Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 5, 2013

Space Warriors Premiering May 31st On The Hall Mark Channel! {Giveaway}

Sooo, I am a huge fan of the Hallmark Channel. It seems that just about every movie they roll out is family friendly and I never have to worry about raunchy movies. When I was growing up, my mom was VERY careful about what we watched and alot of the movies she let us watch were Hallmark movies. Even today, there are good movies being produced by Hallmark and for that, I am grateful.

I have learned about a new movie coming out from Hallmark called Space Warriors and it sounds like a very exciting film for the entire family! Here is a bit more about this movie and its premier on May 31st...

Watch Space Warriors on Hallmark Channel May 31st at 8/7C for your chance to win a trip for the whole family to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center's Space Camp!  Keep an eye out for the secret keyword for a chance to go on location where Space Warriors was filmed and train like a real astronaut!

Six highly skilled teenagers are handpicked to be part of a summer space camp competition at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. As the competition heats up, the kids have no idea that their ultimate challenge will be to solve a life or death crisis aboard the International Space Station as the world anxiously watches.

Starring: Thomas Horn, Danny Glover, Josh Lucas, Dermot Mulroney, Mira Sorvino and Booboo Stewart. 

Space Warriors is the second film in the Walden Family Theater original lineup featuring great family entertainment, airing Friday nights exclusively on Hallmark Channel. Walden Family Theater is creating films for the whole family to enjoy together, so make sure to mark your calendars and gather around the television to watch all the great upcoming films!

Past films include: "The Chronicles of Narnia" series, "Holes", "Nim's Island", "Charlotte's Web", and "Return to Nim's Island."

Oooo, sounds exciting doesn't it? I have a neat blog app to share with all of you as well and this app has a quiz, a viewing guide and a chance to win a trip to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center’s Space Camp! Check it out...

I love how you can also view a trailer of this movie! Looks so exciting. Space Camp sounds like so much fun to is probably something I would love my children to experience at some point. Being that we home school, Space Camp would make a fantastic field trip or vacation for the entire family!

 So, make sure you tune into the Hallmark Channel on May 31st for the premier of Space Warriors! I am sure you will enjoy it.

Now, one of you has the opportunity to win a Blu-ray Combo Pack of Space Warriors! **Please note: Winner's Prize Cannot Be Shipped to P.O Boxes** Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I am working in conjunction with the Walden Family Theater and they have supplied the materials used in this post. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 5, 2013

Keeping Your Bike Safe With Master Lock! {Review & Giveaway}

When I was a teenager one of my most favorite hobbies was riding my bike. Before I had my driver's license it was the only way for me to get to work on my own and it was also a wonderful way to unwind after a busy day. I grew up in the country and riding the country roads is sooo wonderful. My first job was at a u-pick fruit farm down the road from where I  lived and so I would ride my bicycle there for work and also to go get ice cream or whatever. 
Biking was also a huge activity for my entire family...especially when we would go camping. We would pile all the bikes on top  of the camper (and it was a hysterical sight only because we had 8 people in our family which meant TONS of bikes!) and head off on vacation. One thing that I always worried about though was someone stealing my bike. I had a nice mountain bike that I had purchased with my own money and it would have devastated me if someone took it. So, my dad bought a bike chain and combination lock for me so I could make sure no one stole my bike.
Today, I am going to introduce you to a really neat bike lock from Master Lock and this one has some nice features to make sure your bike does not get stolen. Take a look at these results from a recent Master Lock survey...only 1/3 of Americans lock up their bicycles and nearly half of Americans have had their bike stolen or know of someone who has had theirs stolen. Wow. So, if that doesn't scare you into wanting to lock up your bike, I don't know what will. The sad truth is that there are still people out there who would not think twice about taking something that is not theirs and I for one am not going to make it easy for them.
The Fusion U-lock Bike Lock from Master Lock is making it very difficult for thieves to steal bicycles these days. I was sent one of these locks for review and wanted to share my thoughts about it with you. This particular bike lock comes with a mounting bracket for easy storage and transport, which is great. At least, I thought it was great until I tried to install gave me fits! Ha ha! Well, I will get to that later.
So, it is very obvious that the style of this lock is a U-lock. All of the items needed to use the lock are attached to it and you have to snip a few cable ties to release the hardware. Once you have done that, you are ready to assemble!
Here you can see the hardware that is needed to attach the lock holder to your bike. I am not a stupid person when it comes to putting stuff together and in fact, I LOVE to assemble things! So, I eagerly set to work assembling the holder and attaching it to my bike.
After about 1/2 hour, I was getting frustrated. I was having a lot of trouble figuring out how the holder attached to the bike and the only instructions I had were diagrams on the back of the packaging. This was the one thing I did not like about this lock. I am the type of person who needs to read the directions. Pictures are OK, but when you have little parts like I did, there was no real way to tell where they needed to go. I finally gave up and decided that I would go back to the holder at a later time. That is always the best solution for me. Actually, on Master Lock's website, there is a place where you can find more detailed directions on how to install the holder and I plan on taking a closer look at those. I wish I had known about that sooner! 
I was sooo happy to see that this particular bike lock comes with keys! I HATE combination locks because they can be finicky...especially when you are in a hurry. Keys are always a better choice for me.  Other features that I love are:
Hardened steel body resists cutting, sawing and prying
Double locking shackle for superior pry resistance.
Disc key for superior pick resistance.
Vinyl coating for weather and scratch resistance.

