Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 9, 2013

TERRO Fruit Fly Trap Review & Giveaway

Here at our house, we constantly have bananas sitting on our kitchen counter. When I have babies who are learning to eat solids, bananas are my go-to food for them...they are soft, sweet and the perfect food for sensory play. ALL of my babies loved bananas and now that they are older, we still eat bananas but make banana bread even more! One of the things that I hate about bananas is the fact that they go bad so quickly. I heard that if you separate them when you buy them, they won't ripen as fast. There is a chemical emitted from them that causes them to ripen quickly if they are attached in bunch but that process slows down if you separate them. I haven't tried that yet but will soon! When bananas begin to go bad (or any fruit for that matter), you will notice that the fruit fly population in your kitchen multiplies. Those pesky little flies don't harm you but they will drive you BONKERS!!
So, if you have a persistent fruit fly problem, TERRO has a solution for you and today I am going to share that simple solution with all of you. TERRO Fruit Fly Traps are easy to use, non-toxic and are meant to last up to 30 days and eliminate fruit flies. This all sounds great but the real test comes when you try the traps out. Before I go on though, I wanted to share a bit more about these TERRO Fruit Fly Traps with all of you...

“TERRO Fruit Fly Traps are designed to lure adult fruit flies, using a special non-toxic food-based liquid lure,” says Stew Clark, TERRO Director of Research. “Flies that enter the trap can't escape to continue breeding and multiplying.”   

Fruit fly populations tend to be greatest in late summer and early fall as they infest fruits during the harvest season.  According to Clark, “The key to successful elimination of fruit flies is to locate their breeding source and place the TERRO Fruit Fly trap nearby. Look for fruit fly sources in areas where unrefrigerated fruits and vegetables are stored, near garbage cans and recycling bins.”

All stages of a fruit fly infestation depend on moist organic debris to complete the fruit fly life cycle. The non-toxic acetic acid found in the TERRO Fruit Fly Trap lures the flies to the traps and eliminates the infestation. “Within a few days of placing the trap near a breeding source, you will see a significant decrease in the number of fruit flies,” says Clark.  “And homeowners will also appreciate the ease-of-use and attractiveness of the trap itself.”

I am a huge fan of traps that lure pests into them and don't let them escape. Funny how pesky fruit flies are smart enough to find your food but not smart enough to get out of the tiny hole in this trap. When I was offered the opportunity to review these TERRO Fruit Fly Traps, I was very excited.
So, for this review I was sent a TERRO Fruit Fly Trap and it wasn't long until I had the opportunity to use it. This trap is designed to be out where people can see it but you don't have to deal with an ugly looking trap. I really like this feature because it just looks cute...kind of like an apple.
Inside the package, you will find your trap and a small bottle of red solution. As you can see, there is a small, plastic leaf on the top of the trap and this really gives it a fruit-like look. There is also a small window so you can peek into your trap to see how effective it is while in use and to track the fluid level.
To fill the trap, simply pull on the plastic leaf until the top pops open. This will remain open while the trap is in use. If you look inside you can see where the fruit flies will go in and it looks like a small funnel. Then, invert the bottle into the trap and squeeze all the liquid out. The liquid has a vinegary smell to it and this has always been a smell that attracts fruit flies. Rotting fruits/vegetables will begin to smell rancid and this is what fruit flies love. Blech.
All that is left to do is set your trap wherever you have a problem with fruit flies and watch it work. I placed mine next to my bananas and checked it periodically last night before I went to bed. It wasn't long until some fruit flies were sitting on it but none had gone in when I checked before turning in.
This morning I checked my trap and was thrilled to see that some customers had visited! :) As you can see in the picture, the black dots are fruit flies that entered the trap but didn't escape. worked! :) :) :) I think I counted about 8 total in my Fruit Fly Trap and I was amazed at how quickly it worked. If you have a fruit fly problem anywhere in your home, these traps are wonderful! They work and best of all, they are not messy and look great. TERRO Fruit Fly Traps retail for $7.99 and can be purchased at leading retailers nationwide and also directly from TERRO's online store.

So, I would definitely purchase these traps for myself and tell others about them as well. They are not just another gimmicky thing that claims to work but doesn't...they really DO work and I have seen it first-hand. Check out TERRO today and learn more about why pest control can be so simple.
TERRO has offered to give away a TERRO Fruit Fly Trap to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free TERRO products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the TERRO website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is NOT responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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