Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 1, 2013

BabyGanics Rear Gear Ultra Absorbent Diapers Review

Currently, there are two diaper-wearers here in our home. I am trying to potty train our almost three year old and that is is going. :) He is so laid back and he just doesn't care if he goes on the potty or in a diaper. BUT, I have come to the painful realization that he is quickly outgrowing the biggest diapers on the market so he is going to have to potty train. Soon. He is sooo close some days and then, there are those OTHER days. :) Until he is completely potty trained, we are stuck in diapers. Really though, because my daughter took so long I am prepared for a longer training time.
So, when it comes to choosing diapers, there are a couple of things I look for. The first thing I look at is leak-guard/proof diapers. You know, I have changed one too many blow-outs in my life time and having a diaper that keeps everything in is VERY important to me. Your diapers leak? No thank you. Another thing I look for is good value. We have two in diapers right now and we all know that diapers can be pricey. So, finding diapers that are priced right is very important as well. Today, I am going to introduce you to BabyGanics Rear Gear Ultra Absorbent Diapers!  Eco-friendly diapers are not a must have for me but I know that they are definitely better to use and so I was happy to see that these diapers are eco-friendly. Before I proceed any further with this review, here is a brief history of this dad-founded company called BabyGanics!
We're Kevin and Keith, founding fathers of BabyGanics. As family guys, (wife, kids, & pets!) we really do get how hard it is for parents to make the daily, balanced choices that go into creating a safe healthy and happy environment for their babies.

We dedicate our days to helping you do just that. Our products are designed for babies but, honestly, they're just as much for parents; whether they protect, moisturize, nourish or clean, their most important ingredient is always peace of mind.

It is not too often that you find companies that are founded by daddies so this is a real treat for me! Companies that are successful and that have been founded by moms and dads are some of my favorite companies and I am thrilled today to bring you this review from BabyGanics! I was also really excited to find out that I was being given a chance to review the all new Rear Gear Ultra Absorbent Diapers!
So, for this review I was sent a package of size 5 BabyGanics Rear Gear Ultra Absorbent Diapers and they arrived just as I ran out of diapers for Jacob! Woo hoo! I love it when that happens. :) These diapers are latex-free, chlorine-free, fragrance and lotion free and ultra soft. I love putting soft diapers on my babies just makes me feel better about what is against their skin and knowing that they are comfy is important to me.
Typically, Jacob wears a size 6 but because I was out of his diapers, I used these. Surprisingly, the sizing is generous and the 5 fit him really well. I was concerned that they would be too small but they ended up being just right!
I am a HUGE fan of stretchy tabs also and these were nice. They pull nicely and also, are re-fastenable. I prefer a snugger fit so while these tabs stretched they also held the diaper snugly around Jacob's waist. As far as absorbency goes I was surprised at how much these diapers hold. I do change my son's diapers frequently but when we are out and about for awhile and don't change the diaper until we get home, the diaper can get soggy. These held up really well and didn't leak at all. Even our messy poopy diapers didn't leak and I was SO relieved about that!

Pricing for BabyGanics Rear Gear Ultra Absorbent Diapers varies on packaging size but you can purchase a package, like the one I received, for about $11.99 from Babies R Us. These diapers also come in larger boxes and they retail for around $29.99. BabyGanics can be found on Facebook and also on Twitter so be sure you stop by and visit them there.
So, in my opinion...BabyGanics Rear Gear Ultra Absorbent Diapers are wonderful! They really do keep the leaks away and are nice and absorbent. A two year old can really soak diapers so I was thankful that these kept him dry and comfortable. I would definitely recommend BabyGanics to anyone...especially parents or caretakers who have some little ones in their life that wear diapers. These are well worth the money and they do exactly what they are supposed to! Check them out today!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free BabyGanics Products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the BabyGanics website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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