Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 11, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello dear readers! Here we are on Thanksgiving Day 2013! Hard to believe... :) I wanted to wish all of you a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Hope you have a WONDERFUL day full of fun, food and plenty of opportunities to count your BLESSINGS. Enjoy your day and thanks for being such wonderful readers...I am thankful for YOU! :)

...and a bit of Thanksgiving Day humor for this! :)))

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 11, 2013

Winter Skin Protection With NO-AD Sunscreen {Review & Giveaway}

As I sit here in my dining room I can see that snow is beginning to fall. All over the news there are snow warnings for our area tonight through Thanksgiving day and OH how I LOVE snow!! For those of you who dislike snow, well, we are going to get a bunch of it here and if you live in the area - you will get some too! JOY! Seriously though, I do love winter and also love the snow. Before hubby and I were married, he took me skiing. I had never been before and was very excited about getting to try it out. All of my coworkers were wishing me luck and telling me not to break anything and it was a huge joke that I would come back from skiing in a body cast. Well, skiing was nothing like I thought it would be and I didn't wipe out too much. One thing that really surprised me was how hot I became when skiing. The sun reflecting off the snow proved to be pretty unforgiving too as I had a mild sunburn when we got home that day. Who would have thought I would have a sunburn in the middle of winter???
So, as you prepare to enjoy these next few winter months I wanted to take a minute and remind you that even though it is not summer time anymore, you can still get sunburned and need to take every precaution to protect your skin. This is where NO-AD Sunscreen comes in. This very popular sunscreen brand just celebrated 50 years of protecting skin and they are one of the oldest sun care companies in the U.S! So neat. Anyway, NO-AD wanted to remind you about some important tips to keep your skin protected this winter season.

  • Limit sun exposure, particularly between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.  when the sun's harmful UV rays are the strongest and most damaging to your skin
  • Use a water-resistant, broad-spectrum SPF sunscreen with a value of 30 or higher
  • Liberally apply sun protection 15 minutes before sun exposure
  • Reapply every hour as needed, particularly after swimming or perspiring
  • Your lips need protection, too—use an SPF 15 or higher lip balm
Those are great tips...I always try to be careful around those times of the day as the sun truly is very hot - whether it is summer or winter. I also really agree with the lip balm tip as lips get so parched in the winter, I carry balm every where I go. 
So, for this review I was sent three products from NO-AD that are guaranteed to keep mine and my children's skin protected this winter while we are outdoors enjoying the snow. I was sent: Kid's Continuous Spray Sunscreen, Kid's Sunscreen Lotion and Sunscreen Lotion
Both of the Kid's Sunscreens water resistant and fragrance free, which is nice. My children have sensitive skin and sometimes using perfumed products on them causes some irritation. The lotion sunscreens are smooth and creamy and absorb nicely into the skin. The non-kids version smells really nice and I have actually used it before! It always works well for me. 
My favorite of these three products was the  Kid's Continuous Spray Sunscreen. I love this for many reasons: it is easy to apply and applies evenly. It is not messy at all. Sometimes the lotion is hard to use on little ones because it gets EVERYWHERE. This spray is wonderful. It is also hypo-allergenic, non-comedogenic and fragrance-free! I will definitely be using this when the kids go outdoors to play in the next few months and then in the summer too! This particular sunscreen retails for $9.99 for a 10 oz can. 
So, this winter please be sure you check out these and all of NO-AD's other products at food, drug and mass retailers throughout the United States. You can also find NO-AD on Facebook, Twitter and also on Pinterest so be sure to visit them there. 
NO-AD has offered to giveaway a can of Kid's Continuous Spray Sunscreen to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 11, 2013

Purex Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar Review & Giveaway {3 Winners}