Ta daaaa! I love the way this lock works so well for me. It will be great to finally have an easy way to lock my bike up when I use it. It has been a while since I have ridden my bike but when I do finally get on it again, I will be assured that no one will steal it! While I struggled with the holder, I am determined to make it work so I will be tackling that again really soon...thanks to the "how to install the holder" information on Master Lock's page. You can purchase this U-lock directly from Master Lock's website and it retails for $15.81. On the same page, you can also find a store that carries this and other products from Master Lock. Be sure to check out Master Lock on Facebook and also on Twitter so you don't miss out on anything new that is happening with them! 

So, in my opinion...I love this Bike Lock from Master Lock! It is great assurance to me that my bike will be safe and secure this summer. While I don't use my bicycle much, I still live in a pretty populated area and don't have a fence around my back yard so the back shed is readily accessible to anyone and I want my bike to be secure. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who is looking to keep their bike safe this summer!
Master Lock has offered to give away one of these bike locks to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Master Lock products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Master Lock website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is NOT responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Renting a Photo Booth

Wow, so we are just about into June here and I am sooo excited for June to get here! Several reasons son is going to be celebrating his 3rd birthday and it brings back so many memories when I think back to his birthday. He was my very first VBAC and although it was a difficult labor, every minute with him since has been wonderful. The other reason I am excited for June is because my brother is getting married!! He is marrying his childhood sweetheart and our entire family is just thrilled to death that they are finally getting married. I was talking to my future sister-in-law and she told me that when they were children, everyone said that one day they would get married but they just didn't believe it. I actually have a picture of the two of them when they were like 5 and they are walking down a road holding hands. Awww, I always knew they would get married someday.

So, wedding season is in full swing and I recently saw a friend post on Facebook about how there was a wedding she went to and the bride and groom had rented a photo booth (or Capture Pod)! How cool is that. When you go to a mall there are photo booths planted in the center of the main thoroughfare and you can stop and for a few dollars, make a few memories.

How about renting a photo booth for your wedding or special occasion and then letting your guests enjoy themselves all while making some memories! I have seen some hysterical pictures that have come from some of these booths and to be honest, I kind of wish I had thought of that when I was married. The creativity can bubble over and you will also be able to preserve the more "unique" moments of the day. What about you? Did you ever rent a photo booth for your special day or event? If so, how did it go? Did you die laughing when you saw the photos being pumped out of it? I would LOVE to hear your story so please do leave a comment with your funny photo booth story.

