Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 7, 2012

Finding Help Through Christian Rehab

Years ago, I was a member of a good Baptist church. In this church was a single mother who honestly had a very difficult time with her children. Two of them were girls and she also had a boy. As these children grew, it became very evident that the mother was losing control of them. They would verbally abuse her, belittle her and take advantage of her on a daily basis. Many in the church tried to help her but it seemed to be a losing battle.
Eventually, her oldest daughter became involved in drugs, alcohol and was constantly in trouble with the law. As I watched her deteriorate and her mother grow weary of having to pick her up from the police station I began to wonder what kind of help existed to help her. I was sooo happy when our church banded together to try and get her into a Christian Rehab program. Unfortunately, the best place that we found was states away and the cost was not low. So, our church saved and people gave to help this girl get down to the school. 

It took much persuasion, money, tears and prayers but finally, this young lady was able to get the help that she needed. I remember very well when she returned. Her smile was electrifying. Her life was changed and she was a different person. Her spirit was sweet and she was so kind to everyone. We were all so amazed...and relieved! What a difference it made in her life and she is a better person today because of it!

This is a sponsored post for Pacific Hill, however, all the points and views are my own.

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