Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2012

Hawaiian Kettle Style Potato Chips with Mango Habanero Review & Giveaway

I love food. I also love to snack! Who doesn't? When I was expecting Isaac I was so nauseous that looking at certain foods would sent my stomach on a roller coaster ride. This was the first time that I had ever experienced morning sickness and it certainly was a shock to me. Both of my other pregnancies were wonderful and I didn't have a hint of nausea. My love of food was diminished during that pregnancy and I actually came to dislike it alot. Now that I have had Isaac and he is a thriving 2 month old, I am trying to get back into eating "normal" foods again. The thing that drives me insane is not being able to eat spicy foods, pasta sauce, pizza sauce and other gas-producing foods. Isaac is a VERY gassy baby and it seems that no matter what I eat, it affects him terribly. Sometimes as a treat, I break the rules, eat something that is gassy and pay for it later by having a fussy baby. But somethings are so worth it...ha ha! 
Today I am going to introduce you to one of those "worth it" snack foods that I have recently tried. If you have ever tried Hawaiian Kettle Style Potato Chips then you know exactly what I mean when I say that they are one of the best snacks ever! I have had them before, and was informed that there is a brand new flavor that has been created for these chips and that this new flavor will heat up your summer get-togethers!
Mango Habanero is truly an interesting and fiery combination of flavors that will add a bit of zing to your taste buds. Here is a bit more about this flavor...

Spice up your snack experience when you crunch into Hawaiian Kettle Style Chips with Mango Habanero. Seasoned with the fiery heat of habanero peppers and the sweetness of mangos, these chips will spark a fire in all your snacking occasions. Open a bag of Mango Habanero Hawaiian Kettle Style Potato Chips and imagine yourself on the Big Island at dusk, surrounded by the heat coming from the peak of Mount Kilauea.

If you have ever tried Habanero peppers, then you know how hot they are. I have never tried them but my husband has. They were so hot, he could only eat a very tiny one and he can tolerate alot of spice! 
So, for this review I was sent several snack-size bags of Hawaiian Kettle Style Chips with Mango Habanero. The packaging is very colorful and eye-catching; however, the illustration is not to my liking at all due to the immodesty of the dancer. I was really excited about trying these because I know how much my hubby loves spicy foods and we are always looking for new snacks that he will love!
So, I am breastfeeding my 2 month old and know that spicy foods will really give him major tummy aches. But, I was so excited about these chips I decided to try just a few. Upon opening the bag the first thing I noticed was that the chips did not smell spicy at all. I can usually detect spicy foods by their smell but these were totally deceiving. As I ate my first chip, it tasted sweet. Then, suddenly, I tasted the heat. WOW. These chips may not LOOK or SMELL spicy, but they throw quite a powerful punch! I was very surprised! After eating about three, I was done. I like spicy foods, but these were a bit too much for my taste. 
When Greg came home from work, I was REALLY excited to have him try them. He sat down to enjoy the evening and I presented him with a bowl of these chips. He tasted one and immediately said "Oh wow. These are hot!" He really liked them and had several more before putting the bowl down and getting a drink. HA HA!! I think these were a big hit with him and I think that he will be eating the remaining bags. :) 
Currently, these Hawaiian Kettle Style Chips with Mango Habanero are available in 7.5 oz bags and can be purchased directly from the Hawaiian Snacks website. 

So, in my opinion...these Hawaiian Kettle Style Chips with Mango Habanero were very tasty! Although I am not a huge fan of really spicy foods, these were perfect for my husband. I can eat them, just not alot of them. I would definitely recommend these to anyone who loves spicy snacks and who is looking to "wow" their guests at the next family picnic. You will really impress them and perhaps introduce them to a whole new flavor of chips.
Hawaiian Snacks would like to giveaway four snack-size bags of these chips to two of my readers! Two of you will get to try these and see for yourself how yummy they are! :) Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Hawaiian Kettle Style Chips  for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Hawaiian Snacks website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2012

My Journey With Back Problems

Growing up, we always had swings on which to play. My dad would use huge tractor tires cut in half and make the most amazing swings for us...we were very popular kids to play with in the summer time! :) These particular swings were hung from extremely tall trees in the front yard and would seriously FLY when they were pushed hard enough. Being that it was a tractor tire, you could seat up to 6 people in one swing and it would make for the best ride.

