Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 3, 2012

Baby Shower Event Coming Soon & Pregnancy Update!

I wanted to let you all know that I am going to be hosting a Baby Shower Gift Guide Event during the month of April! Our precious blessing #3 is due on May 2nd, so in celebration of the upcoming birth, I am going to be featuring products for new moms, expectant moms, babies and baby care. I hope that you all will join me during that time to celebrate with me, as well as to check out some really awesome products especially for new babies and moms!
So, for a brief update on my pregnancy...I am currently 34 weeks today. The baby is moving like crazy and I often have to stop and catch my breath because the kicks and rolls are so strong. My health is good (blood pressure, urine tests, etc.) and I am right on target to deliver on time. Weight gain has been non-existent. I never really gain weight, just stay the same or lose. I always tease that pregnancy is my best weight loss plan ever! As soon as I deliver, I drop about 30 pounds which puts me 30 pounds lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight. Now, if I can just find a way to KEEP it off...hmmmm. :)
Baby is about the size of a Honeydew right now! :)
 Hannah and I went to "Sibling Class" at the hospital in which I will deliver and she had such a blast! She loved it! The best part for her was to go up and peek in the nursery window and see all the new babies. This time around, I think she understands much more then when her brother was born. It will be so nice to see her interact with our new baby. How exciting. 

Now, because inquiring minds want to know, here is what I look as of today (I hate taking my own picture and please excuse the fingerprints on the mirror!!).
So that is about it for day is rapidly approaching and will be here in no time. Thanks for all your support of my blog and for taking the time to read my ramblings! Have a great day! :)

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