This is a sponsored post however, all thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Everest Nutrition Krill Oil Review & Giveaway

I am all about taking supplements. In fact, some people's jaws have dropped when they see all the vitamins and supplements I take on a daily basis. You see, I have Lupus and this is why I am so adamant about taking supplements. Medications were not the route I wanted to take when it came to my health and so as soon as I found out I had Lupus, I started to research appropriate vitamins, minerals and other helpful supplements. In my years of taking vitamins, I have noticed that the products that help me the most are the ones made out of fish and seed oils. Lupus, for me, is a joint and arthritic type of condition so taking oil-based supplements really helps to lubricate my joints and keeps my joints pretty much pain-free.
Today, I am going to introduce you to a dietary supplement from Everest Health and this supplement is made from the oil of Krill...which are packed full of Omega-3's! Here is a bit more about Krill Oil and some of it's benefits...

Everest Nutrition’s Krill Oil is extracted from Krill living deep within the waters surrounding the Antarctic. Krill are very small, shrimp like crustaceans found in open seas throughout the world. Research from the scientific and medical communities confirms the incredible effects this oil can have in promoting heart and joint health, lowered cholesterol, improved moods and comfort during menstruation.

When addressing holistic health, krill oil is literally a miraculous discovery within the Omega-3 industry! Our Krill Oil contains a rich supply of astaxanthin, a red pigment found in aquatic livestock such as krill, shrimp, lobster, mussel, crab and other seafood sources. Astaxanthin is known as a very powerful anti oxidant which can help rid the body of free radicals that contribute to various diseases and illnesses. Astaxanthin is also known for its anti-aging capabilities.

Even better. krill oil's Omega 3 structure is linked together in a different form compared to fish oil. The essential fatty acids in fish oil are made up in triglyceride form, whereas krill oil is linked together in phospholipid form – the same structure as the fat cells in the human body! This makes absorption of Omega 3s faster and easier.

It's really funny that this review opportunity came along...I was just thinking about how I don't take any fish-based supplements and that I should start doing that. Fish oil is sooo good for you, and I know this for a fact. During cold and flu season, taking fish oil helps me to stay healthy. I can't wait until my children are old enough to start taking it too!!
So, for this review I was sent two bottles of Krill Oil to try out and see how I liked it! We are coming into the hot and humid months of summer and this is typically when I have the most problems with my Lupus. Any help I can get to stay pain-free is always welcome and so I was excited to get this Krill Oil.
Unlike your typical fish oil supplements, the oil in these capsules is red/orange in color. I wasn't expecting that. The other thing that surprised me was that these capsules do not smell fishy at all. Either way, I was happy with them and was excited to try them out. It said on the bottle that Krill Oil does not give you a fishy after taste, or, "burp-back" (I like that phrase, lol!) and that was totally nasty aftertaste whatsoever! YAY!
I have been taking Krill Oil now for about a week and although we have been experiencing some humidity and heat (humidity KILLS me) I have felt pretty aches or pains! I take two Krill Oil capsules every morning with breakfast along with my other morning vitamins and then I just enjoy my day. So far, I would say that the Krill Oil is definitely helping is great to not feel drained and achy at the end of my day.
Some other benefits of taking Krill Oil are... protecting your heart, lowering your cholesterol, fighting PMS symptoms (oooooooo boy, do I need that one!!), combating inflammation, optimizing your brain's capabilities, fighting aging AND boosting your overall health and well-being. Just like any other supplement, if you aren't sure if it is right for you make sure you check with your doctor first. Purchasing Krill Oil is simple. Just go to Everest Nutrition Krill Oil's website and click on "Order Now" One bottle (which will last for one month) retails for $29.95 or you can purchase multiple bottles for a discounted price. Also, be sure you check out Krill Oil on Twitter @Krill_Oil!

So, in my opinion...Everest Nutrition Krill Oil has been working well for me and for my body! It seems to be helping with my persistent joint pain that I experience with Lupus and it has been making these hot and humid days a bit more bearable. I am definitely looking forward to finishing the bottle and seeing how the long-term effects are for me. I would recommend this product to anyone who is looking to just stay healthy or for anyone who has some health concerns and would just like to take a more natural approach to treatment. Check it out today and discover that good health can be just a capsule away!
Everest Nutrition has offered to give away a bottle of Krill Oil capsules to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. However, I did receive free Everest Nutrition Krill Oil for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Krill Oil website and email. Prize is provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 5, 2013

Get Ready for Summer Camp!

