Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2012

Fine Dining for Date Night!

After our first baby was born, my husband and I knew how difficult it would be to enjoy eating out. When you have a new baby, going out to eat is very hard. Not only do you have to take the baby along, you also have to care for the baby while you are out...feedings, diaper changing and just keeping them happy becomes quite a chore. So, we decided that if we wanted to go out to eat, we would only do so on very special occasions and we would find a sitter for the baby. Now that we have three children we find that going  on dates is so much more important. When you are a busy parent, you tend to focus on children and can lose sight of your relationship with your spouse.
Every year, hubby and I enjoy going out to eat on our anniversary. Our favorite restaurants consist of fine dining selections as well as family-style places. The spectrum of choices is vast, as we live around several large cities and can choose from many different restaurants. If I lived near Boston, I would definitely have many Boston Back Bay Restaurants from which to choose. The picture above is what I would consider a fine dining experience to the The ambiance is gorgeous and the table looks so elegant. This would definitely be a good choice for date nights!!
My husband and I love eating out sans-children for many reasons...

1. We can chat about life. It seems that life is so busy and there are so many things that we could talk about but don't simply because we are so pre-occupied with our family. When there are decisions to be made, focus is key and some days that focus is lacking.

2. We can enjoy each other without distractions. Children and fancy restaurants just don't mix. No matter what kind of restaurant I go to, we are constantly moving the silverware out of reach, telling the children to sit down and hush their voices, making sure they are not ripping apart the menus or opening sugar and condiment packages. I can actually look at my husband without worrying about constantly watching the children and their behavior.

3. Our marriage can become stronger. When we got married, it was just us. Now, we have three children and believe it or not, our marriage has tough days. Trying to juggle life and children can be stressful...especially having three children under the age of 4. But, we manage and making sure we get plenty of date nights keeps us focused and helps us to bond and cement the love that we have for each other.

So, this year we are celebrating 6 years of marriage and I cannot wait to see which restaurant we choose to eat at! I am looking forward to yet another night of fun, romance and time alone with my man!

This is a sponsored post for Vlora, however, all the points and views are my own.

Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2012

Relax Your Cares Away with Calgon's Ageless Bath Collection

I cannot remember the last time I have had a relaxing bath...or shower for that matter. It seems that my time in the bathroom while showering is quick and I am constantly worrying about what the children are getting into while mommy is busy. It seems some days that it really isn't fair. I LOVE having children but sometimes I also love a little "me time" and those moments are very few and far between. Having an 18 week old in the mix definitely adds a certain amount of busyness to the day and I find that diving into the bathroom for a quick shower is my way of getting out of the hectic morning routine and preparing for my day.
Well, I have recently become aware of some products that Calgon carries and as soon as I heard of them, I was VERY excited...why? Because these products are just for me...for those moments when I can steal away and feel pampered. Calgon Take Me Away has a collection of bath products called Ageless Bath and ladies...let me tell you--these products are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Each Ageless Bath product is infused with Vita Pearl Complex of Collagen, Vitamin E and Pearl Powder. Before I continue with this review, here is a bit more about Calgon and their products...

Calgon is a complete line of bath and beauty products managed by Ilex Consumer Products Group, LLC. The Calgon brand launched in 1946 and in the 1960s became famous with their tagline “Take Me Away!” which has become a widely known pop culture reference. In 2010, Calgon relaunched with 30 new products on the marketplace, giving the Calgon brand the widest range of specialty bath and basic bath products in the category. Calgon is sold at Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Rite Aid, Kroger, Shoppers Drug Mart, Kmart among other national retailers.

I have always known about Calgon's line of products and have used them in the past. However, the Ageless Bath Collection is new to me and because I am now over 30, I am looking for products like these that help me look and feel younger.
So, for this review I was sent this entire Ageless Bath Collection, which consists of:

