Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2012

Meet ivee! The Voice Controlled Talking Alarm Clock {Review}

Ever since I have had children, I rarely have to use an alarm clock. THEY are my alarm clock. Those of you with children know exactly what I mean here. :) I remember the days of having to use an alarm clock and believe me...I don't miss those days one bit! There are so many different types of alarm clocks on the market today, it can be difficult to find one that fits you perfectly. I have always wanted an alarm clock that plays relaxing music or sleep sounds but finding one that doesn't cost a fortune isn't easy. My husband is the one who uses an alarm clock now and I sometimes dread hearing the loud "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" in the mornings. He has been elbowed once or twice because of it. :)
Today, I am going to introduce you to my brand new friend, ivee. ivee is a voice controlled talking alarm clock that comes in several sizes and is so neat!! If you are looking for a new gadget that will help you get through your day with a smile, check out ivee! Here is a bit more about ivee and their innovative technology...

ivee is one of the most advanced and intelligent speech recognition devices available. She listens and responds to your verbal commands, telling you the time, date, temperature, and much more. To get started, simply say "hello ivee" and she'll take it from there.

ivee is equipped with the latest generation NLP with speed and accuracy never before seen in a product like ivee. The NLP's processing power allows for quick and accurate recognition of commands. You're never kept waiting. It just works.

I have never owned a clock quite like ivee before and so I was very excited to receive one and see how "she" worked!
So, for this review I was sent a digit ivee to review and share with all of you. If you haven't heard of this company before, I would strongly encourage you to read on and see just how much fun this gadget is! Also, be thinking ahead towards Christmas...this would make an awesome gift for that person who has everything.
My ivee digit is black in color, with a white base. To get started, I simply plugged the clock in. It has a usb port for the plug, and can also run on 3 AAA batteries if you are travelling or going somewhere and you need an alarm clock.  It also has a clear plastic over the screen when you first take it out of the box and has clear instructions on how to get started. Really, it isn't that complicated. Here is a brief video that I created introducing you to ivee and showing you her basic functions.
As you can see, it is not difficult to use. Like I say in the video, you need to make sure that you are in a quiet environment so other noises won't interfere with the technology. ivee comes with multiple functions including sleep sounds, timers, alarms and a night light. I love the relaxing sounds that can be played at night to help soothe and get you to sleep faster. When you try to set the sleep sounds, ivee first suggests that you set the sleep timer so the clock will turn off by itself when you want it to. I love that! She also contains 30 different voice command options, which are given to you in the instruction manual.
ivee contains a National Language Processor that can understand a wide variety of accents as well as voices. My husband was hysterical when he was trying to get ivee to understand him. He didn't understand that you don't have to SHOUT at ivee to get her to work...I was in stitches listening to him interact with the clock!! :) If you look on the back of the clock, there are a number of switches that you can use to control the volume of the voice and alarm and also you can choose to touch or speak to the clock. If you don't want to use voice activation, you can turn it to Touch and press down on the top of the screen. This would be great if you are using the alarm clock and don't want to wake your spouse  by speaking...especially if you are my husband and think you have to yell at ivee.
All in all, I was impressed with ivee. It honestly took some getting used to and I was frustrated at times because she could not understand/didn't respond when I wanted her too...but it was my fault, not the clocks. I am really looking forward to replacing my current alarm clock with ivee and getting to know her better. She seems nice and I think we will get along well. :)
ivee is available in three different models: Digit, Flex and Flex Night. The Flex models have radios and 6 different sound options rather than 3.Check out their website to see which model would be best for you. Prices range from $39.99 to $59.99.  You can order directly from their website or find ivee clocks at the following stores: Brookstone, The Sharper Image, Staples, ThinkGeek and

I would also like to remind you to check out ivee on Facebook and also on Twitter...stop in and visit! They will be pleased to meet you. :)

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free ivee alarm clock for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the ivee website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2012

House Shopping!

