Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 9, 2012

Solving Tummy Troubles With Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water

When my first baby was born, she was a DREAM. In the hospital, that is. When we brought her home, she screamed our whole first night together. I vividly remember sitting in the easy chair the next morning, my new baby in my arms, sobbing as my mom walked through the door. Mom took one look at the baby, then at me. She took Hannah, told me to go get a shower and go to bed IMMEDIATELY. Ha! I must have looked a wreck! The diagnosis? Colic. My daughter cried her whole first 3 months of life and because I was a new mom, I really had no idea what to do. All the books said that there was nothing for colic and no way to solve the issue other than to massage, give warm baths and cuddle. My mom used gripe water with her babies, but the store that carried it when she had babies no longer did and I never did the research to find a solution that worked and just dealt with my fussy baby. Now that I have two more children, I have learned a few things and the NUMBER ONE thing that I have learned is that there is help for colicky babies!!!
I think that every baby suffers from fussiness of some kind and thankfully, I have only ever had one colicky baby. My other two (both boys) had gas alot and I had to be careful what I ate as it was transmitted through the breast milk and made their tummies unhappy. I have been trying different gas relief methods for my newest baby, Isaac and have narrowed my search down to several brands that I am loving! The latest brand that I have tried is called Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water and it is very nice! A mom-founded company, Mommy's Bliss has become the #1 selling Gripe Water and one of the reasons I really like it is because it was created by a mom who saw the need for gripe water in the US and made it available! Here is more of her story...

Roshan Kaderali is originally from Tanzania and later became a resident of Scotland. She has lived permanently in the United States for more than 35 years.

When Roshan began her nursing practice in the U.S., she recommended Gripe Water for infant colic and fussiness. She quickly learned that it was not available in America. Working with an FDA-registered cGMP (current good manufacturing practice) laboratory, Roshan developed the first all-natural Gripe Water for the American market. The continuous stream of letters of appreciation she received from doctors and parents alike was both gratifying and inspiring.

From there, Roshan developed many other products based on her years of experience working with infants and new parents. Today, Mommy’s Bliss® offers a variety of dependable products for mothers and babies, all based on natural ingredients and all aiming to comfort the baby and the mommy.

When she’s not at the Mommy’s Bliss office, Roshan volunteers with the FAME (Foundation for African Medicine and Education) clinic in East Africa and the San Francisco Homeless Prenatal Program. She also enjoys teaching knitting through after-school programs, going to the symphony and travelling around the world.

I love how Roshan sees the importance of investing her time in the well-being of mothers around the world. Being a mom is not easy and having the tools necessary to make life simpler and more enjoyable are key to being a HAPPY mom!
So, for this review I was sent some Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water to try on Isaac and share my thoughts with you!
The one complaint that I have with my current colic remedy is that it is black in color and stains clothing and my son hates the flavor. This gripe water from Mommy's Bliss is clear in color and has a very nice flavor too. Also, it is all natural with organic fennel and ginger...which is very soothing for tummies! You don't need to refrigerate it and it is 100% vegetarian and vegan. My son gets fussy at all different times of the day and I find that having something to help his tummy makes him a wee bit happier. In the photo above, you can see he is slightly distressed. I wasn't sure what the issue was (gas, colic, teething), but it was one of those times when I tried Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water.
This Gripe Water comes with a medicine dropper so you can properly measure and comfortable administer the water to your baby. I have read several reviews stating that the dropper is too big and dispenses too quickly but frankly, my son did great with it and I have no complaints about it.
For my son, I used a whole teaspoon of Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water, which was about two full droppers. He didn't cry at all when I dispensed it into his mouth. When I first saw that I would have to give him two dropper fulls, I was immediately concerned. It is all I can do to get him to take 1/4 teaspoon of my other remedy without screaming and spitting it out! He LOVED this Gripe Water and it went down very easily.
I was very pleased to find that Isaac was a much happier baby after I gave him the Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water. While it didn't work as well as my other colic remedy, it still worked for him and is a cheaper alternative at just about $12 (the other brand is over $20).

You can connect with Mommy's Bliss on many different social networking platforms...they are everywhere and ready to help you! Like Mommy's Bliss on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and their blog as well! So many different ways to get in touch...I love it!
So, in my opinion...Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water is a fantastic product! It worked well for my son and has helped us through some tough, fussy times. I would definitely recommend this product to any mom out there who has a colicky and/or gassy baby...there is HOPE and there is natural help for you! Check it out today and begin your journey to blissful parenting!! :)

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mommy's Bliss products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mommy's Bliss website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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