Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 10, 2013

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day

Today (October 15th) is known as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day. I never paid much attention to this day...until now. Last Friday, I miscarried our fourth child. Heartache doesn't even begin to describe what has happened this past has been a tough road and one that I don't want to have to walk again. No, I had not announced my pregnancy here but was planning to once we had announced it to my family, which was going to be this coming Saturday.

Hopes, dreams, excitement and joy melted into grief this past weekend. So, that is the reason for my silence...please bear with me as I get back on my feet emotionally and physically. I am healing well and have found myself hugging my little ones just a bit more lately. So glad I have them!

So, on this day of Pregnancy and Infant Loss, take a minute to pray for all the moms out there who have lost a child. It is not easy but I am thankful for the comfort of family, friends and of God. This is not the path I chose to walk but am thankful that I have been counted worthy to climb this mountain.

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