Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 11, 2013

"Beautiful" AM/PM Moisturizer Review & Giveaway {3 Winners...US & Canada}

It is hard to believe that we are so close to the holidays now...seems like I was just sitting here wishing for cooler temperatures as I dripped with sweat. No central air in our home this summer was pretty brutal and quite challenging at times however, it just gives me more to look forward to next summer when we have central air installed...YAY!  With the holidays right around the corner, I think every woman wants her skin to look its best and I am definitely one of those women! The hot summer sun and dry winds can do a number on one's skin and it is no wonder our faces become so dry. Getting ready for the holiday season is so much fun and this month, you can get your skin looking soft, supple and totally refreshed.
“Beautiful” is a revolutionary new product from Trusted Health Products and it is formulated especially for women's skin. This skin care product that comes in a formula for application in the morning and evening uses fruit, nut and plant extracts to "feed" the skin, which is a concept that I had never heard of before. Here is a bit more information about "Beautiful"...

Beautiful’s 100% pure live ingredients are the perfect living “foods” that your skin cells need in order to be fed the nutrients they need to stay clean, moisturized and revitalized on a daily basis.

Beautiful’s revolutionary formulation simplifies your daily skincare needs by combining the functions of cleanser, toner, moisturizer, protector, repairer, blemish controller and age-defying serum. Instead of 5-10 products for your face, you’ll use 2: One in the morning, and one in the evening. Beautiful’s proprietary A. M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer work together to help keep your face protected throughout the day and night so nature can do its work to insure a healthy vibrant appearance. Contains NO preservatives, parabens, petrochemicals, synthetic ingredients, fragrances, GMO’s, dyes or additives of any kind. Nothing works better than Beautiful.

My skin is always oily and so using oil is not something that I had ever considered doing. I use several different facial scrubs each morning and was very excited to see if this moisturizer worked well for me.
So, for this review I was sent two bottles of for the morning and one for the evening. I love how the label is customized for my name! Personalized products are so special, especially when it comes to the holidays. Each of these bottles is 0.5 ounces in size and that might not seem like alot, but it truly is. You are only using 2-3 drops of liquid per application and a little goes a long way. When you first use "Beautiful", you may experience your skin going through a detox process and you may have some blemishes for 1-2 days or up to a week. It takes about 30 days for your skin to fully adjust to "Beautiful" but once it does, you will be well on your way to gorgeous, youthful skin!
The top is a shaker-top style so it is easy to get drops of liquid. I would say that a medicine dropper style might be better in this case though because I always get way more than I need when I shake the liquid out. It could be controlled easier if there was a dropper. I will also say here that the scent of "Beautiful" is so lovely...very fresh, clean and natural. The ingredients are as follows:

A.M. Ingredients: 100% Pure Botanical oils of almond, orange, lemon, avocado and olive.

P.M. Ingredients: 100% Pure Botanical oils of almond, orange, lemon, evening primrose and apricot.

So, to use this moisturizer you simply apply 2-3 drops on your cheeks and spread over your entire face. You don't want to rub it in, just spread it around and blot the extra off with a towel. Because I get more than 2-3 drops worth when I sake the liquid onto my hand I always have extra so blotting extra is something I have to do.
One thing I am having a hard time getting used to with this product is how my face feels oily after application. It does not absorb into my skin very quickly but it still helps my skin to feel nourished and soft. I have been using this product for a while now and have not noticed any huge differences however, I have noticed my skin is slightly softer. This is something that I like to see and will definitely keep using "Beautiful" in the months to come. Also, I wanted to mention that you can get a men's version of this product called "You're The Man" and you can check that out by visiting Trusted Health Product's Website HERE.

The set of A.M and P.M "Beautiful" retails for $44.94 and can be purchased directly from Trusted Health Product's website. Be sure you check out Trusted Health Products on Facebook...when you "Like" their page, you save $5 on your first order!
Trusted Health Products has offered to give away bottle of "Beautiful" to three of my readers! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Special Note to My Readers (This has nothing to do with the giveaway and is separate from that): “The manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They said they would love to have our readers try out Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer (for women) or You’re the Man A.M. Moisturizer (for men) and agreed to send one bottle FREE if our readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge. This is a one-time only offer!  They also agreed to include 2 eye-opening reports – The Poisons You Put On Your Face Everyday and Why Your Skin Care Products Have Never Worked: The Truth Revealed .”  That’s a total value of over $40.00. Click here to get your FREE Bottle and FREE reports now!”

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