Being a mom is a difficult but very rewarding job. My babies are usually tough in the first month or so but then they even out as time goes on. One thing that I was constantly doing was feeding, diapering and burping those babies and washing their tiny clothes. Do you realize just how much laundry you do when you have a new baby in the house? I change sleepers literally 2-3 times a day from diaper blowouts and spit up accidents. My first baby was like a fountain and she would soak everything when she spit up. It was awful. Those types of stains can be hard to get out and I have found through the years that as my children grow older, the stains do NOT stop. In fact, they can be worse.
If you are a mom and have some messy little people running around you then you are going to have to try out this next product. The Purex Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar is over 100 years old and is still working for many people today. I remember the first time I saw this laundry bar on a store shelf and I distinctly recall looking at it and thinking "WHAT in the world would I use THAT for???" Well, today I now know what this bar is for.

Purex Fels-Naptha is a powerful laundry bar that works overtime to remove greasy, oily stains, perspiration, and ring-around-the-collar. With over 100 years of removing America’s stains, you can rest assured that this laundry bar knows how to tackle your toughest stains.

I was thrilled when I found out that I was going to get to review this product and share it with all of you! If a laundry bar like this one has been around for over 100 years - it has got to be a good one! Not to mention I have a huge need for a good stain removing product around my house!
So, for this review I was sent a Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar! When my package arrived and as soon as I opened it I could smell this soap. I love how it smells "old-fashioned" and hearty. Sometimes laundry soap smells too flowery but this definitely smells like an old-time soap.
If you are the type of person who likes to make your own homemade laundry soap than you can definitely use this soap for that. Or, you can simply grate it into your washing machine for an extra "boost". For the purpose of this review though, I chose to use it as a stain remover.
My in laws brought a pair of jeans over that belonged to my hubby at one point in time and I noticed right away that there was grease, or some sort of staining on the thigh area of the jeans. Sooo, I thought I would put this laundry bar to the ultimate test and try to remove the grease.  
First, I wet the stained area really good with water. Then, I worked the Laundry Bar over the stains and rubbed in the soap for awhile. After a few minutes of letting the soap settle in, it was into the washing machine with the jeans and the waiting game began! I was really wondering what would come of the stain treatment...would it work? I wasn't sure so I waited until the jeans came out. Well, the sad news is that the stains did NOT come out of the jeans. Now, I do not know what the stain was or even how long it had been there so that doesn't mean that this laundry bar didn't work. I put it to a VERY difficult test and it didn't work but I know that if I am dealing with a fresh stain it will most likely work wonders. I am totally excited to try out Fels-Naptha on any other tough stains that may come through the laundry and I feel well equipped to handle them efficiently now! You can find the Purex Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar at major retailers across the country. 
Now, I have been given three coupons for a FREE Purex Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar to give away to three of you! Here are your easy entry options into this giveaway...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: As a Purex Insider, I received no monetary compensation for this post. Purex did provide me a free sample of their Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar  for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Purex website and email. Prizes are in coupon form and will be mailed by myself. This blog is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen prizes and in this case, I am not responsible for replacing coupons under any circumstances.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 11, 2013

