Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 10, 2013

Mary Kay Insider Beauty Tips from Project Runway 2013! {GIVEAWAY}

I am all about looking beautiful. Somehow, being a stay at home mom does not afford me many opportunities to go out of my way to wear makeup but I do enjoy the opportunities that I do get. Next weekend is my wedding anniversary and I am excited to get dressed up for a date with my hubby. I will take any excuse to get dressed up and go out with my hubby. :) I will, of course, be sporting my Mary Kay makeup that I love!!
Recently, Alyssa Milano attended the Project Runway All Stars Premier and she looked absolutely stunning! That dress would only look good on certain people and she was definitely the right person for it! I was also informed that Mary Kay was the Official Beauty Sponsor for this event and what better company to have as your official beauty sponsor than Mary Kay! Mary Kay's Glam Squad member and celebrity makeup artist, Virginia Linzee has shared her tips on how to get the look that Alyssa was sporting that night on the red carpet. If you want to re-create this lovely look, here are Virginia's tips...
  • Begin with Mary Kay TimeWise Luminous-Wear Liquid Foundation for glowing skin that looks flawless on the red carpet. Don't forget to bring the foundation down the neck for all over flawless coverage and blend evenly using a cosmetic sponge. Using the Mary Kay Facial Highlighting Pen, smooth under the eyes, on the cheekbones, and down the bridge of the nose to instantly brighten the face.
  • Add warmth and dimension to the skin with Mary Kay Mineral Powder in a shade that is two shades darker than your own skin tone. Using an angled cheek brush, lightly dust the powder along the hairline, in the hollows of the cheekbones, under the chin and down the neck to define the angles of your face. Sweep a little Mineral Cheek Color in Citrus Bloom onto the apples of the cheeks, using a blush brush.
  • To keep your eyes red carpet worthy all night, start with a little Mary Kay Eye Primer. For eyes like Alyssa's, use the Mary Kay At Play Baked Eye Trio in Tuxedo. Start with the silver on the eyelid. Then use a crease brush to blend the black shade into the crease, as well as the outside part of the eyelid and in the lower lash line. Finally, use a brush to blend some of the white in the inner corner of the eye to add brightness and makes eyes really pop. For stunning eyes, curl lashes and apply several coats of Lash Love Lengthening Mascara in Black.
  • Apply True Dimensions Lipstick in Natural Beauté and NouriShine Plus Lip Gloss in Au Naturel.  Complete Alyssa’s red carpet look with Mary Kay Makeup Finishing Spray by Skindinavia, applying in a “T” and “X” formation to keep makeup looking fresh for up to 16 hours!
I don't know about you but I am so in love with this look and would love to try and re-create it on myself. Great makeup just makes your outfit so if you would like to look as good as Alyssa, you can enter a giveaway to win some Mary Kay products for yourself...courtesy of Mary Kay!
So, without further ado, here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mary Kay products for review purposes from Mary Kay. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mary Kay website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 10, 2013

Fall Into Safety With Security Tips for the Season From Master Lock {Review & Giveaway}

I am always adamant about keeping my home safe and secure. We are in a pretty well populated area but that means nothing when it comes to security. People are so distracted nowadays, I cannot count on anyone to keep an eye on my home. Locking doors when I am home alone, locking windows in the bedrooms at night time and only taking my children outdoors when I can go with them are some ways in which I try to keep things safe. I am not paranoid, but rather trying to be wise. I also like to try and remember that home security goes beyond locking your is also training your family to be safe. So, when it comes to home security I think that we all should take a step back and take a look at what we currently have in place and see if it needs updated or not.
With the days getting shorter and nightfall coming quicker, Master Lock has come up with some fantastic safety tips to share with homeowners this fall season and I wanted to take a minute to share these tips with you. 

1. Be aware of surroundings. As dusk and darkness creep up earlier each day, remind children to follow safety precautions on their way to and from home. Whether walking all the way home or just to a parked car, students are advised to be aware of their surroundings, stick with a friend or in a group, stay in well-lit areas, avoid short cuts and always observe traffic rules.

