Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 5, 2012

Memorial Day Grilling Made Easy With Ball Park

First of all, Happy Memorial Day to all of you!! I cannot believe that we are at the end of May, and June is at our doorstep. WOW! It is officially time to start summer now. :) If you are like me, you are probably making plans to go to a family gathering to celebrate Memorial Day. Some of you may have already gone to one...or more. What I love most about family gatherings is the food. There is just nothing like true picnic food. Yummy pasta salads, chips and dip, ice cream cones, fresh fruit and the beloved hot dogs and hamburgers. Recently, my hubby and I have begun to use a charcoal grill for all of our grilling and have simply fallen in love with the flame-broiled flavors that it produces. It is no surprise that right now, our favorite items to cook on the grill are hot dogs and hamburgers. BUT, what if you are unable to grill, or are looking for a quick meal or picnic solution? What if you knew that there was a hamburger out there that could be ready for you and your guests in one minute? Well, I have good news for you...there is!!
Ball Park has recently created a brand new product that is FANTASTIC, and perfect for those of you who love that flame grilled flavor without having to get the grill out. Ball Park Flame Grilled Patties are more than just another run-of-the-mill hamburger.

Here is a bit more about Ball Park and their famous, showstopping picnic favorites!

Since 1957 Ball Park® has been king of the frankfurter. Now we’ve gone a step further with our Flame Grilled Beef Patties, Angus Brats, and Angus Beef Hot Links. We don't claim to understand guys any better than you do. But we do know what they like to eat. So when he's just being himself, good luck. But when he's hungry, think Ball Park®.

The Ball Park® brand was launched in 1957 in response to a request from the owner of the Detroit Tigers baseball team. The Ball Park® Frank quickly became such a success, it was expanded nationally. Ball Park® is now a national premium brand of hot dogs with a reputation for great taste and quality. Today, you can find Ball Park® franks in supermarkets, convenience stores and Detroit’s Comerica Park.

Ball Park has always focused on quality and delivering bold juicy flavor. That's why we DO NOT use Finely Textured Beef Trimmings or what has been characterized in the media as "pink slime" in our products.

I am thrilled that Ball Park has opted out of the "pink slime" junk that is found in processed meats these days. When I first saw the news coverage about that, I was totally grossed out!! Nope...not for me, or my children!
So, as a BzzAgent, I received a coupon for a free package of Ball Park Flame Grilled Patties, in whichever flavor I chose. I was thrilled to see that they had a variety of flavors, and that they were all available at my local supermarket.
I chose to try the Beef and Cheese flavor. You will not find these burgers in the meat section of your grocery store as they come frozen. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical when I opened the package. My burgers looked freezer-burned and I really was doubting that the flavor would be fresh and tasting like they just came off the grill.
All you need to do when cooking these burgers is place them on a microwave-safe plate and then cover them with a paper towel. (This helps to absorb some of the grease.) They cook for about a minute or more depending on your microwave and then they are ready for the table!
While I was microwaving my burger, I noticed how great my kitchen was smelling. With a kitchen that smelled like I had a grill parked in the middle of it, I was getting excited about how this flame-grilled burger would taste.
This was one wonderful tasting burger!! I was sooo surprised at how great it tasted and yes, it really tastes like it was flame-grilled! I fixed one of these for my husband and he too loved them. If I could change anything about the burger itself, it would be less greasy. There was quite a bit that I blotted off the burger with a paper towel but that is all I would ask that the company do differently.

For a package of 6 Ball Park Flame Grilled Burgers, you will be paying about $8.99. When I did the math, this is very comparable to buying fresh burgers so really, you are getting the same deal...which is nice. If you are looking for a store that sells these burgers, you can check out Ball Park's website for a store finder.
If you would like to keep up with Ball Park and their latest news, products and coupons, make sure you visit them on Facebook...they will LOVE to meet you!

So, in my opinion...Ball Park Flame Grilled Burgers are fantastic! My family loved them and they are the perfect solution to a fast and easy dinner. I love the flame-grilled taste and also, I loved how juicy and fresh the burger tasted. This will definitely be a regular summer item on my picnic table and I am thrilled to have tried them!

Disclaimer: As a BzzAgent, I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a coupon for free Ball Park Flame-Grilled Patties for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine. Stock photos and quotes are taken from Ball Park and BzzAgent Websites.

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 5, 2012

Success for Small Businesses

I live in a pretty popular area of New York state. While it is well-known, there are many small business in and around my area that are not well-known at all. If you were to tell the owners of these businesses that they can become popular and do so without leaving their offices, they would probably laugh at you. Honestly though, I have a few simple steps that could and probably would help them grow. These steps would lead them Internet marketing.