When I was growing up, I had a serious problem leaving home. I guess you could say I had chronic homesickness sickness...if there is such a thing. Sooo, while I was a homebody, my brother was usually away at camp. My parents were very picky about summer camps for teens so he usually only went to 1-2 week long summer camps. It never really bothered me that I didn't go because I honestly just enjoyed staying home. We had a pool at home, just like they did at camp so I wasn't missing much there. Plus I was not an athletic type of girl so those types of activities didn't interest me at all. When my brother came home with stories of how much fun he had and how many friends he made, I was happy for him but certainly, not jealous.
Well, summer is upon us once again and parents will beginning their search for a good summer camp to send their kids to. I for one won't be looking for a summer camp because my children are still too you. I live relatively close to a pretty large lake and I know that every year there are numerous groups that come in and host summer camps. I am especially thrilled when I hear about camps for special needs children. How nice that even they can enjoy a time away from home and get a taste of what camp is like. I just love that.

The other aspect about summer camps that I think most parents enjoy is the fact that their children are out of the house for awhile. I am still at the stage where I miss my children if I am away from them for 3 hours so sending them away to camp isn't the first thing on my mind right now. Maybe one day...or not. :) So, parents, as you prepare for the summer don't forget to allow your children to enjoy every minute of their summer. Make it fun for them and be sure they stay safe, let this be the summer they will remember forever!!

This is a sponsored post however; all thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 5, 2013

A Weekend Project...Dandelion Jelly!

I have never considered myself to be very adventurous in the kitchen however, I was recently inspired. Back when I had just given birth to Jacob, a family in my church brought over a delicious meal and in that meal was a jar of Dandelion Jelly. I had never heard of Dandelion Jelly before and was mesmerized by this little jar of sweet, golden colored jelly. When I tried it, I was addicted...and the jar lasted maybe a day. It was that good!! To me, it tasted like honey and that first taste was forever in my mind. Well, the lawn at our new house has an amazing ability to grow dandelions and as soon as I saw those pesky weeds shooting up out of my lawn I had an idea. I went to visit my favorite addiction site Pinterest and began to look for recipes for Dandelion Jelly. It didn't take me long before I had found a relatively easy-looking recipe and I vowed to make some this year.
The perfect day came and I had extra helpers (I was babysitting some older children) so I sent all of the children outside to pick me some dandelions.

So, to make your jelly, here is what you will need...

2 heaping cups of fresh dandelion petals (see note below - you'll need to gather about 4 cups whole flowers)
2 C boiling water
1/4 C well-strained, clear lemon juice
4 C sugar
3 oz liquid pectin (I've used SureJell and also Certo...both work well)
yellow food coloring (optional)

NOTE: Look for fully opened flowers, the bigger the better, for ease of preparation. Of course do NOT use any dandelions that have been sprayed with fertilizers or pesticides!
Once you have picked all your flowers (I made sure I just got the heads of the flowers, no stems) you will need to cut off the petals only. You will get some green in there...just hold the flower by the base and snip off the yellow petals. 
When you are done, you will have a nice fluffy bowl of yellow softness. :) Measure out 2 heaping cups of petals and pour the 2 C. of boiling water over them. Let them steep and infuse. You can let them sit for up to 24 hours but be sure to refrigerate if you are not using them right away. I let mine go until the water was room temperature, about 2 hours.
So, now that you have steeped your petals, strain them. I first strained them through a strainer to get the big pieces of petals separated and then put a coffee filter in my strainer to get the itsy bitsy pieces separated from the water. You are NOT using the petals, just the liquid.
To make the jelly, stir lemon juice (I have used lime also and it worked quite nicely!) and sugar into reserved infusion in a two-quart nonreactive or stainless steel pan. Bring to a full rolling boil that cannot be stirred down. Add the liquid pectin and continue to boil two minutes, skimming any foam that may rise to the surface. At this time, you can add up to 20 drops of yellow food coloring. This is done because the actual infusion is a brownish color and because you are making DANDELION jelly, having your jelly look yellow just makes sense. I added the coloring and it made my jelly VERY pretty. :)
While you are cooking your jelly, this is a good time to prepare your jars. Place jars and lids on rack in pan or stockpot deep enough to cover them with about two inches of water, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer, keeping the jars hot until ready to fill. I didn't have a rack to use so I just put a dishtowel in the bottom of my stock pot and that worked just as good.
Ladle quickly into jars to within about 1/8 inch from the top; clean each rim and threads of the jar as it's filled, and place flat lid and ring on each before filling the next. Screw band on tightly and invert jar on tea towel for about five to 10 minutes. Jars should seal and lids should pop shut within 10 minutes as they cool (I could actually hear mine popping). If they do not seal, you can place them in a hot water bath for 10 minutes or place in the refrigerator. Sealed jars will last up to one year in a cool, dry place and any unsealed jars can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
Seriously, this stuff if amazing. It really tastes like honey and the lemon juice adds a very subtle yet pleasant lemon flavor. I am very pleased with this recipe and if you would like more information, you can see where I adapted my recipe from by clicking HERE. Just something fun that I did recently and am THRILLED with the end result. Let me know if you try this out and how it works for you! Happy canning!