2. Establish a "home alone" routine. Sometimes situations arise where children and teens will be home without supervision, whether coming home after school to an empty house or due to busy weekend activities. It's natural for parents to feel uneasy at first, but with some planning, both parents and children can feel confident when the time comes. Set guidelines with your children to follow when home alone including, locking the door immediately after entering the house, calling to check in as soon as he or she gets home, not answering the door for any visitors and reviewing relevant emergency phone numbers and exit plans. Instead of hiding an extra set of house keys beneath a door mat or under a nearby rock, the Master Lock 5422D Portable Key Safe is the perfect solution for securely storing house keys outside so that children (or parents) are never left locked out.

3. Set ground rules for social media sharing. Teens are sharing more information about themselves on social media sites than ever before*. As parents, it's necessary to evaluate the information your child is sharing and advise them on security risks of sharing too much identifying information. Set ground rules for what your child can disclose online, and teach your child how to set privacy controls so that photos, location and personal information do not end up in the wrong hands.

4. Lock down valuables on the field. Lockers help keep gadgets, wallets, house or car keys and other belongings secure while in class, but what keeps them secure outside of school? Keep valuables locked up with a small, portable safe, such as the 5900D SafeSpace, which kids can easily fit in their backpacks, gym bags or lock down to a fixed object while attending after school activities.

5. Inspect to protect. While talking with your children about safety guidelines, fall is also an ideal time to create or practice a fire safety plan. Start with inspecting your home thoroughly ensuring all smoke detectors are functioning properly and review the sound of the alarm with children so they know what do to when it goes off. Make an evacuation plan by visiting each room in your home, designating two ways out and check that all windows and doors open easily. Lastly, designate a safe meeting place outside the home where your family can gather after exiting. This meeting place should be close to the home, but not too close to be in danger from the fire, and in front of the house so that fire safety personnel can easily see you as they arrive. It should also be somewhere easy to find in day or night, such as near a telephone pole, tree or mailbox. Most importantly, practice the escape plan. While 71 percent of Americans have a plan, only 47 percent of those have practiced it**.

I love those ideas...I would also teach my children about how to handle encounters with people they do not know and work on them memorizing their phone number and house address. Those things, as well as the ones mentioned above are so important to keeping everyone and everything safe and secure. 
In light of the tips given, I was given the opportunity to review a Master Lock Wall Mount Key Safe and share my thoughts of this product with you all! Since our move to this new house back in January, we have yet to plant a key outside somewhere in case we get locked out and so receiving this key safe was wonderful. 
This Wall Mounted Key Safe has many features that I love. The alpha-numeric buttons are super easy to use and setting the lock is simple. You can set your own combination using up to 12 characters...letters, numbers or both. 
This box is made of durable metal and measures 3-1/8" wide...the perfect size for keys, cards and other small valuables. You will see in the photo above that there are four pre-drilled holes for easy installation and this box comes with four screws so you don't have to worry about finding your own. I like that. :) Another feature that I love is that you can insert a small key hook into the back of the box (it comes with the hook) so you don't have to worry about keys jamming the door shut. We will be using this box for our extra door key so that hook will come in handy for sure. 
I am very pleased with this Master Lock Wall Mount Key Safe and cannot wait to get it up outside! Having something like this will be so helpful as I have locked myself out of my house once or twice. Keys hidden outside are a great idea, people! This makes finding and using your keys safe and simple. This Wall Mount Key Safe from Master Lock retails for about $37.95 and would make an amazing Christmas gift for someone, or just a nice house-warming present. Check out this and other Master Lock home security products on Master Lock's website today and secure your home the right way this holiday season!

