Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 2, 2012

WIN Mary Kay Botanical Effects Skin Care + Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}

As you all can probably tell by now, I am a Mary Kay fan. I use their products, promote their products and tell everyone about them! This blog has become a wonderful platform for promoting Mary Kay and I am really pleased to once again bring you a review of a new skin care line from Mary Kay that I LOVE! The month of February marks the kick-off of the brand new Mary Kay Botanical Effects Skin Care Line...products that will be sure to make your skin smile!
Before I do that, I want to let you all know of a special sweepstakes that Mary Kay is hosting from now until February 29th. You only have a few days left so get your entries in TODAY!! This sweepstakes is in celebration of the Botanical Effects Skin Care and here is all you need to do to enter:

~ "Like" Mary Kay on Facebook
~ Click "Enter" on the Fresh Face Sweepstakes Banner

The winner of this awesome sweepstakes will receive an entire line of Mary Kay Botanical Effects Skin Care products in their skin type. They will also receive the Fresh Face Look of their choice. For more details, visit the Mary Kay Facebook page. I hope one of you win!!! :)


I am currently in my 30th week of pregnancy and am loving it! I do have some morning sickness still, but I know that it will be short-lived and we are excitedly awaiting our new arrival! Due to being sick and being a busy mommy I NEED some "me time" in my day. Do you all know what I am talking about? I need time to sit back, relax, take a nap or pamper myself. It doesn't happen very often but I do find that when the children are napping, that is my "me time". 
So, in honor of pampering myself I agreed to review this new Botanical Effects Skin Care Line from Mary Kay. The Botanical Effects Skin Care Line comes in formulas for three different skin types: Oily, Normal or Dry. Because my skin is so undecided as to what it wants to be right now, I chose to go with the Oily formula. 
Nap time rolled around recently and I decided to duck into the bathroom for a bit of pampering. :) The first thing that I used was "Cleanse" Botanical Effects, a facial cleanser. This is a cleansing gel that gently cleanses pores and purifies your skin...which is something that I desperately need in my beauty regimen. 

When I finished with the cleansing of my skin, I then chose "Freshen" Botanical Effects, which is a spray that is applied directly to a cotton ball and smoothed onto my face. This spray helps to minimize the appearance of pores, remove excess oil and clarify the skin without drying it out. 
Next, I wanted to see what the "Mask" Botanical Effects was like so I applied that to my skin. Honestly, I did not take a picture of me with the mask on, as I did not want to scare you all away!! This clay-based mask dries very quickly once applied and is meant to cleanse the skin of environmental impurities while controlling excess oil and refining your pores. I was really impressed with how soft my skin was once I removed the mask 10 minutes after applying it! Immediately after rinsing this mask off my skin, I applied the "Hydrate" Botanical Effects product, which is just like a lotion. It went on smooth and really REALLY made my face feel pampered. I am not a huge lotion user on my face, but I can see myself using this daily.

The other really great thing about the Mary Kay Botanical Effects Skin Care Line is that no matter which product you use, none of them contain synthetic dyes or fragrances. They are also hypo-allergenic beauty products, which is wonderful...especially for those of you who have sensitive skin!

Before I wrap this up, here is a quick introductory video from Mary Kay about this stunning new line!

I LOVE it!! I am so glad that Mary Kay has such a refreshing line of products for us! Prices vary per item within the Botanical Effects Skin Care Line so check out Mary Kay's website for complete listing of prices.
So, in my opinion...Mary Kay Botanical Effects Skin Care is a wonderful line of products! I loved how each of them felt on my skin and really refreshed me after using them. When it comes to caring for my skin, I want the very best and am so glad that Mary Kay has offered this new line. I definitely feel like I am giving my skin a spa treatment!!

Mary Kay has offered to give away a sampling of three Fresh Face Look products (winner's choice of line...any two eye colors and a mascara.). They would also like to give the winner Mary Kay Mineral Eye Colors in Sweet Cream and Emerald as well as a Lash Love Mascara. the value of these items is $28. Here are your entry options!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mary Kay Botanical Effects Skin Care products for review purposes from Mary Kay. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mary Kay website and email. Prize is being shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 2, 2012

Tropical Traditions Raw Honey Review & Giveaway (CLOSED)

I have always grown up on raw honey. My parents live on 30+ acres in the country and for as long as I can remember, have been given raw honey. The reason for this is because there is a beekeeper who places his hives on my parent's property as it is surrounded by fields and fruit orchards. As we all know, bees LOVE wild flowers, tree blossoms and other vegetation that is found in the country. In exchange for keeping the bees on my mom and dad's property, the beekeeper gives them honey...raw clover honey. Because of this, I have never tasted store bought honey until I was married. There is just something so pure, wild and rich about raw can one go back to store brands after tasting the "real" thing? 
It is no surprise to me that Tropical Traditions carries Organic Canadian Raw Honey. With their wonderful product line, this is just one more luscious product that they offer to those of us looking to go organic and healthy in our lifestyles.

