Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 7, 2013

BabyGanics Grime Fighter All Purpose Cleaner Review

My home is not spotless 100% of the time. How could it be??? I have three busy little children, ages 4 1/2, 3 and 15 months. I try to keep things orderly but most days, it is a losing battle. Typically, my cleaning doesn't really happen until they children have gone to bed but it is nice to be able to spot clean here and there while they are up. Some surfaces that we clean throughout the day are table/eating areas, the high chair, potty chair, bathroom surfaces and of course, their faces! :) As a mom, I am always on the look out for "clean" products to use on the surfaces my children's hands come in contact with and today, I have another great product to tell you about that is just that...kid-safe and mommy tested! 
BabyGanics is a company that I have featured here on my blog several times before and if you recall, I LOVE them. This company is unique to me simply because it was founded by two dads. DADS! I am used to moms being the more brainy and inventive ones because we are the ones who seem to interact the most with our children. However, these dads have founded one of the best eco-friendly and child-friendly product lines that I have reviewed! To give you a bit more background about these two dads who had one great idea, here is a bit more history from the company's website...
We're Kevin and Keith, founding fathers of BabyGanics. As family guys, (wife, kids, & pets!) we really do get how hard it is for parents to make the daily, balanced choices that go into creating a safe healthy and happy environment for their babies.

We dedicate our days to helping you do just that. Our products are designed for babies but, honestly, they're just as much for parents; whether they protect, moisturize, nourish or clean, their most important ingredient is always peace of mind.

I was very excited to be able to review yet another fantastic product from BabyGanics! This product is meant for use on all surfaces and is clean, pure and perfect for use around my children!
So, for this review I was sent the BabyGanics Grime Fighter All Purpose Cleaner. This bottle is nice and BIG which means you will get many uses from it. I love how ergonomic the neck is for easy holding while using. I also love how you can lock the nozzle when it is not being used. This is great because my 15 mo. old is always trying to get at my cleaning supplies and this makes me feel a bit safer.
So, my grimiest surface that I clean daily is the high chair. This chair has been used for all 3 of my children and it has taken quite a beating over the years. I really do try to keep it clean but with grubby hands touching it three times a day, it can be a challenge to keep it as clean as I would like.
One of the places I often forget to clean is the foot rest. Isn't that nasty? Mind you, this mess is only from ONE DAY. Yep...I have a little piggy! :) Isaac constantly drops food, crumbs and beverages onto this foot rest and I am not sure how, but it doesn't seem to get cleaned as well.
So, this was the first area I cleaned with this All Purpose Cleaner from BabyGanics. All I did was spray the cleaner on the foot rest and wipe it off. I was amazed at how easily the dirt came off! I did little scrubbing and it took very little effort. Also, I would like to note that this particular cleaner is fragrance free so you feel like you are using plain water. However, it did a FANTASTIC job even though I hardly knew I was using it! If you like a bit of fragrance in your cleaner though, this cleaner does come in a Lavender and Citrus scent as well.
Next up----the high chair tray! This, by far, can get the dirtiest and I clean this after each meal. Somehow, it wasn't cleaned thoroughly after the last use and this is what I was looking to clean. Ummm, I think that is yesterday's left-over mac and cheese in the cup holder (?) and dirty hand prints on the side of the tray. Wow. Time for a good cleaning!
Once again, clean up was easy peasy. No elbow grease needed...just spray and wipe. The dirt is gone and I know the surface is clean! Just so you believe me on how great this cleaner is, check out this information regarding BabyGanics Grime Fighter All Purpose Cleaner:

-NO Parabens, Sulfates, Phthalates, or Toxins 
-Specially formulated with plant-based cleaning agents
-NO toxic residue left behind

Yep, it is definitely a product that you will love to have around your children. The BabyGanics Grime Fighter All Purpose Cleaner retails for about $4.99/bottle and can be found at baby stores and mass retailers across the country that carry the BabyGanics brand. If you are not sure about this product being available in your area, visit BabyGanics and select this particular product. You can then find a store that carries it by entering your zip code in the proper field and then searching. This product, for me, is found at Babies 'R' Us and Buy Buy Baby.
So, in my opinion...I am now armed against the grime that creeps up on me around my home. I am especially loving this BabyGanics All Purpose Cleaner because it is safe for use around my children and works to powerfully combat daily messes that arise. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone out there who is looking for a cleaner that can tackle your tough grime and keep your home sparkling clean...all while staying safe around the children. Check out BabyGanics today!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free BabyGanics products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the BabyGanics website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 7, 2013

