Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 10, 2012

Prevagen Review & Giveaway {US & Canada}

I am sad to say, that I am now out of my 20's. I am (*sniff*) no longer a young person. Some of you would disagree, saying that I am not old but some days, I feel absolutely ancient. One of the things that I find myself  wishing I could get back is my sharp memory. I have a very good memory but not as good as it used to be! It is so funny because I find that when I am expecting, my brain loves to go on vacation. After baby is born, I suffer from "mommy brain". The fogginess, grogginess and inability to think straight are all symptoms of being a new mother. Lack of sleep and age all contribute to this and, while I LOVE having children, I miss my sleep and sharp brain. My husband has also been noticing the effects of getting older...he commented to me the other day that he sometimes has a hard time remembering things. I hear it all the time: "Honey? Have you seen my _______?" Or, "Where did I leave the _________?" Sound familiar? Well, if so, I have a product to introduce to you today that could help revive your memory and help you feel like your brain hasn't really gone on vacation for good!
Prevagen is a dietary supplement that is manufactured by Quincy Bioscience. Here is a bit more about Prevagen...

Prevagen contains the ingredient apoaequorin, a unique protein originally obtained from a specific species of jellyfish called Aequorea victoria found in the Puget Sound. Apoaequorin is a well-matched replacement for the same proteins that are diminished in the aging process.

Prevagen is very safe and extremely well-tolerated. Prevagen is an all-natural product with no harmful side effects and there are no known contraindications with any supplements or medications.

I know for a fact that oils obtained from fish can be very good for your health and I already take fish based supplements for my immune system. So, it is no wonder that jellyfish can contribute to mental health and better brain function. Because the brain is such an important organ in our body, it is sooo vital that we take care of it as well as we do the rest of ourselves. It can easily be forgotten (no pun intended) and we can neglect it's care and maintenance.
So, for this review I was sent a bottle of Prevagen to try. Because I am breastfeeding and haven't had a chance to check with my doctor, I have not taken Prevagen yet. From what I have heard, it should post no problems for me but I am really careful about what supplements I take when breastfeeding so I will be checking with my doctor before trying it. However, I have been giving it to my husband. He is a systems analyst and sits in front of a computer all day long. I obviously have seen him come home completely "brain fried" and was wondering how Prevagen would work for him.
Prevagen comes in gel caps and they are very easy to swallow. My husband hates taking pills but these posed no problems for him. Another thing I liked about these pills is that they do not smell fishy at all. Sometimes I find that fish-based supplements can smell fishy. These don't, which is nice. My husband hasn't seen a noticeable difference yet in his memory and brain sharpness but has only been taking Prevagen for a short time. We are both looking forward to seeing the results after he has taken it for a full month!
There is much more information about Prevagen on their website, including pricing information, research and testimonials. One month supply of Prevagen retails for $59.99 and they do offer a 100% money back guarantee.

So, in my opinion...Prevagen is a wonderful resource for anyone who is looking to improve their memory and brain function. I love how you know exactly what you are ingesting when you take this supplement and that it is actually helping to improve your thinking. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Prevagen for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Prevagen website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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