Tropical Traditions Organic Raw Honey is straight from the frontier areas of Canada and is only harvested 6 weeks during the summer months. Here is a bit more about this delectable treat...

In order for honey to be certified organic, the beehives must be placed in isolated areas miles from the dense population, industry, traffic congestion, and farm fields treated with chemicals and landfills. Second, a bee’s flying range is determined by their natural instinct which tells them to stay within their natural four mile range from the hive location. Finding area which can be certified organic is extremely difficult, which is why there are so few certified organic honeys on the market. Tropical Traditions sources its honey from hives in the wild frontier areas of Canada.

These regions are a rich source of wild vegetation that produce some of the finest honey in the world. The USDA and Canadian Organic Certification implies a rigorous set of standards and conditions that must be adhered to by both the producer (beekeeper) and the packager. All aspects of the honey production including the source of the nectar, forage area of the bees, management of the bees, extracting process, transportation, “lot” management, processing temperature, integrity (no co-mingling with non-organic honey), screening, and, packaging materials, are taken into account in the certification process.

As someone who has grown up on raw honey, I can tell you that honey from different flowers tastes different. Because most beekeepers focus on one type of honey, you can really see the difference. Color, texture and flavor are all effected when you take into consideration the location from which the honey has come.
So, for this review I was sent a 17 ounce jar of Organic Canadian Raw Honey. Right away, I noticed that the color was very light. It is almost white. When you think of honey, you probably picture clear and golden honey. This is not like that at all.
As you can see, this honey is not liquefied. The reason for this is because the honey has not been heated or processed...resulting in the crystallized form that you see in the jar. I am used to this, just not THIS crystallized.
To liquefy my honey so I could taste it, I just scooped some out of the jar and placed it in a mug. Then, I heated it for a few seconds. The above photo shows what it looks like prior to heating.
Once it was heated I was really shocked at how creamy it was. I am not used to my honey being like this and it was a very pleasant surprise. I put some butter on a slice of bread and topped it with some of this honey and my, oh my...what a TREAT!!!
The flavor was rich, creamy and sweet. I also gave some to my daughter, who is 3 and loves honey as well, and she ate it right up!

This Organic Canadian Raw Honey from Tropical Traditions comes in either the jar size like I received for $12.99, or you can purchase it in a 15 pound bucket for $135.99. If you consume a lot of honey (and I know people who do), this is a really great deal for you.

So, in my opinion...Tropical Traditions Organic Canadian Raw Honey is wonderful! I love how it is CREAMY and tastes sooo great. My children also loved it and I feel really great about giving them something that is organic and good for them.
Tropical Traditions has offered to give away a jar of this honey to one of my readers!! Yay!! Here are your entry options! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Raw Honey for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Tropical Traditions website and email. Prize is being shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2012

Peter Rabbit Organics Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}

Right now, my youngest child is going on 20 months old. He really is not a picky eater...except for when it comes to vegetables. The other night I served up a really yummy dinner with mixed vegetables and of course (like a good mom...ha ha) I had to offer him some even though I knew he would not eat them. As I suspected he did try them but spit each and every veggie out. I didn't know this until I took his bib off and saw the half-chewed veggies in the pocket of the bib. Rats. But, I tried! If you were to offer him any other type of food, he probably would have eaten it but for some reason he just doesn't care for the vegetables. I am not sure why he despises them now...I always gave him veggies when he was a baby and he ate them with no problem at all!! Hmm...must be the fussy stage setting in now.
Well, if you have a picky eater and are trying to find a way to get those much needed fruits and veggies into their diet you need not look any further! Peter Rabbit Organics gets babies and kids their nutrients...the fun way and the healthy way! Here is a little bit more about this company before I get going on my review...