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 5, 2013

Almondina Cookies Review & Giveaway

Summer time snacking has begun!! Today I went outside and mowed the entire lawn. By the time I was finished, I seriously needed a snack. I wasn't starving, but I was craving something and having just mown our entire lawn, I needed something semi-healthy. With the warmer weather comes many opportunities to sit out on the back deck in my lawn chair with an ice cold lemonade, the iPad and something to snack on. My children love to play outside and I love to sit and watch them from the comfort of my deck. I am a crunchy-snack lover and will take just about anything that is sweet, crunchy and satisfying. 
Recently, I was introduced to a company that makes gourmet cookies that are crunchy, all-natural free of cholesterol and no added fat or salt. Oh, and these cookies are only 30 calories each! Almondina is owned and operated by Yuval Zaliouk, a world renowned musical conductor and his company has been in business for the past 20 years. Here is a bit more about Almondina...

Almondina® is the inspiring success story of a man whose great loves include both music and wonderful food. For generations his family loved his grandmother Dina’s most secret cookie, which she called Petit Gateau Sec. Yuval Zaliouk, an internationally known symphony conductor and gourmet chef, always had a special place in his heart (and stomach) for this exquisite, crispy wafer with the delicate flavor of roasted almonds and the natural sweetness of plump raisins.This all-natural, crispy almond cookie has no cholesterol and no added fat, salt, or preservatives. It is wonderfully crunchy and does not have to be dipped. It is a delightful accompaniment for coffee, tea, soft cheeses and fine light wines. The rush to eliminate fat from gourmet foods too often has also eliminated most of the flavor, a fact which is in sharp contrast to this enticingly delicious cookie.

Since the introduction of the classic Original flavor, eight more distinctive variations have been introduced, all of which continue to be packed with roasted almonds. A recent innovation, Chocolate Cherry, combines the almonds with dark chocolate and plump cherries.

I love stories like these because it shows the timeless treasure of loved recipes and traditions. Not only that but those recipes are shared with us so we too can enjoy the taste and love of generations gone by.
So, for this review I was sent 7 packages of Almondina Cookies to try and when they arrived, I was SO excited! I wasn't sure what to expect and this was certainly a pleasant surprise!! The flavors I received were:
Choconut, Sesame, Gingerspice, Cinnaroma, Chocolate Cherry and two packages of the Original flavor.
Each tray is 4 oz and contains quite a few cookies. I was expecting thicker cookies but these are very thin.
As you can see, these cookies are very thin but to me, that is what makes them unique and adds to the deliciousness of them. If you are looking for a small treat, these are the cookies for you! Just enough flavor and crunch to hold you over until your next snack attack.
Oh goodness...don't they look heavenly?? I did try each and every flavor that I was sent and my oh my...they are divine. I love how you can break them apart or keep them whole. They are super easy to eat and I guarantee you that once you eat one, you will be eating more. My favorite flavors were the Gingerspice  as it tasted just like gingerbread and also I loved the Chocolate Cherry. Cherries taste so good with chocolate and these were wonderful!!
The other "perk" of having these around are that they are FANTASTIC for my teething one year old!! :) I would give him a cookie and 20 minutes later, he was still chewing on it. Now, you do need to watch your child with these are they are super crunchy and break off into small pieces but if your child is an independent, whole foods eater than you should be good to go. My Isaac LOVES these cookies and they keep him busy and quite for a long time. Ahhhh, works great for me!
To purchase Almondina cookies you can buy them online directly from Almondina's website or you can find a store near you. Simply click on their Store Finder to find a retailer near you. Almondina is also on Facebook and Twitter so be sure you stop by there and keep up with their promotions, news and announcements.