Crunchy Mamas Review & Giveaway

Well, if you have been a follower of this blog for any length of time then you will notice that I am a fan of natural products. Whether it be natural cleaning products, natural baby products or natural beauty products, I pretty much try to keep you (my lovely readers) up to speed on what I have discovered. I am totally in love with so many different types of natural products, I just can't help but share these fantastic finds with all of you. Today, it is time to introduce you to my latest discovery and let me tell is a LOVELY company!
Whenever you hear the term "Crunchy" and it is not in reference to food, you are probably about to find out about something natural and earth-friendly. Crunchy Mamas is a company that makes all natural products for you and for your family---hygienically speaking. Crunchy Mamas was founded by - you guessed it - two mamas who have a love and a passion for all things natural! From their website, here is a bit more about Katie and Ashley...
I'm Ashley (pictured on the left), the frazzled, frizzy haired, stay-at-home Crunchy Mama. I have three little men, a bun in the oven (yep, this little food monger is a boy too), and a handsome ginger that keep me company. I've been making my own toiletries and personal hygiene products for my family for years and I was thrilled when the opportunity presented itself for Katie and I to spread the goods.

Hi, I'm Katie (pictured on the right). I am a crunchy mother and wife to husband Dustin and two kids, Bean and Ida. Then there are the 4 dogs, cat, cows, chickens and whatever other critters I'm forgetting. I began my quest towards crunchiness, God and homemaking all at the same time, 4 years ago. It's been an amazing, yet bumpy road that finally landed me at developing Crunchy Mamas with my sis Ashley. Ashley and I met when I married her brother 10 years ago and we are mutually crazy/weird. We began creating the products we either couldn't find or were dissatisfied with. Crunchy Mamas was born when we realized others were interested in what these two, simple Moms had to offer.

My personal desire for Crunchy Mamas is to provide you with chemical free, down to earth products using only the best ingredients. Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of doing something that I love for you. I am having so much fun creating Crunchy Mamas goods and can't wait to see where the road takes us next!

Mmmmmmmmm...I just love mommy-founded companies. They truly are some of the best companies because moms always know best! I trust the products that come out of these companies and Crunchy Mamas is no exception. They have proved to me that they truly have my best interest at heart.
So, for this review I was sent some lovely products to try and just wait until you hear the names of these products...TOTALLY cute! :) I was sent... Crusty Foot, Honey Lemon Lip Balm, Smelly Face Serum and Grapefruit Hand Sanitizer. Ha ha...don't you just LOVE the names?!?
First, I tried the Honey Lemon Lip Balm. You can really taste the natural honey in this balm and it also applies very easily and smoothly. It isn't hard at all but is actually kind of creamy in texture...not at all waxy either. I also love the fact that they printed a Bible verse reference on this stick...and it is for Psalm 141:3 which reads... "Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips." I love it. Such a great reminder to always watch what we say and I can be reminded of that each time I use this lip balm. :) The All Natural Lip Balm retails for $3.
OK. So, I don't typically make it a habit to put pictures up of my feet HOWEVER, I wanted to show you my Crusty Foot in action. This product is sooo wonderful and I will tell you why. It is made out of the following ingredients: organic enrefined coconut oil, beeswax, vitamin e, organic hemp seed oil, organic tamanu oil, organic chamomile essential oil, organic lavender essential oil, organic patchouli essential oil. Crusty Foot is like foot balm in a tube...non-greasy, easy to apply and it smells luscious. If you like "earthy" scented products than this one is for you! Within several minutes of applying this balm to my feet, my feet felt nourished and softer than they had been. I love to use this at night before bed because my feet can rest and be restored while I sleep. Crusty Foot retails for $7.
The Smelly Face Serum (not for use when you are pregnant) is also a lovely product from Crunchy Mamas and this is meant to be applied to your skin after bathing or cleansing. One of the things I love about this serum is that it is not greasy at all. It is meant for all skin types so if you have dry or oily skin, this is beneficial to you! Containing pure and organic essential oils this serum is great for combating wrinkles, age spots, UV damage, acne, dark circles and much more! I tend to have issues with blackheads and breakouts especially when I am dealing with PMS and I have found that this serum is really nourishing to my skin. It smells lovely and really does aid in keeping the skin soft and smooth. Smelly Face Serum retails for $19.
Last but not least I am thoroughly loving and appreciating the Grapefruit Hand Sanitizer. I find myself lacking hand sanitizer at the most inopportune times and am so grateful for this particular product. For anyone who is a mom...YOU NEED THIS! Stick it in your diaper bag, glove box, purse and stroller-it is wonderful to have on hand! My little ones are constantly touching things that are dirty so it is nice to have this on hand. I love the fact that it is a spray bottle so that I can spray it on my children's hands. It is easy to use, fragrant and organic hand sanitizer and, best of all, it is affordable. This Hand Sanitizer (which comes in Grapefruit or Lavender-Lemon scent) retails for just $5.
Crunchy Mamas also carries other wonderful products such as Deet-free Bug Off , Baby Butt Balm, Scab Stick and so much more. You can be sure that whatever you order from Crunchy Mamas will be organic and very high quality. Thinking ahead, how about considering Crunchy Mamas for your Christmas gift list? Many of their products are small enough to fit in a stocking and would be a great gift. Just wanted to put the idea out there. :) Be sure to check out Crunchy Mamas on Facebook and also on Twitter! These two gals always have something fun up their sleeves.