Introducing NOVICA's NEW Premium Gift Wrap! {$25 Gift Code GIVEAWAY}

I have been a fan of NOVICA ever since I discovered them several years ago. I have given their products as gifts and have kept some around my house. Every time I pull out something from NOVICA, I receive wonderful compliments. Over this past weekend we had some company over for dinner and I used some lovely cobalt blue drinking glasses that I received for review over the summer. My guests were so impressed with the lovely craftsmanship and quality of these glasses and I am still so much in love with them. Aren't they gorgeous?
Well, recently I was informed that NOVICA is offering new Premium Gift Wrap that will impress any person on your holiday gift list. NOVICA applies handmade elements, carefully crafted ribbons and beautiful brass plates to their wrapping and currently, the gift wrap is available for India, Bali and Thailand but they are working to make it available in all of the NOVICA regions!
So, let's look at some of MY favorites for items that can be wrapped in this gorgeous gift wrap. NOVICA offers something for everything and the best part is all of their selections are unique and nothing you would ever find anywhere else. It is something that I love about NOVICA...the wonderful selection.
First and foremost, I love these Sterling Silver and Pearl Floral Dangle Earrings come from Bali and Java and are so delicate and lovely. I love pink and sliver together and these look so elegant. If I was looking for a nice gift for a special lady in my life, I would definitely check out these earrings. Who doesn't just love a gorgeous pair of earrings?!?
This Family Love Unique Wood Sculpture from Indonesia definitely falls into the unique, yet beautiful gift idea category. As you can see, there is a mother, father and tiny baby in the sculpture and to me, family is so special. What a wonderful way to celebrate family and the holidays all in one gift.
Now, for that special guy in your life, NOVICA has wonderful gifts for men to choose from! One of these items is the Men's Short Sleeve Brown Cotton ShirtAgus Suryanto evokes casual elegance with the designs of this rich brown shirt. Sewn of cotton, the shirt's collar is trimmed with a hand-woven ikat band in the style of Lombok textiles in brown shades. Features a pocket, two visible buttons and five hidden. Buttons are black and includes a replacement. This shirt is casual as well as dressy and would make a fine gift for any man.
So, as you can see NOVICA offers a wide variety of gifts for both men and women and the quality is always superb! I have never been disappointed with anything I have received from NOVICA and would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to give unique and personal gifts this holiday season. Remember to check out the Premium Gift Wrap and enjoy your shopping experience at NOVICA!

NOVICA has offered to give away a $25 Gift Code to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. However, I received a free NOVICA gift code in exchange for this post. All quotes and stock photos are from the NOVICA website and email. Prize is provided by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 11, 2013

Napa AutoCare $25.00 Gift Card Giveaway

The Holiday season is rapidly approaching, and for a lot of us that means it’s ROAD TRIP time! Long trips can be taxing on your vehicle, which makes it even more important that it’s kept in tip top shape before you take-off. We always like to have our vehicle get a good once-over before we go on long trips and that often alerts us to issues we might be having with our car.

The question is... do you know what it takes to keep up with your vehicles needs? How “car competent” are you? I thought I was VERY car competent until we tried to replace our windshield wipers last night...what a nightmare!! Here are some really quick tips for you to take a look at before you hit the road to celebrate the holidays with loved ones...
 Our friends at NAPA AutoCare Centers have created a quiz for you to test your Car Competency before you take the trip. Test your knowledge on basic auto care maintenance, and download some pro-tips along the way. We asked some of our ASE Certi-fied Technicians for 6 simple, and perhaps little known, pro-tips that will help you protect one of your biggest investments… your car! Check it out...

Here’s what you can expect on your visit:

- NAPA AutoCare Centers use ASE Certified techs. This means that you can trust that your car is being serviced by knowledgeable professionals, specifically equipped to help with all your needs.

- Our AutoCare Centers offer The Peace of Mind Nationwide Warranty which includes a 24-month/24,000 mile warranty on qualifying repairs and services. This means you get to have all of the benefits that come with doing business with a locally-owned business, but still have your work certified and guaranteed nationwide!

- With more than 15,000 locations nationwide, there is a NAPA AutoCare Center that is close by and ready to take care of all your vehicles your family owns.
So, to help you get in the Holiday mood, NAPA has offered to give away a $25 gift card to one of you! ***Please note: Each household is only eligible to win ONE $25 Napa AutoCare Gift Card via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification. NO PO BOXES*** Here are your entry options!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I am working in conjunction with NAPA AutoCare and they have supplied the materials used in this post. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 11, 2013

