Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 2, 2013

Step By Step Potty Training System Reivew & Giveaway

Well, I am at it again. My daughter has finished potty training completely and now I am starting my son. He will be three in June and I have tried to train him in the past but honestly, having a new baby and moving to a new house are not conducive to potty training. So, here we are! Now that we are settled in the new house I am preparing to embark on another attempt to potty train and as much as I love not having to change diapers, I HATE potty training. It's fun to watch your child learn new things but it can be a lot of work. I guess that is what being a mom is all about...teaching little people how to be big people! :)
Now that I am actively getting Jacob into a potty training routine, I needed to find a way to make it fun for him. He gets very excited about doing new things and introducing the potty to him was indeed, a very fun thing for him. I began to search for a "fun" potty and I found one! One Step Ahead is a company that provides parents and care-takers with the tools and toys that they need to raise children...the fun way! Here is a bit more about One Step Ahead...

Back in 1989, our company was founded by two parents, Karen and Ian Scott, who wanted the best products for their own kids—and a smarter, easier way to find them. Times change and kids grow, but our guiding principle remains unchanged. We are proud to be a trusted resource for parents, and we'll continue working hard to keep your trust. 

Long ago, we realized we can't always find items that meet our high standards. So we decided to create them ourselves, something most kids' companies don't do. Our in-house design team works closely with parents to develop smart, high-quality products unlike any others. We rely on our real-life Parents' Panel for fresh ideas and constant input.

In short, we're the opposite of big box stores and websites that tout their huge selection, but leave it up to parents to sort through it all. By narrowing the field, providing superior alternatives, and offering detailed product information, we eliminate the guesswork, so you can make better buying decisions. It's like having your own personal shopper.

When I first visited, I immediately began to search their broad inventory of potty training products. Right away, I fell in love with the site...and with one particular potty that they carry.
So, for this review I was sent a Step by Step Potty Training System. This potty is really fun looking and having something that is fun will make a difficult task such as potty training-easier. You know, you hear these stories of people whose children potty trained in two days but that is NOT my story. My daughter just became fully potty trained and she is 4. So, I don't know what fast potty training is like. :)
I love how this potty is very colorful and bright...making it fun and exciting for my son. One thing that many potty chairs are lacking today are deflectors. I am potty training a BOY here and we all know that when you have a boy, they tend to pee straight out and onto the floor. I have always thought that a deflector was important but was shocked when I saw the lack thereof on standard potty chairs.
This particular deflector is removable so you will be able to clean it easily. Try not to show your child how to remove this because they will want to do it all the time. :) One thing that I have noticed is that you need to remove and clean this deflector after EACH use because pee can get in and around it and that will smell after time. Now if you have a girl, you don't have to worry about that.
Another really great feature that I love about this potty is that there is a toilet paper holder! When you are training a boy, you don't have much use for toilet paper unless they poo. But when you are training a girl, she needs to learn the proper way to wipe so having the toilet paper handy is a MUST.
Some of the other features that are very notable with this potty training system are the handy wipes holder that is on top of the potty. Using wipes is also a necessary part of training so having this is great. I also love the padded seat...forget the hard and cold seat that most potties have. This one is nice and squishy! The other feature is that the top half of the potty comes off and the base flips over and turns into a step stool for your child. This means that you can then teach your child how to wash their hands properly after using the toilet.
Last but not least, the top half of this potty snaps off and is able to be used on a full-sized toilet. You can gradually introduce your little one to the "big potty" in a comfortable way...on the seat he is used to using. This seat snaps on securely but doesn't take a lot of elbow grease to remove, which is great.
This particular potty comes with a little booklet that gives you some great potty training tips, one of which is to put the potty in an area that is familiar to your child and then let them spend time around and on the potty. If the child wants to sit on the potty with their pants on, that is OK! Let them get used to it however they want and then they will be comfortable when it is finally time to use the potty. As you can see in the picture above, my son is trying out his new potty (with his pants on). You can also see he is holding the deflector...ahem...this is why you don't want them to see you remove it if you can help it. :)

This Step by Step Potty Training System is available directly from One Step Ahead and retails for $29.95.
So, in my opinion...One Step Ahead has really given me a fantastic tool for my potty training days. Like I said at the beginning of this post, potty training is not my favorite thing to do with my children; but it is obviously necessary. I love that I have such a great potty to far, my son has done great with this potty and I am thrilled with it! Hopefully, he will be potty trained soon. I would definitely recommend this company to anyone! :)

One Step Ahead has offered to give one of these Step by Step Potty Training Systems to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free Step by Step Potty Training System for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the One Step Ahead website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine. 

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