First, I would encourage them to start a company website. While it can be time consuming at first, it is well worth it once the site is set up. There are many great website templates out there to help.

Secondly, You need to get heavily involved in social media which is a popular way to reach a global audience. Some social networks that you must use include Facebook and twitter. Blogging articles on your website and linking them to social networks will drive repeat visitors back to your site.
Another valuable way to spend marketing dollars would be to participate in pay per click ad campaigns on google networks. You will be able to reach a specific target audience, you can even target local regional audience. This strategy is highly recommended if you have a limited marketing budget.

Lastly, would be to get your website ranked on google with specific keywords. In order to do this would be to consult with a professional search engine optimization company. They can help with optimizing your website to ensure that it gets ranked properly.

So, there are my tips to help small businesses become more successful. Do you have any creative ideas that would help as well? Please share them...I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 5, 2012

Boba Baby Wrap Review & Giveaway {Internationally}

I remember when I was growing up, my parents would use a baby carrier for the babies in the family when we would go hiking. It was an old-fashioned type of carrier with the metal frame. Dad would strap it to his back, in would go baby and off we would go as a family on a hike! Carrying babies this way would totally eliminate the need for a stroller (which would not survive a hike through the woods) and always seemed to put the baby to sleep! When I was putting my baby registry together for my first baby, I knew I wanted a baby carrier. I registered for one that I thought I would love...and got it. I was sooo excited! The first time I used it, I was very disappointed. It was very difficult to put on and once it was on, it was terribly uncomfortable. "How can someone wear this thing??", I pondered to myself as I stuffed it back in the box. It hasn't been used since. Fast-forward to my third baby's birth. My doula came to visit me about a week after Isaac was born. She brought along her Boba Baby Wrap to show me, along with some other things that she thought would be of use to me. I have NEVER been a "babywearing" mom so using a wrap was a totally new concept to me. She showed me how to put it on and we put Isaac inside. I was AMAZED. It felt great and Isaac LOVED it!!
Boba is a company that makes baby wraps and carriers for parents who are interested in bonding and being close to their babies. I for one am one of those parents. :) Here is a bit more about this company, which was founded by Elizabeth Antunovic...

Boba designs thoughtfully crafted products for active parents who want the time and freedom to create a real and caring bond with their child, while living life to the fullest. We care deeply about what we do, and our customers’ happiness is our highest motivation as a company.We started Boba because we care about children, and we extend that caring to our customers every day through unrivaled quality products and outstanding customer support. Our products are designed, considering the needs of the child, mother, and father.

Like I said before, I have never been a babywearing mom. It isn't that I didn't want to, it is just that I had never considered it. When my babies were fed, diapered and happy, they were put in a bouncer or swing so I could get my work done. When they would cry, I would stop what I was doing and go hold them for a while. I really didn't think there was any other way to live life with a baby...until now.
For this review, I was sent an Boba Organic Khaki  Baby Wrap. When it arrived, I was soo excited! I had been using my doula's and was really happy to have my own. I was also thrilled to have an organic one as well.
The Boba Baby Wrap is made of 95% cotton and 5% spandex, so it is slightly stretchy. This makes the wrap suitable for any body shape and any baby size. When totally unfolded, this wrap is super long and looks like a long and narrow piece of material.
What I love about this baby wrap is that it comes with a really nice booklet that explains how to wrap and tie it, as well as pictures showing different wraps that you can do. If you have a newborn, there is a specific way to wrap it. If you have an older baby, you wrap it differently. I have a newborn, so I followed the directions for that specific style.
Boba encourages freedom, and that means that with this particular product, you can do just about all your daily activities with baby on board! I was really excited about this because now I have three children...and a double stroller. I wasn't sure how we would be able to go on walks as a family (which we do almost daily in the summer time) and enjoy visits to the park. Well, the other day we went on a walk...and I wore Isaac in my Boba Baby Wrap!
I love how easy it is to get the baby wrap on...I can wrap it myself and put the baby in without any assistance, which is great. I am a stay at home mom so most of the time, I have no one at home to help if I needed it. The other thing that I am so thrilled about with this wrap is that the material breathes really nicely. The days that I have worn it outside, it hasn't made me sweat at all or made me feel hot and sticky.
As soon as Isaac is tucked inside, he falls right asleep. I was so amazed at how quickly he relaxed and quieted down. One time right before I put him in, he was screaming! As soon as I snuggled him in, he was sleeping. Incredible!!

Boba Baby Wraps retail for $48, unless you go organic and those Wraps retail for $65. Whichever one you choose, you will love! It may seem like a steep price for a piece of material, but it really is an investment that will keep you and your babies happy for years to come. It is worth every penny!!!

So, in my opinion...Boba is a fantastic company! I am totally addicted and in love with my Baby Wrap and have been telling everyone about it. :) I get asked about it whenever I wear it out and about, and love showing people how easy it is to use. I would definitely recommend this company to any and all parents who  are looking for a bit more freedom while bonding with their newborn and/or infant.
Image of Carrier for Baby
Enter for your chance to win a Boba Baby Carrier and one of two Boba Wraps! All products can be seen at With Boba products it is easier than ever to enjoy Freedom Together as a family and Boba wants YOU to get a chance to use their products. To enter to win, “Like” them on Facebook ( and for an additional two entries, follow them on Twitter (

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive a free Boba Baby Wrap for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Boba website and email. Giveaway is being conducted by Boba. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 5, 2012

Baby Shower Gift Guide Event ~ SwaddleDesigns Review & Giveaway


My son has been a VERY good baby for me. You know how they say that you become a more comfortable parent the more children that you have? Well, I think that is the case here. I have learned so much from the first two and now that number 3 is here, I am feeling like I finally know what I am doing. One thing that I have discovered recently is swaddling and the benefits that it has on babies. I have always known about swaddling but could not master it for the life of me and my babies could always wiggle out. Well, my doula who helped me with Isaac's birth, was talking to me about "The Happiest Baby On The Block" and the secrets that it held for calming newborns and infants. You know what one of the key elements to that method is? guessed it! Swaddling! Babies love to be tightly bundled as it makes them feel secure and safe, just like it was when they were in their mommy's tummy. I was having to sleep in a recliner with Isaac because he loved to be held tightly and I could not mimic that feeling any other way-or so I thought. Then, my doula told me how to properly swaddle and voila! My son was sleeping on his own...for 4 hour stretches!!

If you are a parent of a newborn or know of someone who is a new parent, then you will enjoy this next company that I am going to introduce to you. SwaddleDesigns is a company that specializes in swaddling blankets for your baby, along with other great baby products!
Recently, SwaddleDesigns has partnered with Angry Birds to bring a collection of Angry Birds Baby items! Now, I am not a fan of Angry Birds myself but I know that they have grown in popularity and demand throughout the past several years. Here is a bit more about this new partnership!

SwaddleDesigns® is introducing the Angry Birds Baby Collection!

Angry Birds have found happiness with SwaddleDesigns baby products! We are honored that Rovio chose SwaddleDesigns to manufacture Angry Birds Baby items based on our high quality products.

Angry Birds by Rovio is a phenomenally popular game.  Angry Birds is the fastest growing brand in the world with over 600 million downloads.  Boys, girls, men, women, grandmas and grandpas – all love playing Angry Birds.  The game is entertaining to people of all ages, genders and geographies, and is fun for family members to play together during snuggle time

SwaddleDesigns was founded by Lynette Damir, RN, Designer and Mom in 2002, and SwaddleDesigns was the first company to introduce the large square swaddling blanket to the US and many countries around the world.  SwaddleDesigns is known for their premium quality fabric, fabulous colors and prints, decorative edge, and the innovative 123 Swaddle® instructional label that helps new parents master the art of swaddling. SwaddleDesigns blankets come in a variety of weights and are perfect for many uses such as a privacy throw for breastfeeding moms, a tummy time play mat, a cover over the stroller as well as swaddling. 

The Ultimate Receiving Blanket® is a lightweight premium cotton flannel blanket – for moderate to cooler environmental temperatures.

The Marquisette Swaddling Blanket® is a very lightweight openweave high quality cotton blanket – for warmer environmental temperatures

Angry Birds is just one of the many collections SwaddleDesigns offers. We have many new exciting new prints and a variety of blankets and other products for 2012!
For this review, I was sent an Angry Birds Baby Bodysuit and a Marquisette Swaddling Blanket, also in the Angry Birds design.
Being that I am so new to swaddling, one of my greatest complaints is that most blankets are way too small to properly swaddle. It seems that I run out of blanket before the swaddle is completely done...which is frustrating. This is why I LOVE the  Marquisette Swaddling Blanket from SwaddleDesigns. This blanket is H*U*G*E. There is more than enough to go around Isaac and he is snug as a bug in a rug. The fabric is also really light, soft and a bit stretchy. When swaddling, I tend to prefer a stretchier blanket so this blanket is perfect.
The Angry Birds Bodysuit that I was sent is too big for Isaac right now, but it is cute! I love the blue trim on it...especially because I have a baby boy. On SwaddleDesigns website, you can choose other colors and designs as well so that is nice.
All of the Angry Birds Baby products are well made and would make wonderful gifts...especially for a baby shower! You can mix and match the other designs as well or you can pick out a gift set that includes multiple products.
SwaddleDesigns exclusive 123 Swaddle tip tag helps babies sleep better.
One of the other things that I love about SwaddleDesigns blankets is that they have a sewn-on tag that has pictures and instructions on how to swaddle your baby properly and effectively. This is great...especially for those late-night swaddling sessions when you are groggy and your brain is not functioning clearly.

So, in my opinion...SwaddleDesigns is a wonderful company! I think that they are a fantastic resource for parents...both for educating on how to swaddle and also for purchasing the perfect swaddling blanket. Each product is made with you and your baby in mind so when you get a chance, check them out and see just how easy they can make your life as a parent!
SwaddleDesigns has offered to give one winner their choice of bodysuit size and bird OR marquisette blanket! This giveaway is also open to US & Canadian citizens. Here are your entry options! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive free SwaddleDesigns products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the SwaddleDesigns website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 5, 2012

Baby Shower Gift Guide Event ~ The First Years Sure Comfort Newborn to Toddler Tub Review/Giveaway

                       ~BABY SHOWER GIFT GUIDE EVENT~

I cannot believe that my new baby is already a week and a half old! I also cannot believe that I can see my feet :) Anyway, I have been enjoying my "babymoon" and getting to know my little guy has been so much fun. He is a really good baby and for that, I am thankful. Due to him being born in the middle of my Baby Shower Gift Guide Event, I am having to extend my event into May so hang with me and I will be getting more posts up. Today, I am going to bring a company to your attention that you probably already know about if you are a parent.
The First Years is a company that makes all sorts of products for parents of newborns, infants, toddlers and children. Their name says it all...their focus is on the little people in our lives. Our children go through their first years so quickly, it is important that we have what we need to make those years as enjoyable as we can.

Here is a bit more about this fantastic company...

There are so many incredible milestones as a new parent. The First Years® complete line of feeding, care, travel, nursery, and play products can help you and your family reach each one safely and happily. Like our line of breastfeeding products designed to help you feed your baby breast milk longer. Or our line of strollers and five-star rated car seats that make safety simple. From the first welcoming cry to the first steps and beyond, The First Years® gives you the products, and the confidence in them, that will help make raising your child the most rewarding experience of your life. 

From experience, I know that The First Years is a great company. I have several items in my own home that I use regularly with my children that come from them and they are wonderful!!!
So, for this review I was sent a Sure Comfort Deluxe Infant to Toddler Tub. At the time of getting this tub, my son had not yet been born and I knew that this would be a great addition to my gift guide event!
This tub has many great features and the first one that I love is the fact that it comes with a mesh newborn sling, which is machine washable and dryable. Now, I will say that I think my babies prefer to be submerged in warm water instead of hanging over it getting chilly. So, I would adjust this sling so it sits in the water. This allows the baby to be comfortable and secure while you bathe them.
The second thing that I love about this tub is that, just like the name suggests, you can use it for all of your child's stages. The first is newborn. Then, you can recline baby in the tub and eventually sit them up with their back against the straight side. There are non-slip pads on the bottom of the tub to prevent baby from sliding away and that is really nice too.
If you like to prop your tub in the double kitchen sink, this tub also has grooves for you to set it on the divider in the sink so it doesn't move. It will securely nestle in your sink without moving. I love this idea as I normally put my baby tub into the big bathtub and bathe baby there. This would really save my back too. Also, I don't want to forget to mention that this particular tub has a small area for keeping your baby bath accessories. Having things within arm's reach is a MUST when bathing a baby!!

The First Years Sure Comfort Deluxe Infant to Toddler Tub carries a very affordable price tag at under $20.00 and you can find it at major retailers such as Walmart and Target. This would make a perfect baby shower gift for anyone!
The First Years Sure Comfort Deluxe Tub - Pink
So, in my opinion...The First Years Sure Comfort Deluxe Infant to Toddler Tub is a wonderful bath tub for your babies and toddlers. I LOVE the simplicity in design, durability, versatility and price of this tub and would definitely recommend it to any first-time parent. Wonderful product!

The First Years has offered to give away a The First Years Sure Comfort Deluxe Infant to Toddler Tub to one of my readers (winner will have their choice of or blue)!  So, here are your entry options...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive a free  The First Years Sure Comfort Deluxe Infant to Toddler Tub  products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from The First Years website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.