Also, especially for my readers, if you use the coupon code "sally", you will get 10% off your purchase! YAAY! :)
Crunchy Mamas has offered to giveaway the same products I reviewed to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive Crunchy Mamas products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Crunchy Mamas website and email. Prize is being provided by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 7, 2013

Get a FREE Touchscreen Metal Stylus Pen!

Visit Daily Sale today to claim your very own FREE Touchscreen Metal Stylus Pen ($30 value!!) with FREE SHIPPING too! This is only available if you are a new customer. Off to get my pen! :)

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 7, 2013

Check out the GORGEOUS Eliane et Lena Collection at bean sprout! {Review & Giveaway ~ Open to US & Canada}

Several months back, I wrote a review for a lovely online children's boutique called bean sprout. This online store is based in Toronto, Canada and they have some really gorgeous clothes and accessories for children. For the past review, I received a beautiful dress for my daughter and she wore it to my brother's wedding in June. EVERYONE complimented me on the dress and asked where I got it. I love it when my review products cause people to inquire as to their gives me the fantastic opportunity to let them know about the company and how I write reviews for companies. Well, as you can probably imagine, I was thrilled when Trish from bean sprout contacted me about another review of her lovely store.
To give you a bit more background, here is a bit more about Trish Haddad and her store, bean sprout...

I opened bean sprout as a bricks and mortar store in Toronto in 1995. I am proud to say that it was voted the best children's clothing shop in Toronto, was listed as one of Toronto's Top 200 stores by Toronto Life Magazine and appeared on The Mom Show. 

After 16 successful years I have transformed bean sprout into an on-line store to conveniently provide exciting brands, exemplary customer service, excellent quality and unique fashion for children ages newborn to 12 years. I am passionate about bright, colourful clothing and accessories for children and I personally select each item based on its style, quality, wear-ability and price. You can shop here with confidence at an on-line store you can trust.

