Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 2, 2012

Valentine's Day Gift Guide ~ MakerCraft Jewelry Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}


Being a woman, and being the "bling lover" that I am, I love jewelry! This was evident when I went on a missions trip back in my early 20's. I went to the Dominican Republic and being the island that it is, you can just imagine the jewelry that they make there! So, it is no wonder that I came home with a whole bag full of beautiful beaded necklaces for souvenirs. Beaded jewelry really is beautiful and when designed correctly, looks so stunning with any outfit for any occasion. This Valentine's Day, I have the perfect company to introduce you to that allows YOU to design and create your own pieces of beaded jewelry!
MakerCraft is a company that is allows customers to design their own jewelry on their iPads, by dropping and dragging beads from the available selection and customizing their design. Then, the customer pays for the design, MakerCraft assembles it and ships it out! Simple! Here is a bit more about this company and why Corissa McClay, the CEO, came up with the idea of do it yourself jewelry design!

So many people have problems finding accessories that fit their style perfectly, especially jewelry. I can't tell you how many times I've gone looking for a necklace to match an outfit and had no luck finding what I wanted. Or needed just the right kind of belt, which was nowhere to be found. For so many of us, shopping is a time-wasting exercise of frustration and compromise. And with our increasingly fast-paced, mobile society we don't have time to waste buying things we don't love!

I started MakerCraft to try and fix this; so that no one has to compromise their personal style. Our goal is to change the way you shop. We want everyone to be able to buy exactly what they want, as quickly as possible, without having to pay extra for the privilege.

It is nice to have a company like this think about the consumer and the time they spend looking for a specific type of jewelry. So many times I have found myself in a store perusing the jewelry section COMPLETELY bewildered. I have something particular in mind and suddenly, I am overwhelmed with the options...none of which are even close to what I had in mind! That is what makes MakerCraft so can avoid the frustrations and make EXACTLY what you want!
So, for this review I was sent a necklace from MakerCraft. I just had to get a picture of the package it came in...I love how the box looks! Very unique.  
This necklace is made completely out of glass beads and I just love the blue! The beads are kind of iridescent too, which adds a touch of elegance. If the light hits them just right, they seem to glow! Very neat!
The pendant itself is glass as well and the color scheme really fits the rest of the necklace. Now, I am not a huge fan of the gold beads but honestly, each time I look at this necklace, it grows on me a little more and more! 
As someone who has worked extensively with beads in the past, I can say that this is a very well-made necklace. The string is sturdy and not elastic and the clasp is very well constructed. (I am saying this because I have had several necklaces that I have made fall completely apart...yeah, not fun!!) So, the quality of this necklace is very nice.

A design like this, with the beads that were used retails for about $15, which really is not bad at all considering that you can design it yourself and save the headache of shopping for one!

So, in my opinion...MakerCraft is a company that really is on to a great idea! I love the idea of being able to make my own jewelry the way I want, when I want. This makes shopping so much easier for me (and for hubby too!). I would recommend this company to anyone looking to try their hand at jewelry is easy and convenient which in my book--is perfect!
MakerCraft has offered to giveaway a piece of jewelry to one of my readers...designed just the way you want  it! Now, you don't have to have an iPad to enter this giveaway. They can help you design what you want. Either way will work fine. The value of this prize can be anywhere from $15-$25. Here are your entry options!


Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free necklace for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the MakerCraft website and email. Prize is being mailed by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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