Sweeney's Deer Repellent Review & Giveaway

One of the things we love the most about our house is the view from the backyard. We live in a town, just outside the city limits and we also live in a housing development. HOWEVER, our home is located on the outer loop of the development and we have a huge brush covered field behind us. It is inhabited with deer, foxes and other wildlife. Our children have seen more wildlife here than they did at our other house and it is SO fun to teach them about different animals.
We have just begun hunting season around here and the deer are showing up all over the place. They are being scared out of the woods into the open areas and we have been enjoying seeing many deer behind our home. We do not have any foliage for them to eat as far as gardens go and we do have arborvitae trees around our property line which supposedly are deer repellent trees so they stay out of my yard for the most part. 
If you are having issues with deer invading your property and devouring nibbling your shrubbery and gardens, I would like to take a moment to introduce you to a product that I had never heard of until just recently. Sweeney's Deer Repellent is just that...a repellent for deer that is waterproof, safe for fruit and vegetable gardens and odorless to humans. This repellent is safe for use around children and pets and deters just those pesky deer. Here is a bit more about these handy repellents...

Most deer problems are seasonal and tend to worsen in the late fall and winter months as falling temperatures quickly reduce Bambi’s food supply.  When food is scarce, hungry deer will eat whatever they can find, including fallen leaves, twigs, and buds from woody plant s.  To prevent deer from eating and killing trees, bushes and perennials, stop them in their tracks with Sweeney’s® Deer Repellent.  The all-natural, scent-based repellent uses 100 percent dried blood to repel deer from protected areas. Easily detectable by deer, yet odorless to humans, the dried blood triggers a flight response when deer perceive a recent kill from predator activity. The active ingredient in Sweeney’s Deer Repellent is non-toxic and safe to use in gardens and around children and pets.

This sounded like such an easy fix for the deer problems faced by homeowners, I just had to check it out further. 
So, for this review I was sent a package of Sweeney's Deer Repellent to check out. This repellent comes with 6 ready-to-use repellent stations and stakes for easy placement. When I removed one of the stations from the package, there was a dusty residue that came out of the station and right away, I noticed that there was no odor, which was nice. 
These stations are small and easy to use...simply stake the station to the ground or use string in the top to attach to trees or shrubs. Sounds sooo simple, doesn't it? I was impressed that something so small could do so much. Here is how it works:
When using Sweeney's Deer Repellent, you need to place them 4-8 feet apart and you can also use them in potted plants, just put one in each pot. My dad has baby walnut trees on the border of his yard...which backs up to 30 acres and he has so much trouble with deer eating the leaves of his little trees. I think the last time I looked, he had black garbage bags hanging off the trees to deter the deer. These repellents would be perfect for him! 
I placed these deer repellent stations on our property line to see if they did any good but I haven't seen any deer for awhile. The good thing is that these stations will be good for the entire season and are also waterproof so they will withstand the weather here. I don't like chasing the deer away because they are fun to watch but when I get my veggie garden in next spring, the deer may not be so much fun anymore. Here's hoping these stations do their job properly!

A six-pack of Sweeney's Deer Repellent retails for about $17.99. Sweeney’s products are widely distributed at all leading hardware, home center, mass merchant, food and drug, farm and fleet and independent garden center retailers nationwide. You can keep up with Sweeney's on Facebook and also on Twitter as well. 
Sweeney's has offered to giveaway a package of their Deer Repellent to one of you! Here are your entry options...
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 11, 2013

Carmex Limited Edition Moisture Plus Collection Review & Giveaway

I am a HUGE lip balm fan. I love anything that adds a bit of shine or a touch of neutral color. My style is not in-your-face, bold and outrageous, but rather quiet, subtle and neutral. Favorite lip colors are blushy rose, cafe' au lait and clear. This time of the year the wind is quite unforgiving and I find my lips are getting drier. With the dryness of the air, it is time to once again break out the lip moisturizers and I have some of my all-time favorites from which I can choose. One of my favorite lip and skin care companies is Carmex and currently, theirs is the brand I am using.
Carmex has recently come out with a brand new Limited Edition Moisture Plus Collection and friends, this collection is SO fun! Each lip balm is graphically printed with a design that will appeal to every Carmex user. With prints like a refined black and white pattern to whimsical, colorful designs, this new collection will allow you to express your personality in a truly fashionable and fun way. Before I introduce you to this collection of lip balms, here is a bit more about Carmex...

