Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2012

Peter Rabbit Organics Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}

Right now, my youngest child is going on 20 months old. He really is not a picky eater...except for when it comes to vegetables. The other night I served up a really yummy dinner with mixed vegetables and of course (like a good mom...ha ha) I had to offer him some even though I knew he would not eat them. As I suspected he did try them but spit each and every veggie out. I didn't know this until I took his bib off and saw the half-chewed veggies in the pocket of the bib. Rats. But, I tried! If you were to offer him any other type of food, he probably would have eaten it but for some reason he just doesn't care for the vegetables. I am not sure why he despises them now...I always gave him veggies when he was a baby and he ate them with no problem at all!! Hmm...must be the fussy stage setting in now.
Well, if you have a picky eater and are trying to find a way to get those much needed fruits and veggies into their diet you need not look any further! Peter Rabbit Organics gets babies and kids their nutrients...the fun way and the healthy way! Here is a little bit more about this company before I get going on my review...

We make delicious, organic fruit snacks and veggie blends.  Our fruit pouches are loved by all ages, and our veggie blends are gulped down by hungry little ones. We use the squeezy pouches to make eating healthy food easy and fun....

When we started Peter Rabbit Organics we made 3 promises: that everything we make would always be 100% organic, 100% healthy (no added sugar, no added salt and nothing artificial) and always taste 100% delicious.

I love how this company really does offer organic foods for all ages! It really puts my mind at ease when I know my children are not getting all the additives, chemicals and preservatives that are found in most "fun foods" for them.
So, for this review I was sent three pouches of food to offer my children and I have to admit...I was not sure they would like them. I was sent:

Strawberry and Banana
Pea, Spinach and Apple
Mango, Banana and Orange

The one I was most concerned about was the green one...yep, the Pea, Spinach and Apple. When my son refused his dinner tonight, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try these new foods out. Because he is on a solids diet, I wasn't sure if he would take to the pureed foods. But, much to my surprise...he LOVED them! Here is his experience in pictures...
Ok what is this stuff?
First taste...he is thinking about whether or not he likes it.
BINGO!! See the smile??? He ate the whole pouch! :) YAY!
Not only did he eat the entire pouch of Strawberry and Banana, he wanted more so I gave him the Spinach, Peas and Apple pouch next. Guess what?!? He ate that too...ALL of it! :) This momma was thrilled! I just wish I had more to give him.
Then, when my three year old saw him eating something yummy, of course she wanted to try some too! So, I gave her the Mango, Banana and Orange to try. She ate almost all of it and we stuck the rest in the fridge for another day. She liked it very much...and here is her smile to prove it!
So, if my children loved these pouches from Peter Rabbit Organics, I just KNOW yours will love them too!!!

You can find Peter Rabbit Organics at a multitude of retailers...specifically natural food stores and online retailers as well. Check out the "where to buy" tab on their website to find a location near you. Each pouch retails for about $1.50 or you can buy a larger quantity if you wish.
So, in my opinion...Peter Rabbit Organics is a wonderful company! If you have a picky eater, no matter what their age, you will be sure to find a yummy and healthy snack option among Peter Rabbit Organic's fruit and veggies pouches. I was thrilled that my children enjoyed them and am definitely going to think about getting more for them.

Peter Rabbit Organics has offered to give one of my readers aa assorted 12-pack case of these pouches! Woo Hoo!! This is a great opportunity for you to see for yourself why this company is soooo amazing!! Here are your entry options...


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Peter Rabbit Organic Food Pouches for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Peter Rabbit Organics website and email. Prize is being shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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