Master Lock has offered to giveaway a Master Lock Wall Mount Key Safe to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products from Master Lock for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is NOT responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 10, 2013

God's World News: God's Big World Magazine Review

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As a parent of three small children, I am VERY careful about the books and magazines that they read. Because books are so interesting to them, I try to have a nice variety on hand to keep them stimulated and entertained. Something that has become important to me over the past few years is making sure my children's books are educational. My oldest just turned five in August and she is an absolute sponge...everything she hears she remembers and it works the same way for what she reads. She is in Kindergarten and honestly, she is a wonderful pupil primarily because her retention ability is wonderful. So, now that she is getting older I am trying to find age-appropriate reading material for her.
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I was thrilled with the opportunity to conduct a review for God's World News and more specifically, their magazine that is geared towards the Pre-K & K crowd. This particular edition of their magazine is called God's Big World. This magazine is totally appropriate for my five year old and when it arrived in the mail, we were all very excited to check it out.
So, for the purpose of this review I was sent three issues of God's World News: God's Big World, a full year online membership to the website and also a large, colorful wall map for use with the magazines.
The first thing I noticed is that there are two covers to the that would have your shipping info on it and another inside that actually has the title cover for whichever magazine you choose to receive. Speaking of which, you can pick from six different magazines which cover age ranges from Pre-K to High School. As you can see above, this is the actual cover for God's Big World. I just love the colorful and detailed is very eye-catching for the young reader!
Some of the highlights of what this magazine includes are age-appropriate stories that help children relate to the current events that are circulating through the news, simple concepts, large and beautiful pictures, activities and puzzles as well as coloring pages. For example, one of our editions covered the recent birth of the newest Prince in England! This was a fun event for me to follow and it was really fun to show and explain it to my daughter. Babies are always SO fun and she enjoyed learning about him.
My daughter has really been enjoying doing the activities found throughout the magazine as well. Always in full color, these activities have actually been coinciding with what we are doing in school...learning opposites, learning first, second and third (which is what the photo above depicts) and other things. She never really liked to color much but I have "caught" her on several occasions with her crayons working diligently on coloring pages from the magazine. :) So cute.
Personally, I am LOVING the 20" X 30" world is very colorful and easy to read. We haven't done much with geography yet as we are just in the early months of Kindergarten but I am enjoying the idea of being able to introduce Hannah to the map. Using this map along with the magazines is so much's why: 
On the bottom right hand corner of the map, there are directions on how to use this map. News stories within the magazine have a "MAP-IT" logo to help you find the location that is being talked about in the story! I think this is so good for children to have because it helps them to locate the story area on the map and understand better what is going on.  
In these two photos, the news story is in the left hand gives you the coordinates on the map and when I went to the map, I found the story that is being reported is located in Namibia. With older children, it could be so simple and highly educational for them to look up on the map the specific locations. 
My daughter absolutely loves these magazines. I have both read them to her and have let her peruse through them on her own. She calls them HER magazines and I just love watching her read. Check out her focus! :) One other thing I thought I would mention is that the news stories found in this magazine have a christian perspective to them, which is nice. I did notice that the Bible passages that are given throughout the magazine are not KJV, which is the version that I prefer so if that is something that I would have liked to see done differently. I know that the publishers cannot please everyone but personally, I do prefer to give my children materials that use the KJV Bible. It is so nice though to read news stories with a christian slant to them!
God's World News retails for $28 for a one-year subscription, which would be 10 issues delivered monthly, except May and December. They also have a new membership program through which you can access online magazines with your print subscription. You can also access fun history, science and creation articles to read with your children as well as find some really great activities to do online. This feature has been a really awesome addition to God's World News and I am looking forward to showing my daughter some of the activities and articles.

So, be sure you check out this magazine if you have children in your can help to educate them on current events as well as give them some fun activities to do. We are loving our subscription here and would definitely recommend it to anyone! Check out what other bloggers had to say about God's World News by clicking the banner below.

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Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 10, 2013

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day

Today (October 15th) is known as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day. I never paid much attention to this day...until now. Last Friday, I miscarried our fourth child. Heartache doesn't even begin to describe what has happened this past has been a tough road and one that I don't want to have to walk again. No, I had not announced my pregnancy here but was planning to once we had announced it to my family, which was going to be this coming Saturday.

Hopes, dreams, excitement and joy melted into grief this past weekend. So, that is the reason for my silence...please bear with me as I get back on my feet emotionally and physically. I am healing well and have found myself hugging my little ones just a bit more lately. So glad I have them!

So, on this day of Pregnancy and Infant Loss, take a minute to pray for all the moms out there who have lost a child. It is not easy but I am thankful for the comfort of family, friends and of God. This is not the path I chose to walk but am thankful that I have been counted worthy to climb this mountain.

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 10, 2013

V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers Quench Everyone's Thirst!

At our recent pediatrician appointment with my son, our doctor asked us if we were drinking enough water. I told her that while we do enjoy juice we also drink alot of water. Special juices are a treat but typically we just drink apple juice. Even my youngest son can tell the difference between water and juice and obviously, he loves the juice better than water. I have always been a fan of drinking juices that have a fruit/vegetable blend because my children do not eat enough fruits and veggies in their diet. It would be fantastic if they ate healthy all the time but in reality, it doesn't happen around here. So, when I am faced with the choice of healthy juice or water, I will most likely choose the juice because my children need the extra nutrients. 
V8 has come out with a new juice called V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers and these juices are wonderful! I have always enjoyed the V8 brand and was very excited to hear about these new juices. Before I get into the flavors I received, here is a bit more about V8's mission...

We all know that vegetables are an essential part of any diet. We all know that. Despite this fact, 7 out of 10 adults don't get the recommended daily servings of vegetables.*

So, how many vegetable servings should you have each day? Believe it or not, that number is 5. Our goal is to make it easier for you to reach that number by offering a great-tasting lineup of products.

No matter where you are in your day, you can count on our many V8® products to help get your number up — whether you enjoy V8 100% Vegetable Juice in the morning, or a V8 V-Fusion® juice for a refreshing afternoon break. Because we want you to enjoy the many benefits that come from getting the recommended servings of vegetables every day.

We love V8 juice and I am so excited to bring this review to you today. V8 has never disappointed us and my family dove right in to the juice that we received for this review.
The two flavors I received were Peach Strawberry and Black Cherry Berry. Both of these looked delicious and my children were chomping at the bit to taste them.
V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers are comprised of a 20 – 25% blend of fruit and vegetable juices and they come in four delicious flavors...Tangerine Passionfruit, Cranberry Grape, Peach Strawberry and Black Cherry. Honestly, there is NO vegetable flavor in these juices at all, that I could detect. I totally recommend drinking these tasty juices ice cold...mmmm, so good. :)
Like I said, my taste-testers were ready, willing and able to taste this juice and I happily complied. I let them each try a different flavor and they both LOVED the flavor that they were given. It wasn't long before their glasses were empty and they were asking for more. I love the fact that they are actually enjoying a beverage that is giving them some good nutrients. Granted, 20 - 25% juice isn't much but I am willing to let them enjoy the juice anyway because of the good stuff that IS there. These juices are naturally sweetened and contain no artificial colors, preservatives or flavors and are a good source of Vitamin C as well. With colds circulating around our house right now, Vitamin C is a desirable ingredient in anything. :)
The suggested retail price for a 46 ounce bottle of V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers is $3.49...which isn't bad at all. When it comes to the health and wellness of my family, sometimes price shouldn't matter. I would gladly purchase this juice for my family. My husband also loved it and he is very much against vegetables...he made the comment that this juice should be really good for him and that was good to hear. So, if you get the sure to check out V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers and see what you think! I am sure you will be as pleased as I was. Oh, and don't expect this juice to stay around for long...mine was gone in about 2 days. :)

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free V8 products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the V8 website and email.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 10, 2013

Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezers Review & $50 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway

We sure do eat a lot of snacks around our house! Mid morning, after nap time and sometimes after dinner are times when we catch ourselves snacking. My children have a hard time getting through the day without snacks and so I have always tried to give them healthy snacking options. They love cheeses, crackers, yogurt and other things but one thing I have a hard time getting them to eat are fruits and veggies. They will occasionally eat oranges and grapes but that is about it for them. SO, you can imagine my excitement when I found out about Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezers!
Packed with fruits and vegetables, Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezers make the perfect snack for any time of the day. Now I have seen this style of squeezable fruit but only in baby food so I was really excited to see something like this for older children and adults. These fun snacks come in 5 flavors and can be found at Walmart...just not my local Walmart. :)
So, for this review I was thrilled to receive a box of Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezers in each flavor. This box really gave some creative ideas on how you could use these Fruit Burst Squeezers...if you only had one child than you could easily use one pouch per day of the week. However, I have three children and all five pouches were DEVOURED in one day. Ha ha!
These fruit pouches also contain veggies, which is super...especially when it comes to my gang. The flavors of these pouches are as follows:

  • Peach-Mango: Pear puree concentrate, water, pumpkin juice concentrate, peach puree concentrate, pear juice concentrate, carrot juice concentrate, carrot puree, mango puree concentrate, natural flavors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid.
  • Blueberry: Pear puree concentrate, water, pumpkin juice concentrate, pear juice concentrate, natural flavors, carrot puree, blueberry puree concentrate, fruit and vegetable extracts for color, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid.

Simply Fruit Varieties:

  • Apple Cinnamon: Pear puree concentrate, water, apple puree concentrate, pear juice concentrate, natural flavors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), cinnamon, malic acid.
  • Mixed Berry: Pear puree concentrate, water, pear juice concentrate, natural flavors, strawberry puree, red raspberry puree concentrate, blueberry puree concentrate, fruit and vegetable extracts for color, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), malic acid.
  • Strawberry: Pear puree concentrate, water, pear juice concentrate, strawberry puree concentrate, natural flavors, carmine, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), malic acid.
As soon as my children saw these pouches, it was about 1/2 hour before lunch time. So, of course, we HAD to try them ASAP. 
My daughter was the first to try the Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezers and she was the one I was most skeptical about...she is VERY picky when it comes to her food so I was curious as to what she thought. I also put my own "spin" on the times you can eat these as snacks. Here she is, having a snack after her daily violin lesson. She loved it and actually asked for more!! (YAY!) 
My little guy actually consumed the most of these. He just could NOT get enough and loved every morsel. When the pouch was about empty, he would bring it to me so I could roll the bottom up and squeeze the very last bit out for him. So cute. :)
And then there was this happy little guy. Oh goodness...he loves all things food. :) Can you tell? He too was so excited about enjoying these Squeezers and enjoyed his pouch until every ounce was gone. Yes, each of the 5 pouches was eaten in the same day and I don't think I ate one all by myself either. This is such a good sign to me...having a healthy snack for my children is so important and now that I have found one, I may just have to go and get some more. 
So, the next time you are at Walmart, be sure to check out Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezers...they can be the perfect snack for anyone in your home whether it be your children or you! Also, be sure to check out Del Monte on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest too! Let them know Mommy's Reviews sent you and be sure to check out other products that they carry.
Del Monte has offered to give away a $50 Walmart Gift card so you can go pick up some Fruit Burst Squeezers for yourself (and maybe some other things too!)! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products from Del Monte for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is NOT responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 10, 2013

Things You Will Find at an Auto Parts Store

At a parts store, like Highway Auto Parts, you are most likely to find almost everything you need to fix up or accessorize your vehicle. They will carry all the major vehicle manufacturers’ products as well as some of the more minor manufacturers. The stores are clean and well organized so that even someone who knows nothing about cars can find what they need. All you have to do is walk into the store or call before you go, and let them know the specific information about the part you need and they can check for it in their inventory software program and should be able to tell you in seconds if they have it or not. They can also tell you if they can get it and when it will be in.
Parts and Interior Accessories

They have things like gaskets, driveshafts, engine mounts, mufflers, air filters, spark plugs and spark plug wires, fog lights, wiper blades, oil filters, oil, timing belts, water pumps, seat belts, distributor caps, brakes, and clutch kits, to name a few of the items you will find as you walk through the aisles. They will also have floor mats, steering wheel covers, shift knobs, cool looking gauges, panel clips, compasses, ignition switches, dome lights, and stereo components that will make you vehicle sound like a million bucks.

Exterior Accessories

For the outside of your vehicle, they will have window tinting film and replacements for your vehicle’s lights, signals, and reflectors. Antennas, lights for your license plates, beacon lamps, tire chains of all kinds, racks for the tops of cars, and racks to put on trucks for hauling things around on are some of the other items found at an auto parts store. You will find license plate frames with all kinds of sayings and artwork, top carriers that come in a hard shell version or a soft shell version, winches, reflective strips for those that need to be seen, and mirrors for those of you whose mirror might have fallen off or gotten knocked off. Stop in a store like Highway Auto Parts, and you are sure to find something you need.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post in part by Bucks2Blog

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 10, 2013

Fruits & Veggies in a Shaker ~ Addison Field's RDA-12 Multivitamin Review

When I first met my husband I was shocked and a bit concerned when I learned that he consumed absolutely no vegetables. He ate fruit once in a while but not one vegetable. I grew up in a home where vegetables and fruits were a part of our everyday meal plan. Eating vegetables was not hard for me and there are many that I enjoy and NOT eating them was not an option. We were always given a "no thank you" helping, even if we didn't like the veggie being served. It was not easy all the time but thankfully, my love for vegetables kept those no thank you helpings to a minimum. My husband still does not eat vegetables except for an occasional salad and I have seen his habit rubbing off on my two eldest children. I stress to him the importance of being a good example to the children by eating his veggies but he just doesn't budge. So, I am always looking for ways to get my children to eat veggies on a semi-regular basis.
Recently, I became acquainted with a company called Addison Field and an amazing product that they make...RDA-12, which basically means recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 12 essential vitamins. The best part about this multivitamin product is that it comes in a powdered form that you can shake onto your food! When I heard about that option, I was very excited. Within this gluten-free and soy-free powder, you will find the following all-natural, whole food ingredients: broccoli, oranges, whole strawberries, pomegranates, oranges, Shiitake mushrooms, apples, beets, cranberries, carrots, grapes, and tomatoes. These are all so good for you and when you think about the fact that skins and stalks are included, it makes them even better for you. My mom always told me that the best vitamins are found right were the peel meets the fruit/vegetable so if you can get away without peeling things you are better off. She was so right!
So, for this review I was sent a shaker bottle of RDA-12 to try and I was so excited, mainly because I live in a house full of people who dislike veggies. As a mom, I try to give my family the best but when they refuse to eat the best, my hands are tied. My bottle arrived several weeks ago and I opened it right away.
I will mention here that they say it is odorless and tasteless but I can definitely smell it. I don't find the smell bad though, just healthy. :) This powder is brown in color and light in texture. It sprinkles easily onto just about anything I, macaroni and cheese, salads and other dishes. My family doesn't notice it and I like the fact that I can add some nutrition to their diets in a secret way. So far, there hasn't been any visible changes in them that I can see but I know that the vitamins are getting into them and that is what counts. I love to make green smoothies and this would be a fantastic addition to those as well...just thought of that.

For the powder, you only need about 1/4 teaspoon per day to meet the daily allowance of veggies and fruits and honestly, that is not much at all. You see that the bottle costs $87.99 but keep in mind that this bottle is designed to last 4-8 months so don't fret about the price. It is totally reasonable. I honestly almost fell out of my chair when I saw the price but once I realized how much I used per day, I felt a lot better knowing that it will last a long time.
You can also buy this in capsule form if you prefer to take your veggies and fruits that way. Pricing for all of Addison Field's products can be found HERE and you have some options to buy several bottles at once as well, which is nice. Be sure to check out Addison Field's on Facebook as well as on Twitter...they will be so glad that you stopped by. :) For those of you who are struggling to get your family to eat healthy, please check out RDA-12 and maybe, just maybe you can get your family the vitamins they need in one easy shaker bottle.

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Addison Field's products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Addison Field's website and email.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 10, 2013

Vitalah ~ Children's Oxylent Multi Vitamin Supplement Drink for Children Review

School has been in session for about a month now and with that, comes a lot of coughs, sniffles and bugs. I do not recall being sick much when I was in school, primarily because I was homeschooled and we weren't exposed to tons of germs outside of our house. We went to weekly homeschool group meetings and rarely did people come sick to that. Germs make me paranoid. I am not a "germaphobe", but I am definitely protective of my children and who they are exposed to, especially during this time of year. Flu season has not officially hit yet but when it does, you can bet I will be watching for those icky bugs. We do attend church two days a week and I know that sometimes, people come to church sick and inevitably, my children will catch things. So, to protect our little ones this school season, I am going to introduce you to a product that can help keep things in check.
Vitalah is a company that makes Daily Multivitamin Supplement Drinks for both adults and children. This drink is called Oxylent and it is designed to provide nutrition through a powdered drink mix...tasty and appealing to even the smallest of palates! Here is a bit more about Children's Oxylent...

Kids love taking their vitamins when their daily supplement is Children's Oxylent. They love the taste of the natural flavors of Bubbly Berry Punch. It's a fun, great-tasting, nutritious drink, sweetened with stevia only!

Nurtures: A balance of the highest-quality nutrients supports your child's development and well-being. Vitamin A supports growth, vitamins E and B support developing nervous systems, and zinc supports brain function.

Strengthens: Vitamin D3, calcium, and magnesium support the health of growing bones and muscles.9–11 Recent research shows that even kids in sunny climates don't get enough vitamin D.

Protects: Vitamins A, C, and D, and the mineral zinc promote the health and function of your child's immune system. Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin, is important to replenish daily.

I am all for having my children take vitamins and they do on a daily basis. From the time they are infants, they are on vitamin drops and when they get older, they get a chewable vitamin. Having a vitamin supplement that they can DRINK is phenomenal and as a mom, I am so excited about the potential of them drinking their vitamins and minerals.
So, for this review I was sent some Oxylent products to review and of course, my children loved being a part of this review! :) I was sent a box of Oxylent Sparkling Blackberry Pomegranate Supplement Drink packets, a small bag of miscellaneous items (chapstick, various flavored drink mixes, etc.) and a box of Children's Oxylent Daily Multivitamin Supplement Drink Stick Packets in the Bubbly Berry Punch flavor. Sounds yummy doesn't it?
The first product I had my children try was the Oxylent. This is geared more towards adults but they truly enjoyed it. It is a peachy color and really needs to be mixed well or you have particles in the bottom of the glass.
I think the flavor was wonderful and my husband in particular enjoyed the taste. He saw it on the counter and right away wanted to know if it was for him. Ha! I love all the good things that are packed into this drink great! You only really need 1/2 a packet per 4-6 ounce glass of water so a little goes a long way.
The Children's Oxylent comes in handy sleeve-type packages and are super easy to open. I love how the edges at the end are already perforated...I cannot tell you just how many times I have tried to open a package and have ended up getting a pair of scissors because the "easy to open top" won't open. These are soooo easy!
This drink is a pretty pink/salmon color and when it is mixed up, has a nice foamy top to it. My children always like beverages that look fun. Flavor wise, it is very appealing to my children as it is a Bubbly Berry Punch flavor. My husband also tried this one and loved it too. 
Did it pass my taste testers? Oh yes. Both of my older children LOVED this drink and I plan on giving them each a packet every day. We have a cold going around our house right now so the extra vitamins and immune system boost is going to be really helpful. So far, two out of my three children have the cold so hopefully we can keep the third one healthy. Hopefully. :)
So, to purchase Vitalah's Oxylent products simply visit their website. One box of Children's Oxylent retails for $24.95 and a Travel Pack of Sparkling Berries Oxylent retails for $8.95. When it comes to our family's health, wellness and nutrition I think that these prices are totally reasonable. I would definitely recommend Oxylent to anyone looking to improve their immune system this flu and cold season. Be sure to check out Oxylent on Facebook and also on Twitter. Hope you find them to be a help to you and your family!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Vitalah products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Vitalah website and email.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.