We make delicious, organic fruit snacks and veggie blends.  Our fruit pouches are loved by all ages, and our veggie blends are gulped down by hungry little ones. We use the squeezy pouches to make eating healthy food easy and fun....

When we started Peter Rabbit Organics we made 3 promises: that everything we make would always be 100% organic, 100% healthy (no added sugar, no added salt and nothing artificial) and always taste 100% delicious.

I love how this company really does offer organic foods for all ages! It really puts my mind at ease when I know my children are not getting all the additives, chemicals and preservatives that are found in most "fun foods" for them.
So, for this review I was sent three pouches of food to offer my children and I have to admit...I was not sure they would like them. I was sent:

Strawberry and Banana
Pea, Spinach and Apple
Mango, Banana and Orange

The one I was most concerned about was the green one...yep, the Pea, Spinach and Apple. When my son refused his dinner tonight, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try these new foods out. Because he is on a solids diet, I wasn't sure if he would take to the pureed foods. But, much to my surprise...he LOVED them! Here is his experience in pictures...
Ok what is this stuff?
First taste...he is thinking about whether or not he likes it.
BINGO!! See the smile??? He ate the whole pouch! :) YAY!
Not only did he eat the entire pouch of Strawberry and Banana, he wanted more so I gave him the Spinach, Peas and Apple pouch next. Guess what?!? He ate that too...ALL of it! :) This momma was thrilled! I just wish I had more to give him.
Then, when my three year old saw him eating something yummy, of course she wanted to try some too! So, I gave her the Mango, Banana and Orange to try. She ate almost all of it and we stuck the rest in the fridge for another day. She liked it very much...and here is her smile to prove it!
So, if my children loved these pouches from Peter Rabbit Organics, I just KNOW yours will love them too!!!

You can find Peter Rabbit Organics at a multitude of retailers...specifically natural food stores and online retailers as well. Check out the "where to buy" tab on their website to find a location near you. Each pouch retails for about $1.50 or you can buy a larger quantity if you wish.
So, in my opinion...Peter Rabbit Organics is a wonderful company! If you have a picky eater, no matter what their age, you will be sure to find a yummy and healthy snack option among Peter Rabbit Organic's fruit and veggies pouches. I was thrilled that my children enjoyed them and am definitely going to think about getting more for them.

Peter Rabbit Organics has offered to give one of my readers aa assorted 12-pack case of these pouches! Woo Hoo!! This is a great opportunity for you to see for yourself why this company is soooo amazing!! Here are your entry options...


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Peter Rabbit Organic Food Pouches for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Peter Rabbit Organics website and email. Prize is being shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

What I Look For As A New Employee

Back in my days of being an administrative assistant, I remember well what I was looking for when I was job searching. It was not easy to try to find a position that I wanted partly because I was picky about the type of job I would secure. There are so many things that I was looking for in a job but I will tell you that the first thing I wanted was flexible hours. Because I was still a college student, I needed something that would accommodate my busy school schedule. Also, due to my church schedule I needed Sunday off as well as Wednesday night. These types of needs really narrowed my search down greatly.
The next thing that I was looking for was a great benefits package. I was still living at home at the time but wanted to start a 401K and I was also looking to get better benefits than I had with my dad's insurance. This was also a difficult hurdle to maneuver because most employers do not have really wonderful benefits and it is hard to qualify for benefits when you are just starting out.

Next, I really wanted a smaller and more intimate work environment. I wanted to be able to know all of my co-workers without getting lost in a corporate environment. Because I am a people person, I was very interested in a close-knit group of people. It also really interested me to have an employer who cared about their employees and wanted their feedback. I do think it would have been pretty neat for my employer to give an employee survey to see if their employees were really happy with how they were taken care of. To me, that would have shown that they really do care about what people think and want to make changes if necessary.

So, there you have "must haves" for a new job. I probably will not be entering the work force anytime soon but if I do, you can be sure that these are the things I will be focusing on.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.

Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 2, 2012

Valentine's Day Gift Guide ~ Green Mountain Coffee Review & Giveaway


If you are running out of ideas for Valentine's Day gifts, have you thought about treating your Valentine to a special breakfast? Maybe even breakfast in bed!! that is something that I would love. :) I remember as a child making my mom breakfast in bed. Oh my, the things we would think of to put on her tray! I think we included foods like Pringles, toast, cereal, juice, eggs, etc. Looking back, she was always sooo gracious and would never complain about the menu (even when we poured the milk on her cereal 1/2 hour before we took the tray to her.). Bless her heart. :) I cannot remember the last time I got breakfast in bed; usually I am up getting the children breakfast before hubby wakes up so I have yet to experience this! If I were to be treated to such a luxury, I know I would want a nice hot cup of coffee on my tray. So, if you are looking to surprise your Valentine with a special morning, I have a wonderful coffee company to introduce you to today! They will get you on the right track if you are looking for the perfect cup of coffee.
Green Mountain Coffee is a company that caters to the coffee and hot beverage fan. They have everything from Keurig Brewers to spiced cider. Also, they carry a multitude of varieties of coffees and gifts. Here is a bit more about this company...

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. (GMCR) was founded in 1981 as a small café in Waitsfield, Vermont. In 1993, the Company went public (NASDAQ: GMCR) and that same year made an early investment in Keurig, Incorporated. GMCR acquired the remainder of Keurig in 2006 and the combined company is changing the way North America prepares its beverages both at home and in the workplace with its Keurig® Single-Cup Brewing System. Today, GMCR is recognized as a leader in specialty coffee and coffeemakers, and acknowledged for its award-winning coffees, innovative brewing technology, and environmentally and socially responsible business practices.

I have always admired the Keurig Brewers and think that they are soooo great! I don't own one...yet, but hope to sometime in the future. How convenient that you can brew a fresh cup of coffee each time you want one? To me, that is ingenious!
So, for this review I was sent a VERY tasty bag of Green Mountain Coffee in the Golden French Toast flavor! I am a huge French Toast fan, so I was very eager to see what the flavor of this coffee tasted like. I also might add that because I am pregnant, I do not indulge in coffee very often so this was a treat!
When I first opened the bag all I could say was "Wow!" The smell alone was enough to get my mouth watering. This coffee comes already ground, which works great for me as I do not have a coffee grinder.

I started my pot of coffee and jumped into the shower. While I was showering, I could smell the coffee brewing and it smelled JUST LIKE French Toast!! I knew this was going to be a great cup of coffee.
As I thought, the flavor of the Golden French Toast was just like I imagined. I could taste all aspects of French Toast...syrup, butter and cinnamon. It was SO good! My children must have liked the smell as well because they kept asking for a taste. Ha ha!
Fair Trade Golden French Toast K-Cup Coffee
Golden French Toast from Green Mountain Coffee retails for $9.49 for a 10 ounce bag. It also comes in K-Cups.

So, in my opinion..Golden French Toast coffee from Green Mountain Coffee is pretty amazing. I love how the flavor is just like eating a hot stack of French Toast. As someone who loves coffee, I am becoming a fan more and more of flavored coffee and believe me, Green Mountain Coffee is on the top of my list now!
Green Mountain Coffee has offered to give a bag of this Golden French Toast coffee to one of my readers! Hope you enjoy this giveaway and a huge thank you to the sponsor for this opportunity. :) Here are your entry options...


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free bag of Golden French Toast Coffee for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Green Mountain Coffee website and email. Prize is being shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 2, 2012

Valentine's Day Gift Guide ~ "I Love You...More Than Chocolate" Book Review & Giveaway


When I was pregnant with our second baby, I often thought to myself "how am I going to have enough love for two babies???" I honestly knew how much love I had for Hannah...but the new baby was going to need lots of love too and I felt like I would not have enough to go around. It probably sounds silly, but I really didn't know what to expect. Then, when the big day came and we brought tiny Jacob home from the hospital I suddenly understood how I was going to love them both. I had more love in my heart for them then I had ever experienced with just one was wonderful!! I find that some days, I need to tell them just how much I love them. Hannah and I have a little saying that we use and it goes like this "I love you much!". This was a spin-off from "I love you very much!" and it was just so cute when she said it the other way that it just stuck.
Do you have trouble trying to let your children know just how much they are loved? Perhaps you are a busy mom and really cannot think of a way to tell them. Or, maybe you are just not good with words and so oftentimes, it goes unsaid. Well, today I have a delightful book to tell you about that will help you express your love to your children in a totally new way! 
"I Love You...More Than Chocolate" is a really sweet book (no pun intended!) that was written by Melanie Milburn; a musician, award-winning songwriter and teacher. Here is a bit more about her and the story behind this book...