So, in my opinion...Almondina Cookies are such a delightful way to unwind at the end of a busy day or simply to snack on throughout the day. Each cookie is crunchy, sweet and totally good for is hard to eat just one! I would definitely recommend this company to anyone who is looking to satisfy a craving for something sweet. Like I said before, you will not be able to put the package down once you have tried them!
Almondina has offered to giveaway 7 packages of cookies to one of you! The winner will receive the same sampler I received. Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. However, I did receive a free Almondina Cookies for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Almondina website and email. Prize is provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Check out Kidorable's ADORABLE Hooded Towels! {Giveaway}

The weather is getting warmer and the sun is getting hotter. This means one thing...pool and beach days are just around the corner! Today it is really warm here and my children filled their turtle sandbox with water...and jumped in-----clothes and all! Oh boy. My son's little Kidorable Rain Boots were full of water and are now sitting in the sun to dry. My daughter was completely soaked and had to totally change her clothes. When they get into messes like these, they try to hide the evidence from mommy. So, when they got into the water, they immediately ran upstairs to get some bath towels to dry off but I caught them right in the act. HA HA!!! THIS mommy does have eyes in the back of her head. :)
So, when it comes to drying off after a dip in the pool, a sudsy and bubbly bath or a day at the beach, you just have to check out Kidorable's Hooded Towels! Soft and fluffy, they are PERFECT for any wet child to dry off with! Here is a bit more about these fun, cotton hooded towels...

This is one product that really comes alive when wrapped around a child. Our absorbent, soft cotton towels make lounging by the pool and beach, or drying off after a bath, extra fun. These quality towels come in two sizes, newborn to two years, and ages three to six.

Kidorable is my FAVORITE brand for clothing and accessories for my children and honestly, the quality is wonderful. My son has been wearing his rain boots constantly since I received them for review over a year ago and they are still in great shape!
So, if you are looking to make a splash this summer make sure you have a Kidorable Hooded Towel on hand! Your child will love the colors, designs and comfort that these towels provide and I guarantee that you will LOVE seeing your child wrapped in soft, fluffy warmth after a chilly water encounter!
Kidorable's Hooded Towels retail for $38 and right now, you can get 20% off your order simply by entering the code STAYDRY22 at checkout. So, don't wait...get your order in today and be ready for summer water fun!

Kidorable has offered to give a Hooded Towel away to one of you!! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. All quotes and stock photos are from the Kidorable website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 5, 2013

My MakIt Plates Came + Discount for You!

So as promised, my plates that my daughter and I designed from MakIt have arrived and I wanted to share the finished product with all of you! I took pictures of each plate individually so you could see that the plate designs are EXACTLY what was drawn on the templates. By the way, these plates are dishwasher safe which is great. :) Here they are!

 Pictured favorite Bible verses!
This is the plate view from the side. It is a good sized plate that can actually be used for food purposes! What a great way to preserve memories that will be used on a daily basis.

I would also like to mention that I chose to have the shipping expedited so I received my plates very quickly after sending in the templates. I love that they came so fast. 
Just a quick reminder that I do have a MakIt Prepaid Art Plate Kit giveaway going on right now so you can head over to that post by clicking HERE and get your entries in. Also, if you would like to buy a kit you can do that and also get $5 off your order by following THIS LINK. All you would do is order a plate through that page and the discount has already been taken off the price of the plate. This discount is good until June 1st, 2013. 