Founded by Alfred Woelbing - the inventor of Carmex® Lip Balm – Carma Laboratories Inc. is a family owned and operated business that employs more than 100 people in Franklin, Wis. Carma Laboratories makes Carmex brand lip balms, including a premium lip balm called Carmex Moisture Plus™ ultra hydrating lip balm, and Carmex skin care products. Carmex is available in major drug, food and mass merchant retailers, at convenience stores throughout the United States, online and in more than 35 countries around the world. 

I have been a Carmex fan for some time now and have a hard time deciding which I like better, the lip moisturizer or the lotion. Right now, I am using the lotion multiple times a day because it absorbs quickly, isn't greasy and works extremely well for me. I was thrilled when I heard about the Limited Edition Moisture Plus Collection and could not wait to try it out!
So, for this review I was sent all four lip moisturizers from this collection: Whimsical (multi-colored), Fab (purple), Chic (black and white) and Adventurous (leopard print). My package arrived in this cute little box the other day and it was all I could do to NOT get into it right then and there!
I have to say that I just LOVE the bright and stylish colors. There truly is a style for everyone! Each stick is slimline and will fit nicely into any pocket, purse, glove box, wallet and diaper bag.
As always, the Moisture Plus formula is amazing. To me, it has a slight orange flavor and is very silky smooth. When I apply it to my lips, my lips stay moist for hours...which is one factor I consider what lip balms I want to use. 
When you are trying to decide which "personality" you are, Carmex has developed a really neat quiz to help you determine which style fits you best. This Uniquely You Personality Quiz is super easy to take and I found out that I am the "Chic" (black and white) style...which is pretty accurate! My sticks also came with neat little cards that explain each lip moisturizer's style and I thought this was a cute touch. 
My lip balm sampler was on hand for this review and so I let her pick out the one she liked the best and give it a try. She picked Whimsical because she loved all the bright colors...that IS her personality too...wild and crazy. :) She loved it and it ended up helping her lips feel a bit better. She has been chapped and this helped to give her just a bit more moisture. 
So, if you are looking for some great stocking stuffers or small gift ideas, be sure to check out the Carmex Limited Edition Moisture Plus Collection. It is chic, trendy, stylish and PERFECT for any gal on your list this holiday season! You can find this collection at mass retailers and drug stores across the country. 
Carmex has offered to giveaway a set of the Limited Edition Moisture Plus Collection to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. As a member of the Carmex Blog Squad I did receive Carmex products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Carmex website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 11, 2013

FREE Medium Beverage at Dunkin Donuts

Happy Monday everyone!! I just wanted to throw this out there for anyone interested. I didn't know Dunkin Donuts had this promotion but I am definitely signing up! Tim Hortons IS my coffee shop of choice but free coffee is good anytime. :) Here's how it works...

Sign up for Donuts Perks Here to receive a FREE Medium Beverage of your choice - also you will receive a FREE coupon on your Birthday for a FREE coffee, latte, tea, Coolatta or hot chocolate straight to your mailbox.

●  Your favorite drink–for free*–that’s your first perk. You’ll get a coupon for a free medium beverage in the mail by the end of next month.
●  A birthday drink–it’s on the house. For your birthday, we’ll send you another coupon to enjoy a free* medium beverage of your choice.
●  Email updates on the latest news, offers and DD events in your area.

