Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 6, 2012

Aerobie AeroSpin Review & Giveaway {US & Canada}

Here at our house, playing outside in the cool summer evenings is one of our favorite things to do. Our children just cannot wait for daddy to come home so we can all go outside and play! I don't go out much when I am alone with my three little is so much easier with another pair of hands. :) So, after dinner, the whole family usually heads outside. We either go for a long walk, stopping at a school playground for some fun, or we play in the backyard. Several years ago, my husband and I really enjoyed playing frisbee together...although I really didn't play that well. Hubby spent most of the time running to retrieve the frisbee from the neighbor's yard or the shed roof. Yeah...athletic I am not. But, I try. We are trying to teach the children how to properly throw a frisbee and they are learning quickly. The biggest problem is trying not to get hit in the head when one of them throws it...they are pretty wild! 
Have you ever heard of Aerobie? This is a company that specializes in all things fun-for indoor or outdoor play, Aerobie is your source for endless playtime entertainment! The main products that Aerobie manufactures are flying discs and rings. If you are a frisbee fan, then you are going to love Aerobie's product line! 
Before I continue on, here is a bit more about this company, founded by Alan Adler...

Alan designed and built the first prototype of the Aerobie ring with its spoiler rim that balances lift over a wide range of throwing speeds in early 1984. The first throw of the Aerobie ring on Roble Field at Stanford showed Alan he had something special. The ring flew straight and true for an incredible distance, "as if sliding on an invisible sheet of ice." Onlookers were amazed.

Alan knew the Aerobie ring could be a hit. He also knew the flying performance of the Aerobie ring was going to be dependent on maintaining aerospace quality standards in the manufacturing processes. He therefore founded Superflight, Inc (now Aerobie, Inc.). in 1984 to manufacture and sell his high performance sport toy inventions beginning with the Aerobie flying ring. For its first 20 years of existence, Aerobie Inc. was officially named Superflight, Inc. However, in recognition of the fact that all of the products were named Aerobie and everybody knew the company as Aerobie, as of 2005, our company’s name is officially Aerobie, Inc.

Aerobie, Inc. is still owned by Alan and he still works on inventing new, exciting sport toys. We now manufacture thirteen Aerobie brand products and sell them through retailers of all types throughout the United States and to distributors in over thirty countries. All Aerobie brand sport toys are known for their extraordinary performance and quality. Our warehousing, packing, and shipping are all done in San Carlos, California.

Today, I am going to introduce you to another great product from Aerobie and that is the AeroSpin Yo-Yo!
So, for this review I was sent a red AeroSpin Yo-Yo and I was very excited to try it out! I will admit to you all today that I never was very good at using a yo-yo.
This particular yo-yo is very pretty...I love the glittery label! It sure does look flashy when being used. :) The rubber edges make this yo-yo safe for indoors (furniture and walls do not get damaged) as well as outdoors. 
One thing that I really appreciate about this particular yo-yo is that it comes with a book of tricks. This is SO important for someone like me who has no idea how to use a yo-yo. You may all laugh at me, but when I first opened it, I could not even figure out how to wind the string up. Ok. Stop laughing. Good thing I had the booklet! There are all sorts of tricks in this book and some of them look pretty wild!!
My husband really knows how to play with yo-yo's so I had him be my model for this review. He was pretty impressive! The picture above is just a normal throw.
Now, he is trying to do "walk the dog" in the picture above. It worked...until our two year old got in the way. :)
Our children are enthralled with this new toy and I cannot wait for them to get bigger so they can play circles around daddy and mommy! Right now, they just like to wind and unwind it...but they will learn eventually.

The Aerobie AeroSpin retails for $19.99 and can be purchased from and other retailers. The recommend starting age for this toy is age 5. 
Aerobie AeroSpin Yo-Yo
So, in my opinion...Aerobie is a great company! I love all of the fun toys that they carry and the AeroSpin Yo-Yo is great fun! My husband enjoyed playing with the yo-yo and I cannot wait to get my hands on it and try to learn how to do some tricks. I will have to let you know how that goes...hopefully I am better with a yo-yo than I am with a frisbee! :)

Aerobie has offered to give an AeroSpin Yo-Yo to one of you!! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free AeroSpin for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Aerobie website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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