In order to try out these products, I waited until all the children were in bed for the night and then locked myself in the bathroom. HA HA! I was sooo excited about the opportunity to relax and enjoy a hot and soaking bath.
I was most excited to try the Ageless Milk Bath with Serum Beads as it smelled so great. I poured a small amount in my bath and immediately I had suds bubbling up all around me. It felt so wonderful to sit and relax in this foamy and silky bath.
After I had relaxed for a while, I tried the Ageless Bath Body Scrub and Soak. This scrub is really luxurious and is designed to smooth, exfoliate, cleanse and revitalize the skin...all while giving you a very pampering and relaxing experience. Again, the scent was fantastic. I will just say here that my husband was very impressed with how great my skin felt after using this scrub...he also loved the scent of my skin.
Last but not least the Ageless Bath Pearls are soo cool! You just throw a handful into the tub and swish the water around to let them dissolve. They add a little bit of shimmer to the water and also help to relax and soften your skin. I love does my daughter! She thinks it is so neat to put little "balls" into her bath. :)
Ageless Bath Body Scrub and Soak
You can find these and more Calgon products in a mass retail store near you. Also, there is a $1 off printable  Calgon coupon available right now by clicking HERE. I honestly was SHOCKED at how reasonable this Ageless Bath Collection is...each product is only $6.49 and you get so much for your money. I am actually thinking of getting this collection for my sister for would make such a lovely gift for any woman!
If you would like to visit Calgon on their social media platforms, check out their Facebook page and also their Twitter page! There is always something fun and exciting going on there and I am sure they would love to meet you and give you some "Take Me Away" moments.

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Calgon Take Me Away! products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Calgon website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 8, 2012

Snore No More with PureSleep!

puresleep the stop snoring solution
Right before I found out I was pregnant with Isaac, my husband began making comments to me on how sleeping next to me was like sleeping next to a lumber jack. Yes, I snored. Not only did I snore, but I snored loudly. I wasn't sure why I was snoring (I typically have issues with snoring when I am pregnant so I should have taken a pregnancy test right then...LOL!) and it really bothered me. Things took a very bad turn for the worst and one night, my husband resorted to sleeping on the couch. I remember laying in my bed in tears...wondering what I would do if I could not find a cure for snoring. It was AWFUL.
The next day I spent a good amount of time on the Internet looking for solutions and my search kept taking me to one place...PureSleep. The reviews I was reading were amazing and it sounded so easy, I decided to take a closer look. PureSleep is a company that makes a dental device that is designed to prevent snoring. Here is a bit more about this device...

Co-invented by a dentist and an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist, PureSleep has been used in clinical practice for over 15 and years to treat snoring.PureSleep is a self molded retainer that is FDA-cleared to reduce snoring by holding your lower jaw slightly forward of its normal position while you sleep. It opens your airway and eliminates the vibrations we all know as snoring. No vibrations, no snoring!
As you can probably imagine, I was immediately intrigued. You always hear about men snoring but I seldom hear about a woman having this problem. Either they don't exist or they never let anyone know about it! I had also exhausted all the traditional "cures" for snoring...sleeping with my head elevated, nose strips, etc. NOTHING worked.
So, for this review I was sent a PureSleep device to try. I was sent a brief questionnaire to see if I would qualify for a device and after filling it out, I was definitely qualified...meaning I had no outstanding medical conditions that would interfere with this product. 
This mouth piece comes in two pieces so that you can adjust it to fit your mouth properly prior to making the oral impression. 
Once you have snapped the two pieces together, you are ready to prepare the device for fitting. To do this you will first want to brush your teeth to be certain there is nothing in your teeth that would hinder a proper fit. Then, boil one to two quarts of water. Heat the entire device in the boiling water and remove after one minute with a slotted spatula. You may need to use the spatula to hold the device completely under the water. Cool the device for 10-12 seconds ONLY...not following this step could result in burns to your mouth or the plastic will harden. Hold your jaw forward and bite down HARD to make an impression of your teeth in the softened plastic. You will hold that position for 45 seconds. I will say here that I had difficulty with this. At the time, I was in the first trimester of pregnancy and was severely nauseous. This caused horrible gagging while I was trying to fit the device. My poor hubby thought I was throwing up when really, I was just trying to hold this thing in my mouth! 
Once the device has been fitted to your mouth, run it under cool tap water.  If you need to, you can trim excess plastic from the device with scissors as this will help it feel more comfortable in your mouth. 
I did try the PureSleep device for several nights but due to my strong gagging reflex I was unable to continue.   Thankfully, my snoring subsided shortly after my son was born and I have been fine ever since. I do pull it out once in a while and try it and when I use it, it does work for me. The only complaint I have is that my teeth get sore but that is normal and will go away once your mouth adjusts to the device being in there. The PureSleep reviews that I read are fantastic and people just love the results it gives them. It has saved countless marriages and people are sleeping better at night and feeling rested in the morning thanks to this device. 