This book was originally a song, and inside the back cover of the book, is a CD of Miss Melanie singing the song. When Melanie would tuck her children into bed at night, she made sure they knew how much they were loved. She told them she loved them more than anything – even chocolate! Her children knew she was a chocoholic, so they had no doubt, they knew they were loved.

What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day with your children than to snuggle up on the couch with this book and enjoy it together? I will say that this chocolate is MUCH healthier for your children than the edible kind! (Although, I still have my stash! Ha ha!)
So, for this review I was sent this book, "I Love You...More Than Chocolate". My daughter LOVES to read and so tonight as we were sitting down to do our nightly reading session, I knew it was the perfect time to get this book out and show Hannah just how much her mommy loves her!
This book is simple in it's message, yet very colorful and eye-catching for little ones. My daughter is 3 and she asked me to read this book twice to her. She loves rhymes because they help her remember what the book is about.
It talks about how a mother loves her child more than things...even more than chocolate! If you LOVE chocolate and your child knows it, then this is the book for you! It will show them that no matter what, you love them more than anything else in the world. This is a picture of the second to last picture in the book and yes...that is REAL fudge on the bottoms of the pages!! YUMMMMMMMMM!!!!! 
My Hannah loved to read this book and kept re-reading it even after we were done reading together. So, tonight before I tucked her in I hugged her and said "I love you more than..." and she finished the sentence with a hearty "CHOCOLATE!!!"! It was pretty cute. :)

"I Love You...More Than Chocolate" also comes with a beautiful music CD with the words of this book put to music. It was very soothing and gentle to listen to. Melanie has a beautiful voice!! This book retails for $16.95 and is available for purchase directly from Melanie's website HERE

So, in my opinion... "I Love You...More Than Chocolate" is a wonderful book! The pictures are colorful, the message is simple and the meaning is clear. Show your child this Valentine's Day just how much you love them and get them this book. They will LOVE you for it! :)
Melanie has offered to give a copy of this book away to one of my readers! So sweet...thank you Melanie for the generous giveaway! Readers, here are your entry options!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free book for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Melanie Milburn website and email. Prize is being shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Activia Harvest Picks Yogurt Review

Here in our house, we are big yogurt fans. I don't remember loving yogurt when I was growing up though...not sure why but now I love it! I have also found that my children, from the time they are introduced to solid foods, love it as well. My daughter is a bit more picky than my son as she does NOT like chunks of fruit in her yogurt. So, I usually give her vanilla, key lime pie or another flavor that doesn't have chunks in it. My son doesn't care what is in the yogurt though...he is a food hound and LOVES anything that he gets in way of breakfast foods. :) I am so glad that my children love their yogurt because I know that it is very good for their digestive systems and because my children do not enjoy drinking milk, this is another way for them to get those important vitamins. My love for yogurt has really blossomed during this particular pregnancy as it is a great source of protein and my body is just CRAVING protein right now.
I am not sure if you have ever heard of Activia yogurt from Dannon, but it is a very good brand of yogurt that really tastes yummy and is GREAT for your body! Well, there is a brand new line of Activia that has been introduced to the market and this new line is called Activia Harvest Picks.

Here is a bit more about this tasty line of yumminess from Dannon...

Activia is a delicious line of Dannon yogurts and smoothies that contain the exclusive probiotic culture Bifidus Regularis® (Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010). Activia with Bifidus Regularis helps naturally regulate your digestive system. **Consume daily for two weeks as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. It is available in a variety of flavors and sizes, as well as in Light, Fiber and our Activia Selects Greek and Parfait style blends. You can also enjoy refreshing Activia Drinks.

Each serving of Activia contains billions of natural Bifidus Regularis cultures, which survive passage through the digestive tract in sufficient amounts for Activia to have its beneficial effects.

My daughter has been on a probiotic vitamin for some time now because she has a difficult time with her digestive system. This is evident in her lack of regular bowel movements and so, this is why I am excited about Activia Harvest Picks.
For this review I was sent a coupon for a free 4-pack of Activia Harvest Picks yogurt. I found it easily in the dairy section of my grocery store and yes, there were several flavors from which I could choose. Because peach is MY favorite flavor, that is the flavor I chose for my review. As it so happened, these were on sale this week, so it was a really great deal if I wanted to purchase more.
I could not wait to try this yogurt! I had never had it before so I wasn't sure what to expect. Well, was I in for a delightful surprise! Upon opening the container I noticed that the yogurt was not tinted orange like I am used to seeing with peach yogurt. It was white and I could see large chunks of peaches.
This yogurt is sooo silky and smooth! I could not believe how great the texture was! It kind of reminded me of Greek yogurt, just milder in flavor and not as rich. I was not sure how my daughter would react to it as it had peach chunks in it, so I let her try it. As I thought, she ate one bite then gave it back to me. Oh least she tried it! I, on the other hand, LOVE it!! My son thought it was pretty tasty too. :)
Activia Harvest Picks is available in several flavors: peach, cherry, mixed berries and strawberry. I would love to try out the other flavors as I am really loving Activia. My first experience with this brand is astounding and yes, I will buy it again! The suggested retail price for a 4-pack is $2.79.

