Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2012

Floor Mats Will Save Your Car!

Where I live, we go through very long and cold winters. This means that we get alot of snow (most of the time...this winter was an exception) and the roads get VERY icy. When we go through heavy snow storms, a very common sight around here are snowplows out and about, salting the roads and clearing the slush from the pavements. It is always wonderful to see the plow go by because it means that the roads are well on their way to being ice-free again.
The one thing that I hate about winter time is the fact that the car gets soooo dirty very quickly. When I get into the car to drive somewhere, my boots are covered with snow and that snow melts and turns to water. This makes the floor of my car very wet and soggy. I can't imagine what that does to the underside of the carpeting!!  Then, when I go to a store and get out in the salted parking lot, that salt gets tracked right back into my car! Salt is VERY damaging and erodes through things very quickly (as I am sure you all well know).

It is for this very reason that I go shopping for floor mats for cars right before winter comes. I usually try to find a rubber mat that has sides on it to catch the water, salt and grime that gets tracked in. This way, the mess stays contained and my car doesn't take quite as bad a beating during these nasty months. Floor mats that are designed for this type of weather can be on the pricey side but are well worth it when you see the mess that they prevent. So, when you are making plans for the winter and getting your vehicle ready for bad weather, don't forget the floor mats! They can really save you and your car some serious problems.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2012

Where I've Been :)

HELLO readers!! So sorry I have been absent here for awhile...I do have a good excuse though. :)

My baby was born on Monday, April 23rd and 10:36AM. We have a beautiful 7 pound, 11 ounce baby BOY named Isaac who is totally enthralling us. We are blessed.

Sooo, please hang with me here while I adjust and will be back with some very awesome reviews and giveaways for you all. 

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 4, 2012

Kidorable Review & Giveaway

Well, we are shortly going to be rounding the corner from spring into summer. But, because it is still April I am not counting on really gorgeous weather for a while yet. We still have some chilly, rainy and windy days that keep us indoors but once in awhile, we are blessed with warmer temperatures. My children LOVE to be outside and because I am so very pregnant right now, I just sit in a lawn chair and watch them play. My daughter, who is 3 1/2 is especially excited to play outside because she is getting to an age where she is very independent and loves to do things on her own. Because the weather is so unpredictable, I never really know what we are doing from day to day. If it is nice outside, then we are out. If it is crummy, then we are in. One day, I let her walk to the mailbox with me in the rain and she loved it! She had an umbrella and felt so special to be in the rain. Remember those days as a kid? I do...and oh, what a treat it was to be outside splashing in puddles on rainy days.
When it comes to making sure your mini puddle jumpers are ready for the spring showers, I have one company that I am going to introduce you to today that will get them all decked out for whatever those rainy days bring! Kidorable is a company that makes children's apparel and accessories fun, practical and VERY useful. Before I continue on, here is a bit of history from Kidorable...

In 1997, Kidorable sprung from the minds, hearts and efficiency apartment of Liping and Jonathan Domsky. They proclaimed, "The world needs someone to create children's apparel and accessories that are both functional and fun. We can do that."

And so Kidorable was conceived. Starting with lions and cats and bears, oh my, manifested as umbrellas and hangers, Kidorable generated enough sales during its first year to break even and plant fruitful Kidorable seeds throughout the land. The following year sales grew ten fold. Every year since, give or take, a new style and/or product line debuted. And every year, the world joyfully embraced more Kidorable delights, give or take, than the year before.

I for one have been completely impressed by what I have seen on Kidorable's website. The creativity and imagination that bounces around in this company is wonderful! Each product is made with kids in mind, and each item would be embraced and totally loved by any child.
So, for this review I was sent a Kidorable Butterfly Raincoat for my little girl. As it so happens, when the raincoat came in the mail, Hannah had gotten a boo boo from the door slamming into the back of her heel and she was NOT a happy camper. When I pulled this adorable raincoat out of the box, she immediately forgot her troubles and tears were gone!
This rain coat is sooo features butterfly decals on the front and backs of the sleeves, and is a really girly purple color.
Also, it has the cutest little pocket on the front that has a zipper so that the rain will stay out. I just love the cute butterfly antennas!

Each snap on this coat looks like a small flower and the snaps themselves are plastic and very easy for little hands to maneuver. The first time Hannah tried on this coat she had a bit of difficulty figuring out how to snap it up, but once I showed her, she was a pro!
Seriously, I think my darling wore this coal ALL NIGHT until bed time. It was her focus for the rest of the day and still is! She absolutely loves it. We cannot wait for the next rainy day to try it out!
When you purchase any of the Kidorable Raincoats, they automatically come with a matching hanger so you can store the coat in a closet. I love this idea because it can be so hard to find hangers (around my house anyways) for smaller coats. Isn't this hanger adorable???
The Kidorable Raincoats vary in price from $36 to $45 depending on what style you want. Kidorable also has a store locator on their website on which you can find a store that carries their products near you. There are tons of stores around me and I am really happy about that!

So, in my opinion...Kidorable is a fantastic company! My daughter is completely and utterly taken by her new rain coat and I am thrilled that she has something to wear when it rains outside! I am also really happy with the quality of Kidorable's products. They really seem like they put alot of effort into each item that they sell and as a mom, I love this. Should I have any more girls, I am sure this raincoat will make many happy smiles through the years!
Kidorable has offered to give away a Kidorable Umbrella in winner's choice! I am so excited about are your entry options! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive free Kidorable Raincoat for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Kidorable website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 4, 2012

Buying a Foreclosure...Our Story

When my husband and I were engaged, we immediately began looking for a house. I lived with my parents until we were married and he had an apartment, which was way too small for us to be in together. I remember very vividly him calling me to tell me about this house and that house and how exciting it was to go to open houses every Saturday. There were sure alot of homes for sale then! One day, he called me and told me about a house that he thought I would really like. The reason was because it was only 2 minutes from our church, was only about 5-8 minutes from my work and just 30 minutes from his work place. I was immediately interested.
Painting the kitchen
We scheduled a showing and come to find out, the house was vacant because it was a foreclosure. It was currently bank owned and apparently, had been on the market for some time. Hubby-to-be and I went to the house on the day of the showing and peeked into the windows. It was such a cute house!!! Soooo cozy, hardwood floors, tasteful wall paper in the living room and a HUGE picture window! I grew up in a house with a picture window and wanted one in my own home one day...this was sooo perfect! Our agent came (we weren't working with a bankruptcy attorney Las Vegas) and we took a walk through the house. I knew right away that this was going to be a wonderful home for us. There were so many things we loved, including the spacious back yard, rose bushes and quiet neighborhood.
Our living room...getting settled in
We put our offer in and it was accepted! Just two months after our first showing, we had closed on our very first home. It felt so good to be able to get into the house and clean it, furnish it and make it into our home. I officially moved in when hubby and I were married and just LOVED our cozy little home. What a perfect start to our life.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 4, 2012

Baby Shower Gift Guide Event ~ Tommee Tippee Review & Giveaway


As a mama, I can tell you that the only thing that is worse then a baby with a cold is a baby who is cutting teeth. My two children were ALWAYS fussy when they were teething and I can't even begin to tell you all the long nights I have had rocking and soothing them. Recently, my 22 month old has not been sleeping well at all. He wakes up screaming and crying and won't go back to sleep unless I go and rock him. Just the other night he was up about 4 different times and when he wakes up, he usually is good at waking up his sister too. This makes for a very long night for me. I checked his mouth yesterday and sure enough, he is cutting four teeth. Fun. So, last night as a precaution, I gave him a small dose of Ibuprofen and he slept all night...for the first time in a long time. What a blessed experience that was for ME! I haven't slept that well in quite some time.
Well, as you are all probably aware, I am expecting our third baby and am due to have this little one in just 2 short weeks. I will once again be going through the "cutting teeth stage" at some point in the coming year and this time, I am going to be prepared! Tommee Tippee is a company that I have worked with in the past and I am thrilled to be able to share them with you all again during this event! They have more then just oral care products for infants, they also have some fabulous cleaning supplies (which I did not know). So, today I will introduce you to these products and tell you a bit more about this company.

Tommee Tippee is know world-wide for their innovative and totally awesome baby products. Here is a bit more about this UK based company...

Loved by parents and children alike, Tommee Tippee has received numerous brand accolades in Great Britain, including top ranks in the prestigious Mother and Baby Awards, a head-to-head assessment of competitive products voted on by moms themselves. The Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature line of baby bottles has been chosen as Great Britain’s best baby bottle, winning the Gold award in 2006/7, in 2008/9 and again in 2009/10. In 2009, Tommee Tippee was the first and only children’s feeding brand to be selected as a UK Superbrand in a nationwide poll of consumers, putting it on par with brands such as Microsoft®, Coca-Cola®, Nike®, Lego® and Google®.

Just the fact that they are so popular and known world-wide speaks volumes. I have been impressed with their products in the past and they are coming up with so many more wonderful solutions for parents! 
So, for this review I was sent several Tommee Tippee items to share with you all today and they are all fantastic! I was sent:
I will start off by telling you a little bit about the Chewthers. I honestly didn't know what a Chewther was until I looked them up and I am VERY excited about these. Based on your baby's age, each Chewther is designed to prepare them for eating various types of foods. 
They start at Stage 1 (3 months of age), which is meant to help prepare your baby for thicker liquids and go right through to Stage 4 (9 months), which helps prepare infants for chunky foods. Chewthers also allow baby to teethe to their heart's content without hindering their speech development. If there is one thing I hate about pacifiers, this is it. If not taken away by a certain age, I think it can hinder the child from speaking clearly. The jaw and muscle coordination of babies is also well supported when using a Chewther as well, which is really important. So, I am now fully prepared for another teething baby! 
Now, I will introduce you to Tommee Tippee's fantastic line of cleaning products! All of their cleaning products are free from alcohol, chlorine, fragrances and dyes, making them well qualified to be safe and effective for use around babies. 
First, I tried the Antibacterial Hand Gel. This is like a hand sanitizer that you can stuff in your diaper bag, or keep close to you while strolling at the park, zoo or just sitting around at home. It is not sticky at all and leaves no yucky residue. If you are preparing to feed baby, just squirt a small amount on your hand, rub it in and you are all set! 
The next cleaning product I tried was the Baby Gear & Feeding Surface Cleaner. This is really a perfect cleaner for me as my little guy is still in a high chair (my preference, not his...for sanity's sake!!!). His high chair can get really grimy from those sticky little hands and I like to be able to clean it easily and quickly. Well, this spray cleaner is just the thing that I need. All you need to do is spray the surface that you want to clean and then just wipe down. You don't have to worry about rinsing it off either, it is perfectly safe. This can also be used for any surface that baby comes in contact with, not just high chairs and feeding surfaces. 
Last but not least, I gave the Bottle & Feeding Utensil Wash a try. Because I am not in a bottle stage right now, I used this to wash some baby dishes that I have. The children like to play with some of the plastic bowls that I have so this was a great opportunity to try out this product. It gets nice and sudsy and is gentle on  my hands as well. I have really dry hands so having something that isn't harsh is great! I was really happy with how this soap worked for me. It didn't take much at all to wash and clean my dishes. Fantastic!

Each of these above-mentioned products can be found at Babies 'R' Us and also online. Prices vary on sizes and styles.

So, in my opinion...Tommee Tippee has once again impressed me! I am totally in love with the Chewthers and really wish I had them for when my children were going through that hard stage in their lives. I also love the cleaning products and am really excited to be able to have them on hand for our up-coming baby. I would definitely recommend these products to any busy mom out there who is looking for solutions on how to better care for her children!
Tommee Tippee has offered to give away one Chewther from each stage to one of my readers! Woo hoo! Here are your entry options...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive free Tommee Tippee products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Tommee Tippee website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 4, 2012

Baby Shower Gift Guide Event ~ Bebe au Lait Nursing Cover Review & Giveaway


As you have probably noticed, I am a breastfeeding mom. My children both nursed until they were 12 months and from that point on, they weaned themselves. I suppose I could have pushed the issue with them and gone further, but it really didn't seem practical at that point. They weren't nursing for nutrition's sake, but purely for comfort. It was very evident that it was time to quit. At least it was a mutual agreement. :) During the 12 months of breastfeeding my children, I was not ashamed to nurse them in public places. I would nurse in stores, restaurants, airplanes, in front of relatives, etc. It wasn't a big deal to me and the reason for that was because I was always covered. My daughter liked to "flash" people every now and then but the more experienced I became at breastfeeding, the easier it is was to distract people from seeing anything. To me, nursing is an invaluable experience-both for mom and for baby. It is a time of bonding and closeness that rarely comes in any other way. In order to have a successful public nursing experience, I believe that a functional nursing cover is a MUST.
Today, I have a company to introduce to you that I love and that I am so thrilled to have participate in my Baby Shower Gift Guide Event! Bebe au Lait is a company that makes nursing covers and burp cloths. All of their patterns and products are very fashionable and stylish, I can't think of any mom who would not LOVE to receive one of their nursing covers as a gift!

Before I continue on with my review, here is a bit more about this mommy-friendly and nursing supportive company...

Established in 2004 and initially known as "Hooter Hiders," Los Gatos, California-based Bebe au Lait develops superior quality products that pair beautiful prints with luxurious fabrics to meet the needs of modern, active parents.

Bebe au Lait's first and best known product, its award-winning nursing cover, was born out of necessity when co-owner Claire Ekelund found nursing her infant daughter in public challenging. And so, the Hooter Hider was born: an easy-to-use, multi-purpose, machine washable, stylish nursing cover designed with baby and mom in mind. The nursing cover's unique design with its Rigiflex™ neckline promotes bonding between mother and nursing baby and has been the recipient of multiple patents.

The Hooter Hider garnered immediate attention from stylish moms and celebrities across the nation and in media such as US Weekly, People, Fit Pregnancy and

Since then, Bebe au Lait has grown into 3 brands: Hooter Hiders, Bebe au Lait, and most recently, Lille. Providing a variety of products to meet the needs of style-conscious, modern families, these products include burp cloths, hooded towels, luxury blankets, and nursing cover gift sets.

Bebe au Lait now distributes its products internationally in more than 60 countries. In the U.S., its products are available through its website at, specialty retailers, and national retail chains such as Babies R Us and Nordstrom. 

I actually first heard of Hooter Hiders as a friend of mine was using one of their covers when we were out one day. It looked so comfortable and I really envied her...I wanted one too! That was several years ago now and I cannot remember where I ended up getting my very first nursing cover. 
So, for this review I was sent a Bebe au Lait Nursing Cover in the print of my choice and I chose the Kensington print. I love turquoise, green and blue so this seemed like the most elegant and appropriate choice for me. 
This nursing cover is not bulky or heavy at all and folds up very compactly for discreet carrying. When I first saw it, I was REALLY happy because it has a rigid, yet flexible neckline that allows me to keep an eye on the baby while nursing. This has been something that I have not always had the luxury of having. 
The size of this nursing cover is great as well. It spans across the whole backside of my recliner and is nice and long too. If you have a baby that likes to play "peek-a-boo" then this large cover will make that a bit more challenging for them. ;)
One of my favorite features of the cover is the fact that it has two terry cloth pockets sewn into each corner of the inside of the cover. This makes it easy to store baby's pacifier or a nursing pad while breastfeeding. I love the idea of having storage built right into the cover! Awesome!
When I tried on this nursing cover I loved how light and airy it felt. You cannot see through it and it really covers well. The colors are gorgeous and while it looks like a nursing cover, you definitely feel stylish while wearing it! The ties around the neck are adjustable as well so you can wear it higher or lower, depending on how tall you are. 

Each nursing cover from the Bebe au Lait retails from $35 - $38 dollars depending on the print you want. It is VERY hard to pick one out by the way as there are soo many from which to choose!
So, in my opinion...Bebe au Lait makes one awesome nursing cover! As a mom who advocates public breastfeeding, I am totally sold on their covers. They are modest, practical and very easy to use. Forget being embarrassed to nurse in it in style! I also love how you can use this cover as a changing pad, stroller sun shade and light blanket. Products that allow me to multi-task are my best friend!

Bebe au Lait has generously offered to give one of my readers their very own nursing winner's choice of print! A huge thank you to them for this amazing giveaway!!! Here are your entry options...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive a free Bebe au Lait Nursing Cover for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Bebe au Lait website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 4, 2012

Plow & Hearth Review & Giveaway

Well, spring has sprung! Our trees are in full bloom, the birds are officially back (and making all sorts of noises at  the most early hours in the morning), lawn mowers are buzzing all over the neighborhood, the temperatures have been warmer, spring showers come and go and the flowers are gorgeous! I love spring...and would prefer it to summer any day. I cannot stand the heat and humidity and spring weather is just perfect for me. Another really great reason to love spring is the fact that I have an excuse to re-decorate! HA HA! I love to get out my spring decorations and spruce up the house. It always makes things look brighter and more cheerful after coming out of the drudges of winter. 
If you haven't heard of Plow & Hearth before today then you MUST check them out...especially now. They have a whole line of New For Spring products and no matter what you budget is, they have something for you! Before I continue, I want to tell you more about this fabulous company, which was founded back in 1980 in Virginia...

By offering products with practical, sustainable uses and eco-friendly attributes, we encourage our customers to be environmentally responsible. Our buyers strive to find unique, enduring products for the home, hearth, yard and garden that are quality built and responsibly produced. We give special consideration to those products made with environmentally friendly materials. We provide our customers with practical products that help them live a sustainable lifestyle. Some of the environmentally friendly products sold at the original Plow & Hearth store in 1980 are still popular and just as efficient today. Products that promote sustainability and environmental awareness include composting products, non-invasive pest control, energy-saving insulated curtains and wood burning accessories.

Plow & Hearth is the perfect company to find exactly what you are looking for when it comes to re-decorating and perking up your home for a new season.
For this review, I chose to review the All Natural Handcrafted Square Zinnia Wreath for my front door! I have used the same spring door decoration since hubby and I have been married and honestly, it was time for a serious change.
My wreath arrived today and I was immediately impressed with the careful packaging. It comes zip-tied to the bottom of the box and also has a cardboard post in the center of the box to keep the wreath in place should it come unfastened. Once I pulled the wreath out, I was really happy to see that very little of the flowers on the wreath had fallen off...which is always a concern when you are dealing with dried flowers.
This wreath is very well made and is sturdily mounted on a metal frame. The dried flowers seem to be glued and wired on securely and when I flipped the wreath on it's front to attach floral wire to hang it, not too many of the flowers fell off. I love the twigs on the back side!
Next, I hung the wreath on my door. If anything, I wish the wreath had come with a pre-attached hanger so I could hang it straight. I am not good at hanging things up straight and it would have been so much easier to have something already in place to help me with that.
Whoever designed the coloring on this wreath did a super great job. There are just enough bright flowers in just the right places. I love the yellow that pops out and the blue that blends so nicely with the other colors. Symmetry is so important when you do floral arrangements and the symmetrical appearance of this wreath is perfect! As you can see, my door looks SO great for spring! I love the way the wreath is square and looks really classy.

This All Natural Handcrafted Square Zinnia Wreath retails for $69.95 and is simply gorgeous!! You can purchase it directly from Plow & Hearth's website as well.

So, in my opinion, Plow & Hearth is a fabulous company! Packed full of great products, this online store will keep you glued to your computer for HOURS. I love the selections that they are offering for spring decor and had a very hard time figuring out which product I wanted to review. I would definitely recommend this company to anyone looking to add a little "spring" to their home. There is something for everyone!
Plow & Hearth has offered to giveaway a $50 gift certificate to one of my readers!! YAY! THANK YOU so much to them for this amazing giveaway! Here are your entry options...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive a free All Natural Handcrafted Square Zinnia Wreath for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Plow & Hearth website and email. Prize is being provided by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 4, 2012

My Dirty Jobs Complete Review & Giveaway

Have any of you ever heard of the show Dirty Jobs that is on the Discovery Channel? It stars Mike Rowe and his mission is to discover the dirtiest jobs on the planet. We do not have a TV but when we were at my in laws house one day, we watched an episode (or two...don't remember). Well, this guy KNOWS how to find messy jobs and some of the ones he finds are downright disgusting. In each of our lives, we have a "Mike Rowe"; someone who can find a huge mess and make a mess of themselves in the process. Let's face it-some people actually love it too! I have two children who are excellent at doing this. (Hubby has his moments as well. :) ) Some days, I don't know how, where or why they find the messes that they do but there are times when I am just in awe at how much cleaning up I do. 
Well, if you are like me and are constantly faced with impossible clean up tasks, I have a product to introduce you to that should be a huge help to you! Brand new on the market, there is an awesome product line called  My Dirty Jobs and these cleaning products are named after Mike Rowe's show! The whole idea is, there is no mess too big,no job too impossible and no stain to stubborn for these products. 

Here is a bit more about My Dirty Jobs and Mike!

In addition to being known around the world as the “Dirty Jobs Guy” and the voice of shows like “Deadliest Catch,” Mike stays busy with speaking engagements around the country and working with partners like Caterpillar, Ford, Master Lock and Kimberly-Clark. He has launched a line of co-branded footwear with Cat Footwear and is launching a line of Dirty Jobs cleaning products in spring 2012.

My Dirty Jobs, LLC, the newest entrant in the household cleaning category has partnered with leading suppliers, brand owners, and developers to create a high performing line of household cleaning products, which deliver superior value at both the register and at home. Inspired by Mike Rowe and the hit TV series Dirty Jobs, the company’s growing portfolio of products will focus on the same core themes most associated with Mike and Dirty Jobs, namely hard work and value. Throughout 2012 there will be a steady stream of announcements as the company expands its family of products and distribution partners.

Mike is a really busy guy and I have to admit, you really have to love what you do to do what he does! I think there are alot of guys out there who would love his job, actually. Men are ATTRACTED to dirt. :)
Anyway, for this review I was sent a full-sized bucket of  Dirty Jobs Heavy Duty Complete. This product is a multi-purpose cleaner that boasts extreme and unsurpassed cleaning power...perfect for tackling those spring cleaning projects!!
Because Dirty Jobs Heavy Duty Complete is perfectly safe to use on fabrics, I decided to give it a try when doing my laundry. It is supposed to help freshen and brighten clothes and my children's clothing gets so dirty that even my regular detergent won't get them as clean as I would like.  
This product is in a powder form and comes with a handy scoop with measuring lines on the side so you use just the right amount for the "mess" you are cleaning. If you are using it for laundry, they recommend using the smallest measurement (lowest line on the scoop). 
As my washer was just beginning to fill, I put the recommended amount in the water and then added my detergent and clothes. When my load of wash came out and went into the dryer, I took note of the colors of my clothes. They looked the same to me, but the whites looked a bit brighter. The socks weren't a brownish tint anymore and I was THRILLED! 
Not only can you use Dirty Jobs Heavy Duty Complete in your laundry (safe for HE washers as well), you can also use for bathroom cleaning, carpets, upholstery, tough stains, grease and much more! The secret lies in the oxygen-powered enzymes that are infused into this cleaner. It is also biodegradable, non-toxic, safe for colors and contains no chlorine bleach or ammonia. A 52 ounce bucket of Dirty Jobs Heavy Duty Complete retails for $9.95 (WOW!!!) and can be purchased from Walmart or the Dirty Jobs website.

So, in my opinion...I am totally satisfied with My Dirty Jobs Heavy Duty Complete. I have some other areas in my house that I want to try it on and can't wait to see the results! The fact that it is safe for fabrics is SO great (especially with a new baby on the way). I am also excited that I can use it on my carpets get sooo dirty! I highly recommend this product to anyone...guy or gal. It truly can be used for anything and there is no challenge that it cannot handle! :) 

Dirty Jobs has offered to give away a bucket of this cleaner to one of my readers! Want to win? Here's how! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post.I did receive a free bucket of Dirty Jobs Heavy Duty Complete for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the My Dirty Jobs website and email. Prize is being shipped and provided by the sponsor.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 4, 2012

Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil Giveaway {CLOSED}

So, I am thrilled to be able to offer yet another giveaway from Tropical Traditions to you all today! I know that you all are huge fans of this amazing company (as am I) and hope that you will enter!

Before we get to the giveaway, let me tell you a bit more about Tropical Traditions. Have you ever heard of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil? I didn't until I began working with Tropical Traditions and ever since then, I have used it in my kitchen for recipes and cooking. As I have mentioned before, my favorite way to use this coconut oil is for making pancakes. It adds so much flavor to the pancakes and is so healthy for you and your family.
Tropical Traditions specializes in their famous coconut oil and they are known for their attention to detail when it comes to making, processing and packaging their products. I do trust them to give me their best, and I know that is something that they strive for as a company.

Here is a brief, 3 minute video about Tropical Traditions and their AMAZING Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. Please, take a minute to watch it!

Are you aware of all the uses for coconut oil? I was really surprised to find that you can add it to beverages like coffee, hot chocolate and smoothies. Also, you can use it for making candies, puddings, muffins and other baked goods. My mom likes to add it to oatmeal and it really helps to add alot of flavor...she loves it!  Now that I know of more uses for this fabulous oil, I am going to give it a try in some of my baking...I am sure it will  add loads of flavor and nutrients!!

All of this information and more can be found on Tropical Tradition's website and you can also purchase their products directly from their site as well.
Tropical Traditions would love to give away a GALLON of this amazing Coconut Oil to one of you! Here are your entry options for this giveaway...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. All quotes and stock photos are from the Tropical Traditions website and email. Prize is being shipped by the sponsor. *Canadian residents: Tropical Traditions and this blog is not responsible for customs or duties that Canada may charge for your prize should you win.* All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.