Waaaaaaaay back when hubby and I were just engaged, we knew we wanted to live in a house and not an apartment or condo. This was a mutual decision and because we were just starting out, we knew our budget was not that flexible. So, the house hunting began. I remember going to open house after open house...hoping that we would find the "perfect house". It was not an easy thing but personally, I LOVED going to open houses. It is so cool to walk through different houses and see the way people decorate and arrange their homes. Although none of the houses we visited were good fits for us, we still enjoyed looking.
Now that our family has grown to a family of five, we are again looking to move. I don't think we would ever Buy a Kansas City Home, but we are certainly looking for a nice home around here! Some of the things we wanted in a house back when we first moved were must-haves. They were not optional, we needed certain things to be right. For instance...we needed our house to be relatively close to our places of employment. We didn't want to be driving insane amounts of miles to get to and from work every day and didn't think that it was practical to be doing that either. So, location was important. Secondly, we wanted to be in a quieter neighborhood that wasn't on any main highways or busy roadways. This was a bit harder. Many houses that we saw were on main roads and honestly, with children in our future (or so we hoped), we wanted a house that would allow us to have the children play outside without fear of them running into the road if it was super busy. Now, our children NEVER go outside without us so that was a minor concern but one that we still thought important. 

We finally stumbled upon a small house that was located in a tiny subdivision. The houses there were all build in the 1960's and were 3-4 bedroom houses. The one we looked at was a bank foreclosure, which meant that it was priced below what it was worth. We ended up falling in love with this little house and it was a perfect place for us! Driving to work was about 30 minutes for hubby and 10 minutes for me. We were off the "beaten path" so to speak and the neighborhood was full of retired people...meaning it was very quiet. Cars rarely drove by and we were within walking distance of our church. It was PERFECT!

We have been here for 6 years now and have loved every minute of it. This house has become our HOME and we are so thankful for it. Now that we are looking to move on, I do so with many memories and it is a bittersweet time for us. Hopefully, we find a place just as nice as this one!

This is a sponsored post for Remax, however, all the points and views are my own.

Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 9, 2012

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 9, 2012

Solving Tummy Troubles With Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water

When my first baby was born, she was a DREAM. In the hospital, that is. When we brought her home, she screamed our whole first night together. I vividly remember sitting in the easy chair the next morning, my new baby in my arms, sobbing as my mom walked through the door. Mom took one look at the baby, then at me. She took Hannah, told me to go get a shower and go to bed IMMEDIATELY. Ha! I must have looked a wreck! The diagnosis? Colic. My daughter cried her whole first 3 months of life and because I was a new mom, I really had no idea what to do. All the books said that there was nothing for colic and no way to solve the issue other than to massage, give warm baths and cuddle. My mom used gripe water with her babies, but the store that carried it when she had babies no longer did and I never did the research to find a solution that worked and just dealt with my fussy baby. Now that I have two more children, I have learned a few things and the NUMBER ONE thing that I have learned is that there is help for colicky babies!!!
I think that every baby suffers from fussiness of some kind and thankfully, I have only ever had one colicky baby. My other two (both boys) had gas alot and I had to be careful what I ate as it was transmitted through the breast milk and made their tummies unhappy. I have been trying different gas relief methods for my newest baby, Isaac and have narrowed my search down to several brands that I am loving! The latest brand that I have tried is called Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water and it is very nice! A mom-founded company, Mommy's Bliss has become the #1 selling Gripe Water and one of the reasons I really like it is because it was created by a mom who saw the need for gripe water in the US and made it available! Here is more of her story...

Roshan Kaderali is originally from Tanzania and later became a resident of Scotland. She has lived permanently in the United States for more than 35 years.

When Roshan began her nursing practice in the U.S., she recommended Gripe Water for infant colic and fussiness. She quickly learned that it was not available in America. Working with an FDA-registered cGMP (current good manufacturing practice) laboratory, Roshan developed the first all-natural Gripe Water for the American market. The continuous stream of letters of appreciation she received from doctors and parents alike was both gratifying and inspiring.

