Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 2, 2012

Valentine's Day Gift Guide ~ "I Love You...More Than Chocolate" Book Review & Giveaway


When I was pregnant with our second baby, I often thought to myself "how am I going to have enough love for two babies???" I honestly knew how much love I had for Hannah...but the new baby was going to need lots of love too and I felt like I would not have enough to go around. It probably sounds silly, but I really didn't know what to expect. Then, when the big day came and we brought tiny Jacob home from the hospital I suddenly understood how I was going to love them both. I had more love in my heart for them then I had ever experienced with just one was wonderful!! I find that some days, I need to tell them just how much I love them. Hannah and I have a little saying that we use and it goes like this "I love you much!". This was a spin-off from "I love you very much!" and it was just so cute when she said it the other way that it just stuck.
Do you have trouble trying to let your children know just how much they are loved? Perhaps you are a busy mom and really cannot think of a way to tell them. Or, maybe you are just not good with words and so oftentimes, it goes unsaid. Well, today I have a delightful book to tell you about that will help you express your love to your children in a totally new way! 
"I Love You...More Than Chocolate" is a really sweet book (no pun intended!) that was written by Melanie Milburn; a musician, award-winning songwriter and teacher. Here is a bit more about her and the story behind this book...

This book was originally a song, and inside the back cover of the book, is a CD of Miss Melanie singing the song. When Melanie would tuck her children into bed at night, she made sure they knew how much they were loved. She told them she loved them more than anything – even chocolate! Her children knew she was a chocoholic, so they had no doubt, they knew they were loved.

What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day with your children than to snuggle up on the couch with this book and enjoy it together? I will say that this chocolate is MUCH healthier for your children than the edible kind! (Although, I still have my stash! Ha ha!)
So, for this review I was sent this book, "I Love You...More Than Chocolate". My daughter LOVES to read and so tonight as we were sitting down to do our nightly reading session, I knew it was the perfect time to get this book out and show Hannah just how much her mommy loves her!
This book is simple in it's message, yet very colorful and eye-catching for little ones. My daughter is 3 and she asked me to read this book twice to her. She loves rhymes because they help her remember what the book is about.
It talks about how a mother loves her child more than things...even more than chocolate! If you LOVE chocolate and your child knows it, then this is the book for you! It will show them that no matter what, you love them more than anything else in the world. This is a picture of the second to last picture in the book and yes...that is REAL fudge on the bottoms of the pages!! YUMMMMMMMMM!!!!! 
My Hannah loved to read this book and kept re-reading it even after we were done reading together. So, tonight before I tucked her in I hugged her and said "I love you more than..." and she finished the sentence with a hearty "CHOCOLATE!!!"! It was pretty cute. :)

"I Love You...More Than Chocolate" also comes with a beautiful music CD with the words of this book put to music. It was very soothing and gentle to listen to. Melanie has a beautiful voice!! This book retails for $16.95 and is available for purchase directly from Melanie's website HERE

So, in my opinion... "I Love You...More Than Chocolate" is a wonderful book! The pictures are colorful, the message is simple and the meaning is clear. Show your child this Valentine's Day just how much you love them and get them this book. They will LOVE you for it! :)
Melanie has offered to give a copy of this book away to one of my readers! So sweet...thank you Melanie for the generous giveaway! Readers, here are your entry options!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free book for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Melanie Milburn website and email. Prize is being shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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