give away to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mary Kay Beauty products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mary Kay website and email. Prize is being provided by the sponsor and shipped by myself. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.