From there, Roshan developed many other products based on her years of experience working with infants and new parents. Today, Mommy’s Bliss® offers a variety of dependable products for mothers and babies, all based on natural ingredients and all aiming to comfort the baby and the mommy.

When she’s not at the Mommy’s Bliss office, Roshan volunteers with the FAME (Foundation for African Medicine and Education) clinic in East Africa and the San Francisco Homeless Prenatal Program. She also enjoys teaching knitting through after-school programs, going to the symphony and travelling around the world.

I love how Roshan sees the importance of investing her time in the well-being of mothers around the world. Being a mom is not easy and having the tools necessary to make life simpler and more enjoyable are key to being a HAPPY mom!
So, for this review I was sent some Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water to try on Isaac and share my thoughts with you!
The one complaint that I have with my current colic remedy is that it is black in color and stains clothing and my son hates the flavor. This gripe water from Mommy's Bliss is clear in color and has a very nice flavor too. Also, it is all natural with organic fennel and ginger...which is very soothing for tummies! You don't need to refrigerate it and it is 100% vegetarian and vegan. My son gets fussy at all different times of the day and I find that having something to help his tummy makes him a wee bit happier. In the photo above, you can see he is slightly distressed. I wasn't sure what the issue was (gas, colic, teething), but it was one of those times when I tried Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water.
This Gripe Water comes with a medicine dropper so you can properly measure and comfortable administer the water to your baby. I have read several reviews stating that the dropper is too big and dispenses too quickly but frankly, my son did great with it and I have no complaints about it.
For my son, I used a whole teaspoon of Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water, which was about two full droppers. He didn't cry at all when I dispensed it into his mouth. When I first saw that I would have to give him two dropper fulls, I was immediately concerned. It is all I can do to get him to take 1/4 teaspoon of my other remedy without screaming and spitting it out! He LOVED this Gripe Water and it went down very easily.
I was very pleased to find that Isaac was a much happier baby after I gave him the Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water. While it didn't work as well as my other colic remedy, it still worked for him and is a cheaper alternative at just about $12 (the other brand is over $20).

You can connect with Mommy's Bliss on many different social networking platforms...they are everywhere and ready to help you! Like Mommy's Bliss on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and their blog as well! So many different ways to get in touch...I love it!
So, in my opinion...Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water is a fantastic product! It worked well for my son and has helped us through some tough, fussy times. I would definitely recommend this product to any mom out there who has a colicky and/or gassy baby...there is HOPE and there is natural help for you! Check it out today and begin your journey to blissful parenting!! :)

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mommy's Bliss products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mommy's Bliss website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 9, 2012

Musco Family Olive Co. Review & Giveaway

From the time I was a child, I remember my mother fixing the relish tray for Thanksgiving dinner. It was loaded with all kinds of pickles, olives and hot peppers. My family as a whole was not too fond of olives but I was and always insisted that they be on EVERY relish tray. Before dinner, I would sneak an olive or two when mom wasn't looking and my oh my...were they ever GOOD! Today, I am still a huge fan of olives. With this last pregnancy, I actually craved the pimento stuffed green olives and could literally eat a whole jar in one sitting. However, I never did eat an entire jar due to the sodium content. Pickles and olives make wonderful appetizers for any meal or occasional...just make sure you have plenty to go around or your will run out quickly!
Today, I am going to introduce you to a fantastic company that is based in California and they specialize in the Early California and Pearls brand of olives. Musco Family Olive Co. also has some lovely reduced salt olives that will ensure you are getting flavor without loads of sodium! Before I continue on with this review, here is a bit more about Musco...

From the time he was a young child in Italy, Nicolo Musco worked in his family's merchant business, peddling olives, cheese, and other food from village to village on his donkey-driven cart. Nicolo started his American success story in 1922, moving from Italy to New York to start an Italian food distributorship. Nicolo's entrepreneurial spirit combined with a heritage that spans back many generations as a long-standing merchant of Italian food products, led him to seek his future and fortune in the olive groves of California.