*Free medium beverage of choice includes any iced or hot coffee, tea or latte, hot chocolate or Coolatta® beverage. All cooler beverages are excluded. You must complete your Dunkin' UpDDate account profile within the month you enrolled and include your mailing address in order to receive your free beverage coupon

Tips & Tools for Secure On and Off-Line Holiday Shopping

Ok, so it has begun. The season for online shopping has commenced, and with online sales expected to increase 13-15% this holiday season, it’s important to ensure online holiday experiences are safe ones. The holiday season should be fun and festive, and the joy of the season can be lost quickly if people interact with an un-safe website, lose important receipts or blow their budgets . My husband and I want to do most of our Christmas shopping online this year to avoid the crowds at the store so these tips are really helpful for us.

Master Lock and Mario Armstrong, Digital Lifestyle Expert™ have provided tips and tools to help navigate the holiday safety, securely and with as little stress as possible.
"The holiday season should be fun and festive -- not stressful," said Mario Armstrong, The Digital Lifestyle Expert™ and Master Lock representative. "However, the joy of the holidays can be lost quickly if people interact with an un-safe website, lose important receipts or blow their budgets. Luckily, the internet now offers a ton of great tools to help people navigate the holidays safely, securely and with as little stress as possible."

1. Make smart online purchases. The convenience of online holiday shopping can quickly be derailed if you become a victim of identity theft due to sharing your credit card and shipping data with a non-secure site. Before providing any personal or financial information, make sure that you are interacting with a reputable, established company. Check to make sure the website is secure by verifying the address has an "s" in "https://" at the beginning of the URL, that a closed padlock is located in the URL bar, and that if you are entering any personal information, there is a checkmark or padlock image indicating the website is protected by a trusted source. If you're still worried about using your personal financial accounts for transactions, a pre-paid debit card may be the way to go -- just be sure to read the fine print for any fees and terms.

2. Click with caution. Consumers may be bombarded with link-heavy holiday emails this season sending well wishes or advertising hot gift items and sales. However, with more than 9,500 malicious websites detected by Google every day2, consumers are advised to click links with caution to avoid a malware-spreading site. Before clicking, hover over the link first to review the complete URL. Beware of small errors in website addresses such as missing letters, misspellings, a different .com extension or other tweaks to a company's name. For extra protection, type the address into the web browser directly to ensure you are not being redirected to a fraudulent site from a link.

3. Set and track your budget. Avoid post-holiday regret or debt by setting a realistic budget and tracking your purchases to ensure you adhere to it. A variety of apps and websites can help you with your budget tracking goals, such as For easy access to your private information on the go, store online passwords in the Master Lock Vault smart phone app or website for easy recall. Vault users can store and organize URLs, usernames and passwords in one protected place in a 256-bit SSL data encrypted, firewall protected, 24/7 monitored "safe deposit box." Simply click on the stored URL for your popular sites for easy access directly from your Vault.

Master Lock Vault users can also use the Vault to access virtual holiday shopping lists, schedule reminders for bill due dates and holiday social events and even store newly received gift cards for easy access for post-holiday shopping. Register for FREE here:

4. Keep digital receipts. Easily file away receipts from your holiday shopping in one place to cross-reference purchase dates and totals with your bank and credit card billing statements to check for any unfamiliar charges, or to facilitate easy returns after the holidays. A quick and easy way to do this is to take a photo of the receipt immediately and store it in the Master Lock Vault. You can also use the Vault to store photos of gift receipts. If they accidentally get thrown out with the wrapping paper, you can easily re-print them. Check with your local store for specific policies and information.

5. Don't leave a digital trail to your gift purchases. If you are using a computer that other family members use and don't want them to see what sites you've visited, enable your browser's private browsing feature when researching and buying gifts. Private browsing (also known as the incognito setting on Google Chrome) allows you to surf the Internet without saving any information about which sites you visited or searches you've conducted. In some browsers this may be found under the Tools menu; check your browser's specific settings to learn how to set up private browsing.

So before you commence on your holiday shopping adventures, make sure you are prepared! There are so many people out there looking to make this a miserable season for others so keep yourself safe and secure. Happy shopping!!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 11, 2013

Happy Weekend!

