Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2012

Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Minerals Review & Giveaway {US & Canada}

I am a huge fan of vitamins. I have been taking vitamins for years for my Lupus and Hypothyroidism and let me tell you...vitamins WORK. My mom is the one that I thank for my stance on taking supplements for my health as that is the way she has lived her life. Her health was not good for several years and it was the vitamins that got her back to good health...not medications. Now that I am a mother, I am adamant about my children taking their vitamins. Every day, Hannah and Jacob come running to me after breakfast asking for their "bitamins". :) This makes my mommy heart VERY happy...especially when they are staying healthier than others.
Today, I am going to introduce you to Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Minerals, which can be taken by either adults or children. This liquid and mineral supplement was created by a man named Charles Van Kessler who was raised in a state run orphanage in Amsterdam, Holland during World War II because most of his family was lost during the war. After enduring abuse and living on flower bulbs, he ran away at the age of 12. Here is more of his story...
In 1964, I came to America suffering the effects of a malnourished mind and body.  I began studying nutrition and vitamins in the quest to enhance my own body and mind, but became totally disillusioned after spending hundreds of dollars a month on hard vitamin pills with very little health improvement to show for it – and only to find that 10-12% of the vitamin pills are absorbed by the body – the rest is excreted when you go to the bathroom.  I vowed one day to make a comprehensive liquid vitamin product that would take the guesswork out of it for the confused people I saw wandering through vitamin aisles in health food stores.  I also wanted to make the product affordable, so I decided to become a consumer-direct company to keep the costs down. 

After working on the product for 10 years, Passion 4 Life was finally born in 2005.  Because of its liquid delivery, we have scientific proof that up to 98% of our product is absorbed directly into the bloodstream within 3 minutes after ingestion, revitalizing our hundred-trillion cells in the body.  Therefore, Passion 4 Life was created from my own struggle in life and my own needs.  It now has become my personal passion to help you become healthier as well.  

The name of the product "Passion 4 Life" says it all. Your health is our passion. It was chosen to reflect the enthusiasm and passion with which I live each day. My desire for each of you is that you also "live your life with passion".

What I really appreciate about this product is that the creator worked on perfecting it for over 10 years...this means that he cared about how it would work and truly wanted to help others have better quality of life. So, I was very interested in trying out Passion 4 Life.
So, for this review I was sent two bottles of Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Minerals to try. Before I tried this supplement, I read the ingredients and I was impressed. Check out the ingredient list...
Also, it is good to know that Passion 4 Life is gluten-free, soy-free, wheat-free, dairy-free and does not contain caffeine, any added or refined sugar, artificial flavors or colors. So if you are on a restricted diet, there is a good chance this could be a good supplement for always, check with your doctor if you are unsure. :)
For an adult, you can take two tablespoons or a cap full of this liquid. That is what I did. Then, I added it to apple juice. I did this only because I have a hard time taking liquid supplements straight (and it is suggested on the bottle that you can take it with water or juice.).
The flavor was very good...I actually felt like it would be something that my children would enjoy. So, today I put a child's dose (1 tsp.) into their juice today and I made sure they saw me do it. I want them to SEE that I am giving them something that is good for them and they don't know that it is loaded with beneficial vitamins and minerals...because it tastes GOOD.
I would also like to take some time to tell you about Passion 4 K.I.D.S. (Kids In Desperate Situations). This non-profit organization is partially funded by Passion 4 Life and it is a fantastic organization. They help children who are going through very difficult situations in their lives and make sure they are taken care of and loved. Here is a bit more about Passion 4 K.I.D.S.

Passion 4 K.I.D.S. (Kids In Desperate Situations) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dealing with homeless, neglected, abandoned, abused and underprivileged children of any race, color and creed as well as children in emergency situations. When he met his bride in 2001 in San Diego, together with his wife Linda, they developed the charity into a more active organization. With Linda being a mentor for the San Diego County Foster Youth Program, Charles' and Linda's love for children makes it a perfect fit to expand their meaningful humanitarian mission. Charles and Linda believe in having a very hands-on approach both in the day to day operations of the charity as well as the lives of the children they work with.  Passion 4 K.I.D.S. donates Passion 4 Life liquid vitamins to quadriplegic, autistic and ADD/ADHD children who can’t afford it.  Linda also mentors foster youth in San Diego and, together with Charles, spends many weekends taking these children on fun one-on-one outings so they can bring joy, love and stability to these turbulent young lives.  They build lasting relationships with the children which continue long after the children leave the Foster Youth Program.  In addition, Passion 4 K.I.D.S. raises funds for children in acute, life-threatening situations.
I would strongly encourage you to visit Passion 4 K.I.D.S. and "meet" some of their children. They are all so precious and their stories are incredible. If you feel so inclined, please make a small donation so this charity can keep going and making children's lives beautiful.

Passion 4 Life can be purchased directly from their website and can be purchased in either single bottles or multiple packages. You can also sign up for monthly shipments if you find you really love it and want to continue taking it.
So, in my opinion...Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Minerals is very tasty and I am excited to see how it benefits me long-term. My children like the flavor and because they don't eat a lot of veggies, I know that they are getting their nutrients from this supplement. As a mom, this is very important and I am happy that I have something to give them to keep them healthy.

Passion 4 Life has offered to give away a month's supply (full bottle) of  Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Minerals to one of my readers! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Passion 4 Life Vitamins for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Passion 4 Life website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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