Nicolo brought with him from Italy a quote and a belief that "when the sun shines, it shines for everyone." Taking this to heart, he and his young family left New York and moved to Northern California to realize a dream and produce olive oil and specialty olives. They settled in the fertile valley town of Orland, California, finding the land similar to the Mediterranean climates of home. He opened an olive oil and specialty olive facility and incorporated Musco Family Olive Co.

Now that I am married, I am still the only one in my house that likes olives...until today!! I am very excited to be given the opportunity to review Musco Family Olive Co., and share it with my family and with all of you today! These family-owned and operated companies are some of my favorites!!
So, for this review I was sent a fantastic olive sampler, complete with a can opener, appetizer napkins and olive skewers! In my sampler I found:

PEARLS Reduced Salt Large Black Olives
PEARLS Reduced Salt Pimento Stuffed Green Olives
PEARLS Fresh Cured Green Olives
Early California Reduced Salt Large Black Olives
Early California Reduced Salt Pimento Stuffed Green Olives
Early California Fresh Cured Green Olives

Being the olive lover that I am, I dove right into my sampler as soon as the children were down for their naps.
First off, I would like to point out that some of the cans had pop-top lids which I love. It makes life so much easier if you can just pull the top off rather than go digging for a can opener. This is also really nice if you are taking olives to a party and you don't want to bother the hostess for a can opener...or, if you go camping and  forget your can opener you can still enjoy your olives!!
I had a fantastic time tasting the different olives that were in this sampler! I loved the Fresh Cured Green and black Olives as they had a great taste to them. When the Musco Family Olive Co. cures their olives, they remove the bitter taste. Their curing process involves water and sea salt and preserves the natural color, texture and flavor. The reduced salt varieties are sooo great too!
I love how you can still have the wonderful taste of olives without feeling like you are consuming loads of salt. I wasn't sure I would like them with less salt but I was very surprised that they were still just as good as the salted varieites!
My son is my adventurous child and so I gave him some olives just for fun to see if he would like them. The little stinker LOVED them! He thought it was so funny to put them on his fingers!! (Mommy did help get them on there) After admiring them for a few seconds, he promptly devoured every one of them.
Ahh...a boy after my own heart!! My daughter did not want to try one but her brother, he loved them. You can find Musco Family Olive Co. olives at local stores and you can also use their store locator to find a retailer near you! Also, besides their website, Musco Family Olive Co. can be found on sure to stop by and "Like" them there and check out what is new and exciting there. They will LOVE to meet you!

So, in my opinion...Musco Family Olive Co. has some really great tasting olives!! I love the quality, the flavor and the texture of these olives and would definitely recommend them to any olive lover out there. Fantastic product!
Musco Black Ripe Large Olives
Musco Family Olive Co. has offered a very generous's the scoop:
  • GRAND PRIZE: A fun olive sampler from Musco Family Olive Co., which contains six cans/jars of their newest Fresh Cured and reduced Salt olives, plus a nice Musco branded can opener (sampler pack ARV = $25)
  • 3 Runner Up Winners will receive Free Product Coupons!
Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive Musco Family Olive Co. products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the  Musco Family Olive Co. website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 9, 2012

Mediterranean Snack Food Company Review & Giveaway!

Snacks, snacks and MORE snacks!! I am LOVING this re-occurring theme here on my blog recently...hope you are as well. :) By now, you should all be well aware of the fact that I love snacks and that my goal is to provide my family with healthy snacking options. This week, hubby came home from the grocery store with LOADS of fruits and veggies and we are starting to make some dietary changes in our home. Because I have children, I think it is natural to try and find the easiest and most convenient food and this typically means that we eat a lot of processed foods. Anyone with any kind of sense at all knows that in moderation, this is OK but in excess it can be harmful to your health. My children are so important to me (understatement there) that I am really trying to make better food choices for them. Do they always like my choices? No. But I think that offering them healthier options is a good start in the right direction.
I was recently browsing the Internet in search of organic, healthy snack foods and came across the Mediterranean Snack Food Company. I was immediately drawn to their site because it is colorful and very easy to navigate. I was also very intrigued with their snack foods that they create...most of them are made with lentils! Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Before I continue, here is a bit more about this company...