You can check out PureSleep's website for more information and testimonials and also for purchasing information. Right now, you can try a PureSleep device for 30 days for just the cost of shipping and handling...check it out! Also, you can find them on Facebook as well as Twitter

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free PureSleep device for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the PureSleep website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 8, 2012

Sof'feet Footcare System Review & Giveaway {US & Canada}

Well, we are nearing the end of summer and I have to say that my feet are looking and feeling much better these days. If you remember several months ago I was posting about how cracked and dry my feet have been and I was on the verge of seeing a podiatrist. After trying several creams and products, my feet have been so much better. I do have to keep up with my foot care because I LOVE to wear my sandals and if you wear flip flops or sandals, then you know how dry your feet can get.
Today, I am going to introduce you to a company that I discovered while searching for solutions for my feet issues. I was tired of cracks and dry skin getting caught on the bed sheets, socks and clothes and when I saw this product, I just had to share it with you! Sof'feet is a foot care system that has been created by a dermatologist to help soften and smooth your feet. Here is a bit more information about Sof'feet...

Enjoy soft, silky feet with the Sof'feet™ Footcare System. Created by a Dermatologist, the Sof'feet Footcare System combines an effective callus reducer with a rich softening cream to help your feet stay their softest.

The Sof'feet Footcare System is used all over the world as a highly effective treatment for rough and callused feet. Carried by most major beauty supply stores and found in the finest salons this system has everything you need to keep your feet looking young, healthy, and soft.

I don't know about you but when it comes to my feet, I want to take the best of care of them. They take such a beating, especially during the summer months when they are exposed to sun and dry air. I was very excited when my kit arrived and I am going to show you how it works today!
So, for this review I was sent a Sof'feet Footcare System intro kit. This kit contains a callus reducer tool, 2 replacement screens and a two ounce container of softening cream.
I have to admit that I was a bit intimidated by the callus reducer tool as it looked like it would hurt. But when I thought about it, my foot skin is VERY tough so it probably wouldn't hurt at all. This tool has a plastic handle and the screen is easily removed by twisting the small thumbscrew on the top of the tool, which will release the screen.
Using the callus reducer is simple. I put a dry, clean towel under the foot I would be working on and began to rub the rough part of my heel. (By the way, it is recommended that you do this before showering or bathing and before applying creams or lotions.) It felt really nice and just seemed to glide over my feet...there was no pain at all! I know that when I use a pumice stone my feet get sore and start to feel hot from the friction; I felt none of that with this tool.
When the mesh screen becomes full of dry skin, just tap it out on your towel and you are ready to go again! You can see how well it worked for me and this was just after several seconds of using it! Needless to say, I am impressed. My feet felt soooo soft and the rough edges were completely smoothed down.
The softening cream is amazing as well. It is thick, rich and non-greasy which means you can also use it on your elbows, hands and knees as well. The formulation helps to keep your feet soft, smooth and supple...especially after using the callus reducer. I applied this cream to my feet after working on them and it felt sooooooooooo good. It is really hard to describe the wonderful difference I noticed in my feet immediately.
The Sof'feet Footcare System retails for $21.00 for the intro kit (includes everything I received) and you can also purchase the items separately...including replacement screens. Right now, Sof'feet is offering a coupon code for $5.00 off a purchase from their website of $20 or more. All you do is enter this code: Soffeet5. 

So, in my opinion...Sof'feet is an AMAZING product! I am just loving the way my feet look and feel so soft. The callus reducer tool is very effective and painless to use and the softening cream is soo great. I would definitely and whole-heartily recommend this company to anyone looking to get gorgeous and soft feet with little effort. Truly an affordable and rewarding product!
Sof'feet has generously offered to give away a Sof'feet Footcare System intro kit to one of my readers! This is a wonderful giveaway and I hope you will all enter! Here are your entry options...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Sof'feet products  for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Sof'feet website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 8, 2012

Country Save Powdered Laundry Detergent Review & Giveaway

I grew up in a large family...8 people to be exact. It seemed like my mother was always doing laundry and that it was a job that never ended. She was constantly cutting coupons for laundry detergent and was trying to find the brand that would give her the most bang for her buck too. I remember looking at the piles and piles of laundry and wondering how she did it all. Now, I am a mom and face these same piles of laundry too. I do laundry probably 3 times a week...which isn't that bad when I look at what my mom had to do. Having small children has resulted in lots of laundry and sometimes, very MESSY laundry too. I don't think I need to elaborate. :)
Well, for those of you who do a lot of laundry and are looking for a more cost-effective detergent, I have a company to introduce you to and you will love them! Country Save is a company that makes Eco-friendly laundry detergent that is safe for those with sensitive skin and fragrance sensitivities! Here is a bit more about this company...

