Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 1, 2013

A Day in Our Classroom :)

My daughter has started Pre-K this year and although we had a late start, she is making great progress. She really seems to like school, although some days we do struggle. She is retaining what she is learning, and that makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. :) She has learned all her vowels and we are embarking into learning our consonants. I have found that Jacob needs to feel like he is a part of the homeschooling process so I give him some busy work to do while I am working with Hannah. He loves to write in an empty journal book and doodle with a pen. He also enjoys digging through a bowl of dry rice looking for little trinkets that I have hidden in the rice. Trying to be creative is always fun...but that is what homeschooling is all about. I love being my children's teacher!!
This is where we do our school. As you can see, I work with what I have. :) We have a tiny kitchen and that is transformed into our classroom during school time.
 Matching up her capital letters with the little letters. She did well with this!
 Writing her letters.
 Jacob doing his "school". He is a good little pupil! :)
So, that is just a peek at how we do school around here. Every day is fun and sometimes challenging...but so worth it! Hannah is learning and in the process, I am learning about her. She is a good student and I am looking forward to the rest of our year! :)

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