The Mediterranean Snack Food Company is an entrepreneurial, privately-held company founded in 2005. Our mission is innovation to produce great tasting, nutritionally superior snacks.

Using the superfood benefits of lentils in combination with whole grains and legumes, we create unique healthy and delicious snacks.

We use only the highest quality, non-GMO, and gluten-free ingredients, creating snacks to satisfy even the most health-conscious food enthusiast.

But our commitment to nutritional excellence never causes us to lose sight of the most important feature of good snacking – Great Taste!

That last phrase is key...healthy snack foods need to taste good!! For me, my children don't eat foods that taste bland. That is why I was interested in this company; because they make sure that the food that they create doesn't taste like saw dust!!
So, for this review I was able to choose a few items that I wanted to try and so I chose:
The first bag that I dove into was the Cucumber Dill Baked Lentil Chips. I LOVE cucumbers and dill is another herb that I enjoy so I was really excited to see how these tasted. Inspired by the lifestyle of the Mediterranean, these and all other products from the Mediterranean Snack Food Company are made with high protein, nutritious lentils, garbanzo and adzuki beans. I wasn't sure I would like a snack made out of beans, but I was pleasantly surprised! These chips pack a huge crispy and crunch punch and would definitely satisfy any snack craving.
Then, I tried the Rosemary Baked Lentil Chips and these were very tasty as well! The rosemary herb flavor was very subtle and gave a wonderful undertone to the taste. I enjoyed trying them very much. I have to say that the Sea Salt Lentil Crackers were my favorite though. They were thin and seasoned with just enough sea salt...not too salty at all! My children also really enjoyed these tasty little numbers as well. They made the perfect mid-afternoon snack for them. I have a tough time with garlic right now (due to breast feeding) but did enjoy the Roasted Garlic HummuZ Crispz. They were light and crispy with a nice flavor of garlic...these would make a lovely appetizer for an Italian dinner.
Sea Salt Lentil Crackers
Probably one of the best features of these products from Mediterranean Snack Foods is that they are gluten free. I know several people who are on special diets due to gluten intolerance and they always say how hard it is to find snacks that they can eat...that actually taste palatable. I am positive that these snacks would be perfect for anyone who is on a gluten free diet!

You can find more information about the Mediterranean Snack Food Company by visiting their Facebook page or by stopping by their website. They also have a store locator on their website that can direct you to a store that carries their products.
So, in my opinion...The Mediterranean Snack Food Company offers some really tasty snacking options for you and for your family, even if you have gluten allergies. I am really enjoying the diverse flavors and textures in the snacks I received and I feel great about having such great snacks on hand for my family. Wonderful company and TASTY snacks!

The Mediterranean Snack Food Company has offered to give away a a mixed case (12 bags) of Mediterranean Snacks Baked Lentil Chips to one of my readers! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive  Mediterranean Snack Food products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the  Mediterranean Snack Food Company's website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 9, 2012


I am a huge fan of personalized greeting cards and just adore the ones that you can add your own photos to! The CardStore is offering a free greeting card with free shipping and you can take advantage of this freebie until 9/23 at 11:59 EST and until supplies last...not sure how long that will be. I think I will create a birthday card for my baby sister...her birthday is not until October but I can get ahead of the game here! When you are at the checkout, enter this code: CCL2673 and you will be good to go! Happy creating! :)
Flower Sister Frame Sister Birthday Card

NEW Pampers Gifts To Grow Code

My diaper brand of choice has seemed to be Pampers. Occasionally, I will buy something different but I tend to stick with Pampers. Why? Several reasons...great coupons, Gifts to Grow (earn free stuff!) and leak protection. LEAK PROTECTION is huge for me and I get frustrated with cheaper brands because they do not pass this test.