Hope you are enjoying this gorgeous fall day...I just LOVE this time of year. :) Have a great weekend!

Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 11, 2013

Zim's Advanced Hydrocortisone Spray Review & Giveaway

My family has quite a few minor skin issues. It started 5 years ago when our oldest child was born and developed a case of infant Eczema. As a mother, nothing breaks your heart more than seeing your child with a rash that won't go away easily. It seemed I could treat her symptoms and give her relief with creams and lotions but that would not take the problem away completely. My second child was born and his skin was perfect...still is. When Isaac was born he developed a pretty severe case of Eczema and it was predominately in the crease behind his ears. It was AWFUL. Red, weepy and crusted over at times it was obviously an irritant to him and made me feel horrible. He then developed a mysterious pimply rash on his face and the Eczema spread to his hands and legs. The only thing that really helped him was cortisone based much as I am not a steroid fan, these types of creams worked wonderfully. Now that I have my children's skin issues under some type of control, my husband started with very itchy rashes on his legs. We have tried to eliminate things diet and environmental-wise but nothing seems to take it away completely. Truly a mystery. My hands have had blisters under the skin for about 2 weeks now and they are itchy...most likely some sort of Eczema too. Bleah. Our family truly has a wide spectrum of issues going on here and I am more than ready for something to work on all of us!
Zim's is a company that I have reviewed before and I really enjoy using their products. Naturally based and a healthy alternative to many remedies on the store shelves today, Zim's offers a truly wonderful line of products that are designed to treat many different ailments. Here is a bit more about this company...

Zim's® started over 60 years ago with the creation of Zim's Crack Creme® by a pharmacist in Austintown, Ohio.

Today, the Zim's® brand has expanded to over 25 products ranging from lotions and cremes to pain relief gels and diabetic care items. The Zim's Max-Freeze® brand provides an affordable topical pain relief gel that emphasizes the use of natural ingredients such as Ilex Flower and Aloe Vera.

Zim's® continues to offer exceptional naturally-based products from a small town in Ohio. We look forward to expanding more in the future to provide you with products that utilize the power of natural ingredients to a make a difference in your life and those you love.

I was recently informed that Zim's has some new products available:

  • Zim’s Advanced with Hydrocortisone is a first aid product that helps with a host of skincare issues including rashes, insect bites, eczema and psoriasis;
  • Zim's Advanced Gel with Acemannan can help treat cuts, scrapes, abrasions and burns;
  • Zim’s Arnica Max provides temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscle and joints.

As you can probably guess, I was very excited about and interested in the Zim’s Advanced with Hydrocortisone Spray.
So, for this review I was sent a bottle of this spray and was really happy to show it to my husband in hopes that it would help him with his legs. This spray is directly intended for the temporary relief of itching associated with minor skin irritations, and rashes due to poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, insect bites, detergents, jewelry, cosmetics, soaps, seborrheic, and dermatitis.Without really knowing what is causing my husband's leg rashes, it was nice to have a product that covered all of these problems.

This spray comes out very fast and covers a pretty large portion of skin. The day I received it I had my husband give it a try but because his legs contain many open wounds, it stung pretty badly. He tried it again a week later and still got the same result so unfortunately, I cannot get him to use it. HOWEVER, I have been using it on my hands with great success. It seems to take away the itching almost instantly and has no overwhelming odors or greasiness that would cause me to discontinue its use. I have not yet tried it on my children but plan to sometime in the future. For now, I will continue using it on my hands and hope that my blisters clear up soon!!
Zim’s Advanced with Hydrocortisone Spray retails for $14.99 and can be purchased directly from Zim's or at major retailers across North America. Zim's can also be found on Facebook and Twitter so please be sure to stop by and visit them there as well.

Zim's has offered to give away a bottle of Zim’s Advanced with Hydrocortisone Spray to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products as compensation for this post. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.