So, I am really loving my plates that I received from MakIt! The process was very easy and the finished plates are so pretty! Check them out today and also, be sure to enter my giveaway! Have a good day! :)

Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 5, 2013

NEW McDonald's Premium McWrap Review & Giveaway {4 Winners}

From the time I was little, McDonald's was a huge hit around my house. My parents loved taking us there because it was always reasonably priced and the food was kid-approved. Having 6 children meant that they were always trying to save money here and there and those golden arches were known and loved by each of my siblings and I. In fact, when we used to travel, we could spot the McDonald's sign from miles away and learned to spot them on road signs. So, if we were hungry, we made sure we pointed out where the next McDonald's was located along our route. Now that I have children, we often frequent McDonald's and my children just adore their Chicken McNuggets. My husband is pretty partial to the nuggets as well so they always get the same thing when we visit. Oh yes, and there is also a PlayPlace at a location near us so that makes visiting McDonald's an extra special treat for my little ones. (We won't mention the time my 2 year old went up in the tubes and wouldn't come down so mommy had to crawl up through the maze of tubes and slides to rescue him...yeah...that was an embarrassing moment fun.)
So, when I heard that McDonald's had a new menu item I, of course, was very excited. McDonald's now offers a NEW Premium McWrap! That's right, a healthy wrap that is bursting with freshness. Healthy and McDonald's never seemed to fit in the same sentence for me...until now. Before I tell you all about this McWrap, here is a bit more interesting information about McDonald's!

Since 1955, we’ve been proud to serve the world some of its favorite food. And along the way, we’ve managed not just to live history, but create it:  from drive-thru restaurants to Chicken McNuggets to college credits from Hamburger U and much more. It’s been quite the journey, and we promise this is just the beginning-we’ve got our hearts set on making more history.

I learned something else that I found really interesting when I read about McDonald's history...did you know that the first McDonald's drive thru was created near a military base to serve soldiers who were not permitted to get out of their cars while wearing fatigues? Wow, I never knew that before today! How neat is that?!? Anyway, when I found out that I was going to get to try the all new Premium McWrap, I was very excited.
So, for this review I was sent some coupons to try the McWrap for free and also was sent some extra coupons to give away to you! My coupons arrived the other day and today when I was out running errands with the children, I stopped by my local McDonald's to grab a McWrap for my lunch.
First of all, the McWraps in general are HUGE. They are made with a full-sized tortilla and so they are definitely a meal in themselves. You have probably tried the breakfast burritos from McDonald's but these are waaay bigger than them.
There are three different flavored McWraps that you can choose from and all of them are amazing. You can try the Chicken & Bacon, Sweet Chili Chicken or the Chicken & Ranch. For today's lunch run I chose to try the Chicken & Bacon. Wow. My McWrap had huge strips of crispy chicken, juicy tomatoes, lettuce, strips of bacon, creamy garlic sauce and cheddar jack cheese. It was very tasty and really filling too. Retailing for just under $5, it is definitely a wonderful and healthy lunch option!
The one thing that I absolutely love about the McWrap is that the container is designed to leave you with a way to actually hold your wrap without losing the contents. This is sooo great, especially if you are eating while driving. No messy hands and no filling falling all over your lap. Just like everything else at McDonald's you can "tweak" your wrap to fit your likes...different sauces, crispy or grilled chicken and leaving out anything you may not like.
I have also tried the Chicken & Ranch McWrap and it too was sooo good. When it comes to good food, I think that McDonald's is one of my top favorites. When I was pregnant with Isaac, I craved their double cheeseburgers and their breakfast menu is so yummy...who doesn't love a hot Egg McMuffin every now and then? To find out more about the NEW McWrap, check out McDonald's online and also be sure to visit them on Facebook and also on Twitter!

So, in my opinion...If you are looking to satisfy even the slightest of hunger pangs, check out McDonald's NEW Premium McWraps! They are packed full of yummy ingredients and will be sure to fill you up in no time at all. The three varieties will leave you with choices too and that is always a good thing. :)
Now, I have some coupons to giveaway...four of you will each win three coupons to try out the NEW Premium McWrap for FREE!! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive Free McDonald's McWrap coupons for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the McDonald's website and email. Prizes are in coupon form and will be mailed by myself. This blog is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen prizes and in this case, I am not responsible for replacing coupons under any circumstances.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.