Anyway, I love Pampers and today, they have released a new Pampers Gifts to Grow Code for us! Here it expires on 9/30.


Enjoy a Better Breakfast with NEW Activia Breakfast Blend

I am a huge fan of eating breakfast. Now that I am a mom, I am more adamant about breakfast and am pretty good at making sure my children get a good, healthy breakfast. Kids are just so energetic...they need something hearty and nutritious to get them going and KEEP them going throughout the morning. I do not give my children a ton of snacks, and this is why I want them to eat well at their meal times. Breakfast is also essential to kick start your body in the mornings...after all, it is called "break-fast" for a reason.
Yogurt has become a favorite around here when it comes to a healthy breakfast and I am thrilled with this! My children have a difficult time enjoying food that is good for them and so I often resort to yogurt for some of their morning nutrients. For some time now, Hannah has been on a probiotic vitamin for her tummy and I think her digestive system is finally maturing a bit more then it was when she was younger. Several months back, I had the opportunity to review Activia...a yogurt made by Dannon which contains important probiotics to help regulate the digestive system. Here is a bit more about the importance of probiotics and Activia...

The word probiotic literally means "for life." Probiotics are live microorganisms (either bacteria or yeast) that, when consumed in adequate amounts, have a beneficial effect on the host beyond basic nutrition. A food is considered probiotic if it contains a sufficient quantity of probiotics and if all probiotic properties are maintained throughout the life of the product (alive in sufficient quantities to provide beneficial effects). Bifidus Regularis (Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010) is a probiotic culture. We say that Bifidus Regularis is active because it is a living beneficial bacterium that, once ingested, survives the passage through the digestive system and remains alive in sufficient quantities for Activia to have its beneficial effects.

So, do you feel educated now? :) Good. It is very important to understand why probiotics carry such power when it comes to healthy digestion. Now that I have thoroughly educated you, let me introduce you to Activia's newest member in their yummy yogurt family...Activia Breakfast Blend
For this review I was given the opportunity to try a 4-pack of Activia Breakfast Blend Yogurt in my choice of flavor. I tend to be an apples and cinnamon type of girl so I chose to review the Activia Apple Cinnamon with Grains flavor. Availability seems to be a bit sparse in my area for this new yogurt but I was able to find it after a bit of searching! This four pack that I have pictured above cost about $3.50 at my grocery store...which wasn't bad at all. 
I was very eager to try this out and was pleasantly surprised with the flavor, the texture and how full I felt afterwards. One container of this particular flavor only contains 190 calories and just 3 grams of! I am not on a diet now (I need to be) but if I was, I would definitely consider including Activia Breakfast Blend into my breakfast menu!
This yogurt is thick and creamy and kind of has the texture of Greek yogurt. There are small chunks of apple, a hint of cinnamon and bits of grains (oatmeal, I think) in each spoonful. Eating one cup filled me up very nicely and I actually felt satisfied. You really don't need to pair this with anything else as it is quite enough on it's own. My son LOVED it as well...he is a true yogurt junkie and left none in the cup when he was done!

You can find Activia Breakfast Blend in your grocer's dairy case and because it is new, some stores may not have it yet. Check out Activia's Store Locator to find a location near you. It also comes in four flavors that you can choose from: Apple Cinnamon, Maple & Brown Sugar, Banana Bread and Vanilla. I was lucky to find it and am soooo glad that I have been able to try it. 
So, in my opinion...Activia Breakfast Blend are fantastic! I am really looking forward to trying the other flavors and sharing them with my family. It is good to know that as a mom, I have great and yummy options for my children when it comes to breakfast. 

