Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 3, 2013

Help Our Veterans

I remember back when my oldest brother was still in high school. He had always talked about being a police officer when he graduated but as a child, had constantly talked about how he wanted to be a soldier. You know how children are - they want to be something different every day! Not my brother, he wanted to be a soldier. Period. So, when he graduated high school he joined the Marine Corps. As his sister, it was very hard to see him leave home and go to basic training but I knew he was living his dream. If you go to  then you can see how you can actually help Veterans continue to live their dreams by donating a used vehicle to a Veteran's charity.
My brother joined the military to become a stronger person physically and to also help his country...for which I will forever admire him for doing. When he returned from boot camp, he was physically "ripped", for lack of a better term and was so incredibly focused and mature. Having gone through boot camp made him grow up in so many ways...I was astonished  I remember waking up really early one morning and looking out my bedroom window. There was my brother, doing exercises (sit-ups, push-ups, etc.) in the front yard with our dog sitting next to him. He was so serious minded about his fitness and was so regimented.

Part of me was sad to see him so serious but the other part of me was so proud of him. After several tours overseas and being stationed in Germany, he was discharged from the military due to medical issues. Now, he is married and a father of two gorgeous little girls...I am still proud of him to this day. Sadly though, many of our military men and women return from service and are damaged physically, emotionally and psychologically and honestly need our help. This is why it is so important to give to Veteran's charities. They can help our Veterans in so many ways that we will never know. If you have the opportunity, please do check out some local charities that are dedicated to helping our Veterans won't be sorry that you helped to make a difference. Say "Thank you" in a very special way.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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