One of the things that I LOVE about bean sprout is the fact that they have collections that include matching accessories. Sometimes you find a dress or outfit that you love and need a matching headband, sweater or other accessory and you just have a terrible time finding those things. Well, bean sprout carries everything you need to make an outfit just pop with color and I really do love that.
So, for this review I was asked to choose something from the Eliane et Lena Collection and this collection is SO bright and beautiful...perfect for summer! :) I chose to receive the Eliane et Lena Valeriana Dress. Trish also sent along the matching Eliane et Lena Chichita Headband. This particular dress and headband features spaghetti straps and bold, bright colors. 
My daughter loves dresses and new clothes so this was a nice surprise for her. Today, I had her model this dress and it looks perfect on her. :) Isn't she pretty? Her hair is a bit crazy in this picture...she is a typical 4 1/2 year old. :) The t-shirt is my idea...she typically wears shirts under dresses with spaghetti straps just so she looks a bit more modest. Now let's take a look at some of the features...
This maxi-length dress features a very full skirt that has a large ruffle around the bottom. It is hard to see in the picture but in person, it looks amazing! It is a wide ruffle and adds just a little bit of elegance. 
My daughter also loves the flower that is at the top of the dress. Again, it just adds a little bit of glamour to an already-pretty dress. She didn't notice it right away but when I pointed it out, she was tickled. :)
The straps are adjustable with sliders and this will keep the straps from slipping down over the shoulders. I got a dress in size 8 so it was a tad big. Once I adjusted the straps, the dress fit wonderfully. You can also see that there are three buttons in the back and this dress also comes with an extra button if you ever needed it. I love the look of the back of this is so pretty!
The head band really adds a nice finish the the look of this dress. It is scrunched and wide, giving it nice coverage over the head. It isn't super tight so it didn't bother Hannah when it was on her head. She can be picky about tight things on her head and this worked great for her. 
Of course, as with ANY dress, we had to make sure it was a good "spinny" dress. Hannah was VERY pleased with the performance of this dress and as you can see, she did a good job twirling in it. :) Right now, the Eliane et Lena Valeriana Dress is on sale for just $35.99 (normally it is $89.99) and you can accessorize with jackets, head bands of various colors and other things.
So, I am totally in love with the Eliane et Lena Collection at bean sprout. It is colorful, beautiful and so summery. Everything in the collection looks great and if you have a little girl, I would seriously recommend checking it out. 

Trish has offered to give a winner $100 off their order from bean sprout (your order plus shipping will equal $100)!  This is a fantastic are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free bean sprout products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the bean sprout website and email. Prize is being provided by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 7, 2013

Purex Fabric Softener Sheets Review & Giveaway {3 Winners}

Laundry is something that is done weekly and sometimes, more than once a week here at our house. Having small children means we have messes quite frequently so I am doing laundry on a regular basis. When it comes to my laundry, there is one thing that I absolutely love and that is scented detergents and dryer sheets. The only fabric softener I have ever used are the Purex Crystals and I love love LOVE those. They make my clothes smell so's hard to imagine what my life was like before the Crystals. Because I pretty much only use Purex, you can imagine my excitement when I was given the opportunity to review Purex Fabric Softener Sheets. :)
Available in two scents, Mountain Breeze and Sweet Lavender, you can pretty much count on fragrant, fresh and clean scented loads of laundry each time you do your laundry. Here is a bit more about these Fabric Softener Sheets...

Who knew that one little sheet could do so much? Purex Fabric Softener Sheets don’t just reduce static cling and leave your family’s laundry soft and smelling fresh: They can also keep your whole house smelling fresh! Just choose your favorite fragrance and tuck a sheet in hampers, in the linen closets, and any other laundry storage areas.

I have a confession to make. When I was a teenager, my mother made me put dryer sheets in my shoes because they didn't smell that great. Now I can understand her frustration...teenager = smelly shoes. I could not help it but found that the dryer sheets really did help my shoes smell fresher and also, helped combat the "sweatiness" of my feet. Looking beyond the laundry is something that you can do with Purex Fabric Softener Sheets and like I have always said, I LOVE products that serve more than one purpose!
So, for this review I was sent a box of Purex Fabric Softener Sheets in the Mountain Breeze scent. I was not at all worried about whether or not these would work because I am already a HUGE Purex fan and am pretty loyal to the brand. 
This particular box is small, containing 40 sheets. I am used to buying the huge boxes of dryer sheets so this was different to have such a small box. One thing I noticed right away was that these smelled really great. The sheets themselves were soft and just felt loaded with softener. Sometimes my dryer sheets (I don't currently use Purex for my dryer sheets) seem thin and flimsy...not these ones from Purex! They look and feel super soft and thick. 
You use these Fabric Softener Sheets the same way you would use others...simply toss them in with your wet clothes and dry the clothes as usual. You can also use these dryer sheets all over your closets, clothes drawers, shoes and other areas.
My first experience with Purex Fabric Softener Sheets was when I was washing towels and they came out smelling great and feeling really soft. Probably not softer than usual but soft nonetheless. My children have gotten in the habit of coming around when I am folding laundry and they love to bury their noses in freshly laundered clothes and smell the clean scent. These towels sure had a lot of sniffing from my little ones! Ha! It was also nice to not have loads of static when using these sheets...they work great to reduce static cling

I would definitely recommend these Purex Fabric Softener Sheets to everyone! They smell great and aren't just for laundry! If you would like to try out these sheets for yourself, you can find them at Walmart. 
Now for the fun part. :) I have three coupons for FREE Purex Fabric Softener Sheets to giveaway! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: As a Purex Insider, I received no monetary compensation for this post. Purex did provide me a free sample of their Purex Fabric Softener Sheets for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Purex website and email. Prizes are in coupon form and will be mailed by myself. This blog is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen prizes and in this case, I am not responsible for replacing coupons under any circumstances.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 7, 2013

Christi the Coupon Coach "Couponing Made Simple" Book Review

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Couponing. That word to me always meant hours upon hours of work, tons of time spent and grocery stores and saving loads of money. Well, the last part is totally true and so much fun when you get to experience it. I have always wanted to be a couponer but was never "brave" enough. Being a mommy of three little ones is tiring and I don't have a whole lot of extra time to spend doing things like couponing - or so I thought. As we have added children to our family it has become painfully clear that groceries and shopping trips are getting expensive. Our economy is terrible and the cost of EVERYTHING is going up. I used to dream of saving money at the cash register but honestly, never really looked into it because it is easier to just run to the store and buy what you need when you need it regardless of the price. Let me tell you...I am learning a few things about being wise with my money and being frivolous with what God has given is foolish.
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Today, I am going to talk to you about a book I have been reading written by Christi the Coupon Coach and it is called Couponing Made Simple. Christi is a homeschooling mom of four children and obviously, is a busy lady! I was excited to read more about her ideas and tips for using coupons. At first, I was skeptical but as I began to read her book, I suddenly became aware of just how easy saving money can be. (!) I will say first and foremost, I appreciate the fact that Christi loves the Lord and talks about God in her book. Saving money to her is important spiritually because it is being a good steward with the money that God has entrusted to her and her family. This spoke volumes to me because I can be very frivolous with money and she really made me think about that aspect in relation to being a good steward.
Christi graciously sent me one of her books to read through and review and I have to tell you that I am feeling better equipped and EXCITED about being a good coupon user. My first observation was to note Christi's philosophy when it comes to using coupons. She is not an extreme couponer but holds to the idea that she teaches REAL couponing for REAL people. Here's a bit more about her book...

There is a lot of buzz about couponing.  A lot of people are excited about couponing and want to do it well, but I have found that many become overwhelmed, confused and unorganized.

That is why I have taken the new world of couponing and put it into a book that gives a step by step plan to follow.  I have also developed an organization system.  This allows people to be successful on their very 
first trip.  One lady read my book and saved 70% on her 1st trip!  Another attended a workshop and saved 84% on her 1st coupon run!

This is not "Extreme", but Real couponing for Real people.
I teach buying a reasonable amount of products using an organizational system that takes a reasonable amount of time for great savings! 
So, my first goal was to learn the steps that are necessary to be successful at couponing. Christi has the easy steps laid out in one chapter where she step-by-step explains what you need to do to get organized, use coupons and save money. I was first stumped by a phrase I read in this chapter and it read as follows...

"Buy at least one Sunday newspaper per person in your household. If you have an uneven number of people (i.e., five), bump up the number of newspapers to the next even number, six."