Country Save Corp. is a Pacific Northwest company founded in 1977 by Elmer Pearson. Elmer was not only a pretty smart guy out of college with a chemistry degree, he was also a very talented baseball player! In the mid 30's he was hired by The Borden Company to be a bench chemist AND the played second base on the Borden Baseball Team that played other company teams throughout the Midwest in those days preceding and during WWII, and after. As a bench chemist it was Elmer's job to invent new products and it wasn't all that long until he created the first version of that wonderful product we all now know as Elmer's Glue™! While he didn't own the patent on the product personally he felt the personal pride in developing a product that would literally last for generations! That pride was the driving factor in the development of Country Save Powdered Laundry Detergent! Elmer passed on back in 1985 but his spirit and determination live with us daily!

Country Save Products Corporation is a privately held Washington State corporation with a minimal number of shareholders. The majority ownership of our company is made up of retired Veterans of the US Armed Forces and our hope is to hire more veterans as we grow. Our main production facility is located in Arlington, WA.

As you visit our site you will be able to answer many of your specific questions by picking one of the links. If you ever have a question that you can't find the answer to, email us and we will strive to get back to you within 48 hours!!

We hope you enjoy the site and will mention us to a friend after you have used us! It will be one of the great laundry experiences of your life! Your clothes will love us even more than you will!

I am a huge fan of Eco-friendly products because I know that they will be safe for my family...especially my children. I also happen to have two children with sensitive skin so that is the other reason I was excited about  Country Save.
This detergent comes in liquid and powdered forms and they also carry Oxygen Bleach as well as dish detergent! I was sent several small packets of Country Save Powdered Laundry Detergent, which was enough for two loads of laundry. 
Country Save Powdered Laundry Detergent is scent free, safe for HE washers and septic tanks and is also completely biodegradable. I found that when I used Country Save Detergent that my clothes came out just as clean as I was used to seeing them. They also had no scent to them and felt soft and fluffy. My friend, Virginia, who guest posted for me about couponing just recently wrote about how she uses Country Save for her cloth diaper detergent and how much she loves it. I do not use cloth diapers yet but it is good to know that this brand is recommended for cloth diapers. 

You can purchase Country Save Laundry Detergent by the packet, box or case and prices vary depending on how and where you buy it. Check out Country Save's website for locations and pricing. 

So, in my opinion...Country Save is a great value when it comes to finding cost-effective laundry detergent! I tend to prefer liquid detergents but have NO PROBLEM saving money on this brand! My laundry looked and smelled great and best of all, it doesn't break my wallet to use Country Save. I would recommend this brand to anyone out there who is looking to save some money on their laundry detergent; you won't be disappointed! 

Country Save has offered to give away a full size, 80 oz. box of Country Save Powdered Laundry Detergent to one of my US or Canada readers! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free samples of Country Save Detergent for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Country Save website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Lunch Packing Made Easy With Rubbermaid's LunchBlox Sandwich Kit!

How soon do I forget the days when I used to pack a lunch for work. I went through these phases when I would just throw a frozen dinner into a bag and haul that to work. Or, I would make a super healthy lunch complete with fresh fruits and veggies and a salad. I am not sure why I went through these phases but I always remember thinking how unorganized my lunches looked. Not that anyone cared or was paying attention, but it would have been nice to have had everything organized and neatly in place so lunch time was quicker and more efficient.
I have recently become aware of a product from Rubbermaid that totally blows away the brown bag lunch theory. The LunchBlox Sandwich Kit is a handy new "tool" for those of you who pack lunches for yourself, your children or husband and it is wonderful! I will tell you all about the LunchBlox in a is a bit more about this well-known and highly recommended company...

For nearly 80 years, the Rubbermaid® brand represents innovative, high-quality products that help simplify life. From its original line of simple, durable housewares, Rubbermaid has developed a major presence in a wide array of categories ranging from home and garden to seasonal and commercial products. Recognized as a “Brand of the Century”, Rubbermaid is one of only 100 companies named as having an impact on the American way of life.

In 1999, Newell Rubbermaid Inc. was created, a global marketer of consumer and commercial products with 2005 sales of $6.3 billion. The company is headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., and has approximately 30,000 employees worldwide.

Today, Rubbermaid products can be found almost everywhere including mass retail, hardware and home center stores, warehouse clubs, supermarkets, drug stores, department stores and specialty stores. Newell Rubbermaid Inc. is committed to ensuring that the Rubbermaid® brand continues to stand for durable, innovative products that help simplify the lives of people everyday.

When I hear or see the word "Rubbermaid", I think of quality and I think of practicality. I own many Rubbermaid products and use them daily. This was why I was so excited to review this brand new product from's another great item for my home and family!
So, for this review I was sent a LunchBlox Sandwich Kit to check out and I am really happy with it! This is an all-in-one lunch box kit that will eliminate Ziploc and sandwich bags. 
As you can see, all the containers stack neatly on top of each other and nest really nicely. I love how they are see through so you can see what is in your containers as well. You can also stack them with the largest box on the top if you prefer...they all snap together to stay in place. 
Also, this cool kit comes with Blue Ice and you containers can attach directly to that. This assures that your lunch will be nice and cold if you are unable to have access to a refrigerator. I had some jobs that took me outdoors and this would have been a great feature to have when packing my lunches on hot days.  
I am also really happy that these containers are proportioned well so you don't over-pack your food. Sometimes it is hard to determine your portion sizes and so this prevents overeating. 
The LunchBlox Sandwich Kit retails for $12.99 and is a really GREAT solution for practical packing. The LunchBlox Sandwich Kit is currently available for purchase at, Target, Kmart, Kroger, Safeway, Bi-Lo, Winn-Dixie, HEB, other grocery stores and select Wal-Mart stores If you are looking for other news and information from Rubbermaid, check them out on Facebook! Be sure to also follow them on Twitter.

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Rubbermaid products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Rubbermaid website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 8, 2012

Bumbo Recall Information

I figured that I would put this out there in case any parents own a Bumbo baby seat for their babies. Here is the press release:

WASHINGTON — About 4 million Bumbo Baby Seats are being recalled after nearly two dozen reports of infant skull fractures.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission says babies can wiggle out of the floor seats.

About 1 million of the molded foam seats were recalled in October 2007 for additional warning labels against placing the Bumbo seats on raised surfaces, such as tables or kitchen counters.

Since the first recall, CPSC and Bumbo International of South Africa have learned of at least 50 incidents in which babies fell from Bumbo seats while they were being used on raised surfaces. CPSC says another 34 babies fell from the seats while they were being used on the floor or at an unknown elevation. In all, there were 21 reports of skull fractures to infants.

Consumers are asked to stop using the seats and contact Bumbo for a free repair kit that includes a restraint belt and instructions on how to safely use the seat. The repair kit can be ordered by visiting or calling 866-898-4999.

In a statement, the company said it was adding a restraint belt to enhance the safety of children using the Bumbo seat.

"The restraint belt will help prevent children from getting out of or falling from the seat when it is used as intended: on the floor with adult supervision and never on raised surfaces," said the statement. "The health and safety of children using the Bumbo Baby Seat are our top priorities."

The Bumbo floor seats were sold at Babies R Us, Target, Walmart and other retailers nationwide from August 2003 through August 2012.

I have a Bumbo and will be ordering this safety strap kit. Just wanted to put this out there in case you didn't know. 

Have a great day!!! 

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 8, 2012

Enhance Your Natural Beauty With Mary Kay's Best Sellers

When it comes to my beauty and appearance I am honestly not a fussy person. This does not mean that I don't care what I look like, it just means that I am not a daily makeup wearer. I don't HAVE to have makeup on to answer the front door or go out and get the mail. To me, my natural beauty is enough most days and if I need a touch up here and there, I will do it. I think part of the problem is that I am a busy mom of three little ones and really do not have the time that I would like to put on makeup. How well I remember the days of being a single career woman...all the time in the world! I seriously wouldn't trade my life now for anything though. I have the BEST job ever!
Well, Mary Kay has recently revamped their website and it looks fantastic! I love how easy it is to navigate and how nicely everything is showcased. They have a brand new page called Mary Kay Best Sellers and I have to tell you, I LOVE everything that I see there! Instead of browsing the entire site and trying to figure out which products you will like the most, they have it all in one area so there is no guesswork. This is a really helpful and wonderful idea. If you are not familiar with Mary Kay, here is a little more information about this company...
Mary Kay Ash is the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics
Mary Kay Ash founded her Company on the personal values that guided her life – integrity, honesty and an unwavering belief in the Golden Rule. She had one goal – to help women live the life of their dreams, and with a handful of products, she helped those dreams come true.
More than 40 years later, her principles live on in the more than 2 million Independent Beauty Consultants who make up the Mary Kay "family" worldwide – mothers, daughters, sisters and friends. The business that Mary Kay Ash started with $5,000 in savings is today a multibillion dollar Company that has earned the trust and loyalty of millions of women. We always have, and always will, proudly stand behind our products.