One day, I was on one of these swings by myself and my brother was pushing me. We decided that it would be fun to twist the swing up and let it unwind (which also made for a pretty exciting ride!). Suddenly, while the swing was unwinding, the rope broke and the swing fell 4 feet onto the ground. My foot was squished under the heavy tire and my ankle was twisted. Little did I know that a twisted ankle was the least of my injuries. 

It wasn't until several years later that I discovered that my back had sustained an injury from that very fall. I was suffering from pretty bad back pain for some time and so my mom took me to a chiropractor. The doctor took x-rays and those revealed a deteriorated disc in my lower back. During that same visit to the doctor, she also discovered a curvature in my spine...Scoliosis. I count it a blessing to have these issues caught while I was still a developing teenager. Because of the early diagnosis, both issues have now been corrected successfully and I am pretty much pain-free. I still see a chiropractor once in awhile (especially when I am pregnant) and cannot believe how much better I am now. Thank you Lord! :)

This is a sponsored post for Healthy Back, however, all the points and views are my own.

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2012

*Guest Post* Saving With Coupons...How to Get The Most For Your Dollar

I have a special treat for all of you today! My friend, Virginia, from Meet Virginia is a mommy-mega-family blogger who has become quite a couponing expert and I have asked her to share her tips and hints on how to get started in using coupons. She has graciously agreed to be a guest poster today so please, tune in and see how YOU can become proficient at using coupons and saving money!!


I'm a mom to seven and at first started couponing out of necessity but have come to enjoy it as a hobby.  I wanted to share the very beginning basics of couponing in hopes it can help others learn quickly how to save money shopping.  The first thing I do is make sure to get 3-5 (or more) newspapers every Sunday.  Always be sure to check there are coupon inserts before purchasing.  Often I will check to see before buying. 
Next I take out all like inserts and put them together like the picture shows.  I tear out all the same pages and staple them together for easy cutting.  It would take me forever to cut out one page at a time. (Here is link to view video on how to do it,
Some people prefer just to keep the inserts stapled together and only cut out what they need.  I prefer to cut them out and keep in an organized by section binder. It helps me to easily look at every coupon I have when I'm looking through each section of the store.  I use these dividers and then organize them by sections.  For example: Dairy, meat, frozen, dental, can food, etc.  Then I bought the inserts meant for card collectors and use them for my coupons.  

I don't have the time to always watch out in the ads and often, the deals I find aren't even in the ads so I subscribe to to help me find them.  I promise you that paying monthly for this has been no issue for me since I save several hundred dollars each month from the deals I save here.  Also, it's important to know the deals in your area as each state can be different.  If you would like you can try for just one month and right now they are running a promotion for one month free.  Once I used up my free trial month I had no problem subscribing to it. It has so many tools to use to help you save money and even tells you where to find the coupon and whether its a paper coupon or an internet coupon.  It always provides the links where you would go to print out the coupon.  This has been the source of finding 80% of my deals.
I know it might seem at first that you get stocked up on only a few things at a time but remember that as you are stocking up, eventually you'll have a large variety of things.  It's such a blessing to go to my pantry and easily choose something to eat from my stock.  In fact, I plan my meals around the stock in my pantry.  Since I have been couponing for several months, I have a large variety to choose from.  For example, the picture shows A LOT of cereals but for my family of nine, this would last about two-three months even with them only having one bowl of cereal every morning.  Since landing good coupons and a really good store sale doesn't happen every month, it's a good reason to buy a large stock of it. How much did it cost for 71 boxes of cereal with a good sale and coupons?  Only $50.  Since buying those cereal two months ago, there hasn't been AS GOOD of a sale so that stock is pulling us over until the next big sale.
It's important to know the store's coupon policies because some coupons are worth more than the face value.  One store I use often for freebies makes all coupons worth $1 regardless of what the coupon says.  Some store only double a coupon up to $1 and some stores don't double at all.  In the picture, all these items were on sale for $1 or less.  I had coupons for these and since this store makes all coupons worth $1, I got all these for free. 
In the picture: There was a deal to buy two Classico sauce, get two pastas free.  I had coupons for $1 off two Classico's and $1 off two pastas.  Should have cost $46 but only cost me $2.50 total.  That is a 95% savings.  So even though the pastas were technically already free, I was still able to use the coupons for them. Those coupons came off the Classico sauce and made a killer savings.
Always, always give coupons last after everything is rung up because it's important to watch and make sure that each coupon is properly doubled (bonus).  Sometimes it won't be and they will fix it.  MFG coupons savings is the face value of the coupon given and "bonus" is what the store added to double ones up to $1.  Just because you have a coupon for something doesn't mean you have to use them.  Often 90% of what I'm buying at a store I always have a coupon for but that is because there is already a sale on that item.  If there is no sale, I don't use the coupon.  Of course if you need the item, a coupon is good for it but since I already stock up ahead of time when there are sales, that usually doesn't happen.  So yes, I do stock up a lot on one type of item but it's always to last me over until the next major sale and coupon can be put together on that item.
If you would like to save even more money, there are some dollar stores that will sale the Sunday paper for only $1.  That is a 50% savings on your monthly cost of papers.  Also, because I print out so many internet coupons, I bought a printer that is excellent on refill costs.  I went into an electronics store and asked them to point me to the one that is the cheapest on refills and they pointed out the Lexmark Prestige which only cost $5 for black refills.  Perfect for couponers!

WOW! Thank you SO MUCH, Virginia for taking the time to share your tips with us! I, for one, am VERY excited at the potential to save so much money. If you would like to keep up with Virginia, you can do so by visiting her blog, Meet Virginia

She is always posting about her couponing adventures and the fantastic, the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to getting a good deal. Her latest post is all about the savings she raked in from CVS...WOW!!! Please stop by and visit her, let her know you found her through here and enjoy getting to know her!

Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 6, 2012

Have Fun in the Sun With Mary Kay's Sun Care Collection! (Review & Giveaway)

There is just something about stretching out on a lawn chair on a warm day and soaking up the sun. When I lived at home before I was married, I often liked to dry off after swimming by laying on the pool deck in the sun. The warmth felt sooo good and it was very relaxing. After I found out that I had Lupus, I learned that I needed to really limit my time in the sun as that would make my symptoms worse. This was really disheartening for me...I so enjoyed being outside! If I did go out, I could only be out for a short time and had to wear loads of sunscreen. Things haven't changed over the years. I am still limited as far as how long I can be outside and if I am out too long, I get extremely tired and achy. Well, in preparation for my summer I am pleased to introduce you to Mary Kay's Sun Care Collection! I am very excited about these products because it means I will be able to enjoy the summer to it's fullest...without worrying about my health.
The Mary Kay Sun Care Collection consists of several products that are intended to protect, replenish and nourish your skin...all while making sure you stay safe in the hot summer sun. In case you are not familiar with the Mary Kay company, here is a bit of information about the company itself...

In 1963, Mary Kay Ash founded her Company on the personal values that guided her life – integrity, honesty and an unwavering belief in the Golden Rule and in the power of touching lives. Today, these values remain at the heart of everything we do, including our passion for developing products that can awaken a woman’s true beauty inside and out. Our philosophy is simple – we will deliver on every product promise that we make. Because we proudly stand behind the quality of our products and the real benefits they provide, there are millions of women who can say, “I love my Mary Kay!”

I can tell you that in my experience with all of Mary Kay's products, I have NEVER been disappointed. Everything that the company carries makes me feel glamorous, stylish and beautiful. The products are always very well packaged and presented, making Mary Kay a top of the line company in my book and on my blog.
So, for this review I was sent all of the products from the Mary Kay Sun Care Collection and am going to share them with you today!

Each of these products come in an attractive blue and gold box and may I just say right now that they smell amazing!! As soon as I opened the box that contained these products I could smell coconut and it was wonderful!!!
The first product that I tried was the Subtle Tanning Lotion. I have very fair skin and have used tanning lotions in the past due to my ghostly white skin. I love using these types of lotions and how they make my skin look darker. This particular lotion from Mary Kay is not greasy at all and is subtle enough to use on a daily basis. All you need to do is smooth it on evenly a few minutes before dressing and then let it only takes a minute or so and it does not rub off on clothing or other surfaces so there is no worry about that.  One ingredient of this tanning lotion is Shea Butter, which is WONDERFUL for maintaining smooth and supple skin. I loved how easy this lotion was to apply and how quickly it dried. It was almost immediate. The coconut and honeysuckle fragrance was lovely and I really felt pampered after using it! The Subtle Tanning Lotion retails for $16.00 for a 4 oz. tube.
The Lip Protector Sunscreen was also very nice to try. It glided onto my lips smoothly and evenly and really felt like it created a nice barrier for me. It is really easy to forget to protect your lips from the sun and so I am glad that there is a product like this available. The broad spectrum protection that is provided will keep your lips safe from harmful UVA/UVB rays, which is great. You can also use this lip balm in the water as it is water resistant for up to 80 minutes! This Lip Protector retails for $7.50 for .16 oz.
Lastly, I am really excited about the Mary Kay Sun Care Sunscreens. Did you know that even on cloudy days when the sun is not out that there are still harmful UV rays penetrating through the clouds? I learned this several years ago when I went to an amusement park on a cloudy day and still got a sunburn. This is why it is SO important to protect your skin when you go out regardless of how sunny it is. Both of these sunscreens hold different SPF (Sun Protection Factor) levels so you can choose which one you want based on what you will be doing in the sun.  The newest of these two is the Mary Kay Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 50. You can also use these sunscreens in the water but make sure you reapply after towel-drying. You can be sure that you are getting a great product when the ingredients include Vitamin A, Vitamin C Palmitate, Acai Berry Extract and other natural and skin-improving ingredients. Both of these products retail for $14 for a 4 oz. tube.
Each of these products from the Mary Kay Sun Care Collection can be found on their website, or you can find an independent beauty consultant and order directly from them.

So, in my opinion...I am in love with the Mary Kay Sun Care Collection! I love the scents, textures and longevity of these products. Each one carries a specific list of important ingredients for sun protection, which is great. I would highly recommend this line of Mary Kay products to, women or children. Prepare for loads of fun in the sun and be safe while doing so!
Mary Kay has offered to give away this Sun Care Collection to one of my readers (winner receives the same products that I received...all pictured above!)! This is a fantastic summer giveaway that I hope you will enjoy. :)  Here are your entry options...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mary Kay products for review purposes from Mary Kay. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mary Kay website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 6, 2012

Dry Idea Antiperspirant Review & Giveaway {3 Winners}

If you are a creature of habit like I am, then you tend to stick with the same brands. This is not a good habit that I have because it tends to put me into a rut. This is why I am really glad that I have become a review blogger. It has given me such an open door to try new things and in the process, share those new experiences and products with others. 
Dry Idea Roll On Product Line
When it comes to beauty products, I do like to try new things on occasion and today, I have some great antiperspirant to share with you! I am not one to change my deodorant brand very often because I have a hard time finding one that fits my personal needs. I tend to perspire heavily, often staining clothing so I need something that works to combat that. Dry Idea Antiperspirant & Deodorant is designed for all day protection from wetness and odor...a problem that I constantly struggle with.

Before I continue, here is a bit more information about Dry Idea...

Dry Idea® roll on contains no water, which leads to its signature dry feel. Dry Idea® antiperspirant roll-on uses a unique combination of ingredients to block sweat without the use of water. That's why it's your best choice for no sweat.
Dry Idea® antiperspirants form a seal in the pore, stopping sweat and helping to keep you dry and smelling fresh all day. Dry Idea's special time-released formulation works on skin to help stop malodor.
Honestly, I have never really paid attention to what my deodorant does and that is probably why I have issues finding deodorant that works. I have always used the same brand and have never tried anything different. I was under the impression that it all did the same thing. Well, I was wrong and it took this review to discover that.
I was sent Dry Idea Antiperspirant & Deodorant in the Roll-On form in unscented. I was really skeptical as to how this would work and if it would do what it claims it does. Also, having tried roll-on deodorant before (and preferring the solid) I was also a bit timid about how the roll-on would feel.
This deodorant is really easy to use. Simply shake before opening and then apply by swiping your underarms  two to three times. You really don't need much. I found that I still had minor wetness throughout the day although it wasn't as much as I normally experience. I noticed NO ODOR at all, which was an improvement too! The result of using this brand is definitely better then my normal brand.

Dry Idea Roll-On Antiperspirant & Deodorant comes in three scents...Unscented, Powder Fresh and Cotton Dry. I really would love to try the Cotton Dry as that sounds really pretty. I am not an "unscented" type of person so a scent is great. Also, Dry Idea also comes in a Clear Gel and Invisible Solid formula so if you prefer those, you can have them too!
Dry Idea products are found at most major retailers, including drug stores and grocery stores and retail for about $5.50 (maximum). For more information about Dry Idea, be sure to visit their Facebook page!

So, in my opinion...Dry Idea Roll-On Antiperspirant & Deodorant is a fantastic product that I would definitely recommend. Although it did not keep me completely dry, it did minimize the wetness and also totally wiped out the odor. This really is something that I would like to continue using and possibly purchase in the future. 

If you would like to try this product out before buying it, you can WIN a coupon for a free Dry Idea Antiperspirant of your choice! There will be three winners for this giveaway and here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive free Dry Idea Roll-On Antiperspirant & Deodorant for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Dry Idea website and email. Prizes are in coupon form and will be mailed by myself.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 6, 2012

Why I Am A Review Blogger

I have always loved to write, and in my high school years I was told that I was quite good at it. I always had numerous pen pals and kept a daily diary of my life. Writing was always a way to express myself when I could not find the verbal way to say something...I could be heard without being misunderstood. When I was married, my husband introduced me to blogging. Being that I was now a married woman with relatives that lived a great distance away, blogging was a way to keep them in touch with me and my life happenings.

After having a personal blog for several years, a good friend of mine started to do reviews for companies. At first glance, I said that I would not have the time to do something like that...I was too busy being a wife and mother. Then, I began to realize that when I would look for information about a product, many of my sources would be blogs and many of these bloggers were in the same stage of life for me.
I say this because now I see the importance of blogging for the purpose of word of mouth advertising. Many companies work with bloggers because they see the result of the advertising that they got from those bloggers. Most companies that I contact regarding reviews are small and companies that I have never heard of. Once I get their product and review it, I write about them and get the word out. I especially love it when they tell me how wonderful my review is once it is written. My goal is to attract new customers to their company and get the word out about their products. Another way to let people know about companies is to direct them to their Facebook page. If their business facebook page design looks attractive then that especially helps to catch people's eyes.

So, those are some of the reasons that I conduct reviews and share them with you. My goal is to introduce new products, inform people of the pros and cons of that particular product and to meet new companies in the process.

This is a sponsored post for OrangeSoda, however, all the points and views are my own.

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 6, 2012

SwaddleDesigns SwaddleLite Review & Giveaway {US & Canada}

I think that if a mom has ever had experienced the happiness that swaddling a baby can bring, she will be forever dedicated to swaddling her babies. It has taken me three babies to realize the importance and sheer bliss of swaddling my children and now that we are on baby #3, I am totally in love with it. However, right now we are in the midst of summer weather and that means one thing...heat. Any mom would (and should) worry about their baby overheating, which is why I am thankful that we have central air in our home. When we go out, I never swaddle Isaac because I am worried about him getting prickly heat and overheating as a result of tight swaddling. For decades, women have swaddled their babies and now-there is a solution to help prevent overheating and allow babies to stay swaddled...even in the hot weather!
SwaddleDesigns is a company that specializes in making swaddling blankets. They have recently introduced their newest swaddling blanket and this blanket is called a SwaddleLite. Here is a bit more about this brand new blanket...every mother's dream!

SwaddleDesigns was founded by Lynette Damir, RN, Designer and Mom of two in 2002, and SwaddleDesigns was the first company to introduce the large square swaddling blanket to the US market and many markets around the world.  SwaddleDesigns is known for their premium quality fabric, fabulous colors and prints, and the innovative 123 Swaddle® instructional label that makes learning how to swaddle so easy. SwaddleDesigns versatile blankets come in a variety of weights and are perfect for many uses such as a privacy throw for breastfeeding moms, a tummy time play mat, a cover over the stroller.

SwaddleLite contains a set of 3 lightweight breathable openweave high quality cotton Marquisette Swaddling Blankets in a gift box.

Especially during the warmer months, parents are looking for very lightweight cotton blankets.  Marquisette is an ideal fabric for swaddling in warmer environments and climates. The open weave cotton fabric is breathable and allows for airflow. 

SwaddleDesigns marquisette has a very soft hand.  SwaddleDesigns marquisette is custom made using superior quality cotton yarns created from long, smooth, high quality cotton.

Moms love SwaddleDesigns beautiful colors and attractive prints. 

SwaddleDesigns products are known for their great quality and long lasting value that moms and babies love and enjoy for years. SwaddleDesigns is also well respected by the medical community – often recommended by pediatricians, nurses, doulas, newborn care instructors.

I would also love to introduce you to Harvey Karp...he is the creator of "The Happiest Baby On The Block" and is the inspiration behind the SwaddleDesigns company. Here is some information about an upcoming program that SwaddleDesigns is proud to be a sponsor of...starring Dr. Karp!
SwaddleDesigns is proud to be selected by Dr. Karp, Author of The Happiest Baby on the Block, as a sponsor for his upcoming “Parents Night Out” theatrical event.  NCM Fathom, SwaddleDesigns and BabyCenter present a special live event, Parent’s Night Out with The Happiest Baby & Happiest Toddler, starring Dr. Harvey Karp, on Thursday, June 21 at 7:30 p.m. local time. Expecting moms and dads, parents of infants and toddlers, will want to visit their local movie theater to watch as Dr. Karp reveals the surprising tips and tricks that have made his celebrated books and DVDs among the top parenting guides in history. Audiences will enjoy live demonstrations, watch footage of parents in action, and take part in a hot-topic parent Q&A session. Families will learn simple solutions to help them raise happy, well-behaved young children – and get more sleep, too.  Tickets are on sale.

You cannot even begin to imagine how thrilled I was to be able to review these brand new blankets and share them with you! If you are a mom (especially a new mom) - these swaddling blankets are for YOU!!
So, for this review I was sent a set of 3 SwaddleLite blankets and my set is turquoise in color. These just happen to be my favorite color combinations EVER and as soon as I saw them I was in love! :) Don't they look so gorgeous and stylish?!?
These blankets are made out of lightweight cotton fabric that is slightly stretchy and VERY breathable. That is what makes them so great for warmer weather. Also, these SwaddleLite blankets are HUGE in size. Honestly, before I was introduced to SwaddleDesigns, my biggest frustration with swaddling was not having a blanket big enough. These measure 46" X 46" and so they are definitely big enough!
To give you an idea of just how large they are, take a look at the picture above. My son is 8 weeks old and is still pretty small. You can easily see how these blankets would make great play mats, breastfeeding covers,  car seat covers and more!
Another feature of every blanket from SwaddleDesigns that I love is the tag that has pictures showing you how to swaddle your baby properly. It is great to have this on every blanket so that you do not forget how to make sure you swaddle correctly each time.
Once my son was swaddled, there was no blanket left over and there was also no way he could kick or squirm out of the blanket. It went around him nicely and really was not bulky at all. I absolutely LOVE it!!!

All of SwaddleDesigns SwaddleLite blankets come in sets of 3 and vary in color, design and price ($40 - $48). They also feature Disney and Angry Bird prints so you definitely have a wonderful selection from which to choose.
So, in my opinion...SwaddleLite swaddling blankets are the BEST! It has been over 80 degrees all week and I have been very grateful for these lightweight and comfy blankets. My son is so happy when he is swaddled and really, these blankets are by far-the best I have ever seen! I would highly recommend these to any mom who loves to won't be disappointed!

SwaddleDesigns has offered to give away a set of SwaddleLite blankets to one of YOU in your choice of print. Here are your entry options into this fabulous giveaway! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive free SwaddleDesigns products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the SwaddleDesigns website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 6, 2012

Aerobie AeroSpin Review & Giveaway {US & Canada}

Here at our house, playing outside in the cool summer evenings is one of our favorite things to do. Our children just cannot wait for daddy to come home so we can all go outside and play! I don't go out much when I am alone with my three little is so much easier with another pair of hands. :) So, after dinner, the whole family usually heads outside. We either go for a long walk, stopping at a school playground for some fun, or we play in the backyard. Several years ago, my husband and I really enjoyed playing frisbee together...although I really didn't play that well. Hubby spent most of the time running to retrieve the frisbee from the neighbor's yard or the shed roof. Yeah...athletic I am not. But, I try. We are trying to teach the children how to properly throw a frisbee and they are learning quickly. The biggest problem is trying not to get hit in the head when one of them throws it...they are pretty wild! 
Have you ever heard of Aerobie? This is a company that specializes in all things fun-for indoor or outdoor play, Aerobie is your source for endless playtime entertainment! The main products that Aerobie manufactures are flying discs and rings. If you are a frisbee fan, then you are going to love Aerobie's product line! 
Before I continue on, here is a bit more about this company, founded by Alan Adler...

Alan designed and built the first prototype of the Aerobie ring with its spoiler rim that balances lift over a wide range of throwing speeds in early 1984. The first throw of the Aerobie ring on Roble Field at Stanford showed Alan he had something special. The ring flew straight and true for an incredible distance, "as if sliding on an invisible sheet of ice." Onlookers were amazed.

Alan knew the Aerobie ring could be a hit. He also knew the flying performance of the Aerobie ring was going to be dependent on maintaining aerospace quality standards in the manufacturing processes. He therefore founded Superflight, Inc (now Aerobie, Inc.). in 1984 to manufacture and sell his high performance sport toy inventions beginning with the Aerobie flying ring. For its first 20 years of existence, Aerobie Inc. was officially named Superflight, Inc. However, in recognition of the fact that all of the products were named Aerobie and everybody knew the company as Aerobie, as of 2005, our company’s name is officially Aerobie, Inc.

Aerobie, Inc. is still owned by Alan and he still works on inventing new, exciting sport toys. We now manufacture thirteen Aerobie brand products and sell them through retailers of all types throughout the United States and to distributors in over thirty countries. All Aerobie brand sport toys are known for their extraordinary performance and quality. Our warehousing, packing, and shipping are all done in San Carlos, California.

Today, I am going to introduce you to another great product from Aerobie and that is the AeroSpin Yo-Yo!
So, for this review I was sent a red AeroSpin Yo-Yo and I was very excited to try it out! I will admit to you all today that I never was very good at using a yo-yo.
This particular yo-yo is very pretty...I love the glittery label! It sure does look flashy when being used. :) The rubber edges make this yo-yo safe for indoors (furniture and walls do not get damaged) as well as outdoors. 
One thing that I really appreciate about this particular yo-yo is that it comes with a book of tricks. This is SO important for someone like me who has no idea how to use a yo-yo. You may all laugh at me, but when I first opened it, I could not even figure out how to wind the string up. Ok. Stop laughing. Good thing I had the booklet! There are all sorts of tricks in this book and some of them look pretty wild!!
My husband really knows how to play with yo-yo's so I had him be my model for this review. He was pretty impressive! The picture above is just a normal throw.
Now, he is trying to do "walk the dog" in the picture above. It worked...until our two year old got in the way. :)
Our children are enthralled with this new toy and I cannot wait for them to get bigger so they can play circles around daddy and mommy! Right now, they just like to wind and unwind it...but they will learn eventually.

The Aerobie AeroSpin retails for $19.99 and can be purchased from and other retailers. The recommend starting age for this toy is age 5. 
Aerobie AeroSpin Yo-Yo
So, in my opinion...Aerobie is a great company! I love all of the fun toys that they carry and the AeroSpin Yo-Yo is great fun! My husband enjoyed playing with the yo-yo and I cannot wait to get my hands on it and try to learn how to do some tricks. I will have to let you know how that goes...hopefully I am better with a yo-yo than I am with a frisbee! :)

Aerobie has offered to give an AeroSpin Yo-Yo to one of you!! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free AeroSpin for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Aerobie website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.