I am used to buying just one paper and using the coupons found in the inserts included in that one paper and didn't know the benefit of having more papers. So, I emailed Christi for clarification. The reason for doing this is because you want to have the most coupons for one item that you can. I experienced the negative side of this when I went to buy yogurt this past week. Chobani Greek Yogurt was on sale for 10 for $10, making each cup of yogurt $1 each. I found a coupon for $.30 off and my grocery store doubles manufacturer coupons up to $.99. Sooo, I only had ONE coupon. :( If I had clipped more, I could have really purchased alot of yogurt for just $.40 a cup. RATS! So, this is why you want to buy alot of newspapers and I am glad that Christi mentions this in her book.
Another thing I love that Christi talks about is how to find coupon matchups in your area. I have been wanting to find a blog or website that does the coupon matchups for the grocery store in my area and using her suggested method, I was able to find one!! This makes finding and using coupons sooo easy. It really takes out the work in figuring out how to use your coupons. She tells you what to look up when searching the Internet and this is something I knew NOTHING about. So, my favorite site that I have found I now subscribe to and every week, this gal gives me the coupon matchups and best deals for my store. Hooray!! Christi has her favorite coupon matchup sites listed on her website so check those out as well.
I have not yet implemented Christi's method for organizing coupons but fully intend to. She suggests using a recipe box and small accordion file. I love the idea of organizing your coupons in the order of how you shop through your store. I am really leaving out alot of detail when it comes to her organization system but basically you file all your coupons in your box and use the coupons as your shopping list. In your box you will have a section set up for coupons you don't use on the current shopping trip just in case there are no sales for that particular item. You can then re-file your coupons and use them on a later date. I love her idea because frankly, I went to the store with all my coupons stuffed in a small envelope and this is VERY disorganized and stressful. So, want to see how I did on my most recent "couponing" shopping trips? Check it out...
Ok. So, this picture represents two different stores. One was Walgreens and the other was Tops Friendly Markets. In my area there are two major grocery stores...Wegmans and Tops. The closest Wegmans to me is about 1/2 hour away so I don't shop there hardly at all. Tops is my main go-to store. I also love that they have so many 10 for $10 deals and also they double all manufacturer coupons up to $.99. This is so cool, especially if you have $.75 off coupons...they double them so you are actually getting $1.50 off!!! Anyway, here is what I have in the picture above. General Mills cereal was on sale 4 for $10 and if you purchased 4 boxes, you got a free gallon of milk. So, because I was just trying out couponing, I didn't have a huge stash of coupons. I was able to get my four boxes of cereal and used two $.50 off coupons on two of the boxes...which meant I actually got $1 off two boxes. When the cashier rung up my groceries, I didn't get a coupon for the free milk so after I finished checking out I went to the head cashier station and showed my receipt to the girl working there. She checked the ad, verified that I was supposed to get a free gallon of milk and then refunded us for the milk. Awesome! See the three packages of Bic Soleil razors? I only paid $3.99 for each of those thanks to my $2 off coupons.
My shopping trip to Tops would have cost me $43.31 but thanks to store discounts and coupons, I only paid $24.70.  Now, that isn't a HUGE savings but it is pretty good, considering I have never used coupons like that before.
Now, we get to Walgreens. Schick Disposable Razors were buy one, get one 50% off. I had coupons for BOGO so I used two of those coupons on four packages of Razors. Then, I had three individual coupons for Gillette razors. They were priced at $5.99 each and I had three coupons...two for $3 off and one for $5 off. So, I paid only $.99 for one of the razors!
I ended up spending a total of $18.92 and SAVED $36.48 with bonus points and coupons. WOW! For me, that was a HUGE savings.
Real quick, one last receipt I wanted to show you was from a quick, emergency stop at a local Dollar General. We were at church and my son had a HUGE poo poo diaper and blew out his pants. Completely. I had to run to the store and buy him a new pair of pants. Well, I chose a pair of denim blue jeans and they were marked $10. I also bought diaper cream. I get to the checkout and was floored when my total came to just the price of the diaper cream. I remarked to the cashier "Wow! The pants must have been on sale!" She had the personality of a brick wall and didn't respond and I went on my way. When I got in the car, I looked at my receipt. The pants rang up for $.01!!!!!!! What a BLESSING! I asked my sister about this because she worked at Dollar General for several years and she said that when they want to push inventory, they mark down items like this but you have to know what to look for. I was thrilled that I only paid a penny for my son's pants and that is a deal I got when I used no coupons! Ha ha! :) 

Soo, I think it is safe to say that I am officially hooked on using coupons and looking for good deals. Christi talks about keeping your eyes open for thrift store deals, garage sales and online deals as well. I blogged recently about a FANTASTIC deal Maidenform was having for their $10 bra sale. I purchased two bras for a total of about $17 + FREE shipping. So, you have to keep your eyes open for special sales and take advantage when you can. 
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Christi the Coupon Coach's book retails for $18 or you can purchase the ebook for $4.99. I would recommend buying the book itself because there are pages in the back for you to write notes and that is great, especially if you are trying to learn how to coupon. I am grateful to Christi for giving me the opportunity to review her book and hope that this review helps you to see how simple it can be to save your pennies. Be sure to check out more reviews for Christi's book by clicking on the banner below and happy couponing!!! :)

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