Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 7, 2012

"Let's Be Honest" With Purex (Giveaway)

As a Purex Insider, I am one of the first to know about new Purex products, coupons and promotions and I will tell you that I am SOLD on Purex products. I use their detergent and softener because I just love the scents that they have and I also love how my laundry looks, feels and smells after it is done.

As moms, we all have those moments where we PROVE to the whole world that yes, we are moms and YES...we do get frustrated with life. I have had many times like that and really, they just make me laugh in the end (most of the time.).

Purex has recently released a series of short and comical videos outlining some of those "Honest Moments". I had to laugh at them because they are all right on! My life as a mom gets me sooo confused sometimes (hello, ever find Cheerios in your purse, or walk out the front door wearing your purple flowered slippers?) and I love to call it "mommy brain syndrome". With three little ones now, I am definitely a great candidate for upside-down and inside-out days. :)

So, here is my favorite "Let's Be Honest" many of you can relate???

Ha ha!!! I love this video because this is SO how my children would fix breakfast for me if they had the chance! My husband would probably love this breakfast too...he eats foods like this all the time. LOL! I was also reminded of how my brothers and sisters used to make my mom breakfast in bed. Cold eggs & toast, Pringles, soggy cereal and cold coffee. Yep, we sure did show her how much we loved her! :) This video seriously made me giggle.

Today, I am giving you the opportunity to win one of three coupons for free Purex Laundry Detergent! All you need to do is visit the "Let's Be Honest" page on Purex's webpage or You Tube account, watch the videos and tell me which one is your favorite! I also need to know why it is your favorite. PLEASE BE HONEST!!! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. As a Purex Insider, I did receive free coupons. All quotes and stock photos are from the Purex website and email. Prizes are being mailed by myself. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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