Women everywhere want products that deliver results.  At Mary Kay Inc., our expert team of scientists uses the most advanced skin care technology available to ensure that consumers get what they want:  innovative products they can believe in at a price they can afford.

You can really tell that this is a fantastic company just by looking at their values...not to mention their commitment to end domestic violence. To see more about Mary Kay and their values, just visit their website and click through some of their history and information. You will be impressed!
So, for this review I was sent all of Mary Kay's Best Sellers and have the wonderful opportunity to share them with you all! If you already use these products then you know how great they are. If you have never tried these before then listen may see something that will become a favorite. Here is a list of the best sellers that I will be reviewing today.

I had never heard of Foundation Primer before I started working with Mary Kay but since I have discovered it, I love it! This Foundation Primer is meant to be applied before you put on your foundation. It creates a smooth and silky base and honestly, feels so great. It looks like a cloudy gel and has no odor to it at is also oil-free! The retail price of a 1 oz. tube is $16.00.
Many years ago I purchased my first bottle of Mary Kay Oil-Free Makeup Remover and loved it. It made the brand I was currently using look like such a cheap imitation of what makeup remover should be. This remover is very VERY gentle on the eyes and I cannot even tell when it has gone in my eye. Typically, my eye makeup remover burns my eyes and is not pleasant at all. So, that is why Mary Kay's brand is my favorite. This 3.75 oz. bottle retails for just $15.00.
Can I just tell you here how excited I was to receive the Timewise 3-in-1 Cleanser??? My current facial cleanser contains small exfoliater beads in it so I know I am getting my pores clean. I was thrilled with this Mary Kay cleanser because it too has tiny pink micro cleansing beads in it! It definitely does not feel as abrasive as the brand I currently use and the creamy feel is wonderful! My skin felt very soft and smooth after use and I was impressed with how little I needed. A 4.5 oz. tube retails for $18.00.
After showering with the cleanser, I proceeded to apply the Timewise Age-Fighting Moisturizer. This cream is smooth and goes on very easily. Again, you do not need much to notice a difference. I typically do not use facial creams, so this was new for me. I really did enjoy using this cream and my skin felt soft and smooth throughout the day. A 3 oz. tube retails for $22.00.
Then, I tried the Timewise Eye Firming Cream. This was a new product for me as well! Not only is this firming cream meant to help condition the skin around your eyes, it is also designed to brighten the look of your eyes. I do get tired-looking eyes some days and need a little boost to help me look more awake. This definitely did the trick for me! All you do is dab a small amount of cream around your eyes and voila! You are done. A little bit goes a long way so don't worry about running out right away! This Eye Firming Cream retails for $30.00 for a .5 oz pump.
Last but not least I am already a firm believer in Mary Kay's Mascaras and Eye Liners. The liners are super easy to use and are opthamologist tested to be sure they won't harm your eyes. They are even formulated for those of you who have sensitive eyes or wear contact lenses. The Lash Love Mascara and Ultimate Mascara are awesome. I love how the brushes on each one help to shape your lashes and keep the mascara from clumping. They do not clump, flake or smudge which is also a huge plus. If you are a daily mascara wearer then these are the products for you. Both the  Lash Love and Ultimate Mascara retail for $15.00. The Eyeliner retails for $12.00 and is available in several different colors.

So, in my opinion...Mary Kay's Best Sellers are fantastic! I can really see why they are the best sellers...they truly give great results and I love the way they look on me. My skin is soft and smooth and I don't have to sacrifice my time to get the look that I want. I would definitely recommend these products to any woman out there who is looking for ways to enhance her beauty...naturally!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free Mary Kay products for review purposes from Mary Kay. All quotes and stock photos are from the Mary Kay website and email. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.