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free product coupon for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Activia/Dannon website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 9, 2012

Old London Snacks Review & Giveaway

Ahhh...I seem to be on a snacking kick lately! I think it is the weather. Yep. The hot summer days seem to have ended and now we are getting into cooler weather. Sometimes, snacking is just more fun when you are not sitting in the heat and humidity. I really love to snack when I am blogging, and I also snack when the children have gone to bed and I am relaxing with my hubby after a busy day. Soo, because I like to snack often, I try to make healthy snack choices. This is not easy seeing as I live with a guy who LOVES chocolate and sweets. :)  It is for this reason that I am always on the look out for healthy snacks. If I can still have a snack without having to worry about extra calories or fat, I will.

Today, I am going to introduce you to a snack brand that I have heard of in the past, but have never tried. Old London snack foods are diverse in taste and in "style". They carry Melba Toast, Bagel Chips, Melba Snacks and JJFlats...which all sound so great! The Melba Toast is what I have heard of and of course, Bagel Chips too. Before I continue, here is a bit more about the Old London brand...

It was 1897 when, concerned about her stylish figure, the talented opera singer Miss Nellie Melba sent the famed Parisian chef Auguste Escoffier back to the kitchen. Her complaint was that her bread was much too thick. Escoffier returned to Ms. Melba’s table with a thinly sliced piece of toasted bread, and promptly named it Melba toast in her honor. Nellie Melba’s name would go on forever, just like she always said it would.

The first Melba oven was built in 1932, leading to the development of the Melba Round. These improvements allowed Old London to introduce the first restaurant packs to the public, gaining widespread approval. Today Old London carries over 20 flavors of authentic, original, crunchy taste sensations in Rounds and Toasts.

Make Old London part of your active, healthy lifestyle. Melba’s satisfying, crisp bite makes it a light bread replacement for a quick lunch or easy snack. Try all the Old London products, a brand you can trust for a great flavor and outstanding quality. Look for the Old London Specialty Cracker Section in your local grocery store and find more than just Melba!!

I was really interested in trying Old London products because they look super healthy and seem like they have great flavors too.
So, for this review I was sent several boxes of Old London snacks to try. I was sent:

Sea Salt Melba Snacks
Rosemary Melba Toast
Garlic & Herb Bagel Chips

Recently, hubby and I planned a nice evening together after the children went to bed and while he was indulging in Doritos, I was breaking out my Old London snacks. I have to admit that these snacks are definitely on the VERY healthy side. They don't taste greasy or over salty. Some might think they are bland, but I thought they were seasoned very nicely. Because of his snack preference, my husband did not like these snacks.
I love that the Melba Toast was individually packaged with a few pieces in each pack. This makes it really easy to just eat a small amount, rather then a whole box at once. :) The rosemary flavor was, I thought, very nice. It wasn't over powering at all. These small pieces of Melba Toast were super crunchy too, which easily satisfied my craving for a crunchy snack.
The Garlic & Herb Bagel Chips were very tasty too...they have just enough garlic on them so you know you are eating garlic but not too much. I love bagel chips anyway so these were a great snack for me. I couldn't really tell the difference from the bagel chips and the Melba Snacks because they looked the same. The most noticeable difference was the flavor...obviously. :) I love salty foods and the Sea Salt flavor was wonderful! I could eat these all day.

You can purchase Old London Snacks online or at your local supermarket and prices vary depending on which product you want.
So, in my opinion...the Old London Snack selections that I was sent are wonderful! I love the options and flavor choices as you can pick and choose which ones suit you best. Personally, I LOVE the Sea Salt Melba Snacks because I am a salt fan...these are wonderful!! I would recommend these snacks to anyone looking to change over to healthier options. You will be guaranteed a healthy and tasty snacking experience with Old London!

Old London has offered to give away 5 boxes of melba toast/snacks/bagel chips to one of my readers! YUM! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive Old London products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Old London website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.