So, in my opinion...Activia Harvest Picks is AMAZING. I love the texture and the, yet not too rich. The price is perfect as well...I actually was pretty surprised that it wasn't more expensive given that it is a well-known brand and a newer line. I will definitely purchase this product again and would recommend it to anyone!!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free product coupon for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Activia/Dannon website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 2, 2012

Valentine's Day Gift Guide ~ MakerCraft Jewelry Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}


Being a woman, and being the "bling lover" that I am, I love jewelry! This was evident when I went on a missions trip back in my early 20's. I went to the Dominican Republic and being the island that it is, you can just imagine the jewelry that they make there! So, it is no wonder that I came home with a whole bag full of beautiful beaded necklaces for souvenirs. Beaded jewelry really is beautiful and when designed correctly, looks so stunning with any outfit for any occasion. This Valentine's Day, I have the perfect company to introduce you to that allows YOU to design and create your own pieces of beaded jewelry!
MakerCraft is a company that is allows customers to design their own jewelry on their iPads, by dropping and dragging beads from the available selection and customizing their design. Then, the customer pays for the design, MakerCraft assembles it and ships it out! Simple! Here is a bit more about this company and why Corissa McClay, the CEO, came up with the idea of do it yourself jewelry design!

So many people have problems finding accessories that fit their style perfectly, especially jewelry. I can't tell you how many times I've gone looking for a necklace to match an outfit and had no luck finding what I wanted. Or needed just the right kind of belt, which was nowhere to be found. For so many of us, shopping is a time-wasting exercise of frustration and compromise. And with our increasingly fast-paced, mobile society we don't have time to waste buying things we don't love!

I started MakerCraft to try and fix this; so that no one has to compromise their personal style. Our goal is to change the way you shop. We want everyone to be able to buy exactly what they want, as quickly as possible, without having to pay extra for the privilege.

It is nice to have a company like this think about the consumer and the time they spend looking for a specific type of jewelry. So many times I have found myself in a store perusing the jewelry section COMPLETELY bewildered. I have something particular in mind and suddenly, I am overwhelmed with the options...none of which are even close to what I had in mind! That is what makes MakerCraft so can avoid the frustrations and make EXACTLY what you want!
So, for this review I was sent a necklace from MakerCraft. I just had to get a picture of the package it came in...I love how the box looks! Very unique.  
This necklace is made completely out of glass beads and I just love the blue! The beads are kind of iridescent too, which adds a touch of elegance. If the light hits them just right, they seem to glow! Very neat!
The pendant itself is glass as well and the color scheme really fits the rest of the necklace. Now, I am not a huge fan of the gold beads but honestly, each time I look at this necklace, it grows on me a little more and more! 
As someone who has worked extensively with beads in the past, I can say that this is a very well-made necklace. The string is sturdy and not elastic and the clasp is very well constructed. (I am saying this because I have had several necklaces that I have made fall completely apart...yeah, not fun!!) So, the quality of this necklace is very nice.

A design like this, with the beads that were used retails for about $15, which really is not bad at all considering that you can design it yourself and save the headache of shopping for one!

So, in my opinion...MakerCraft is a company that really is on to a great idea! I love the idea of being able to make my own jewelry the way I want, when I want. This makes shopping so much easier for me (and for hubby too!). I would recommend this company to anyone looking to try their hand at jewelry is easy and convenient which in my book--is perfect!
MakerCraft has offered to giveaway a piece of jewelry to one of my readers...designed just the way you want  it! Now, you don't have to have an iPad to enter this giveaway. They can help you design what you want. Either way will work fine. The value of this prize can be anywhere from $15-$25. Here are your entry options!


Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free necklace for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the MakerCraft website and email. Prize is being mailed by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway