Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 6, 2013

Potty Training Made Easy With The Little Looster {Review & Giveaway}

Potty training. The phrase that can instill both thrill and dread into a mommy's heart. My experiences with potty training have not been good ones. It took over 2 years to completely train my daughter and we have failed several attempts to train my son. Ooooof. I wish there was a quick solution. Different things work for different people and while everyone means well, it can be so discouraging to hear "my child was potty trained in three days!" while mine took two years. However, I have been assured that my children will not be 18 and still in diapers so there is still hope! :)
Well, when it comes to potty training there are some necessary tools that I believe every parent should have. No matter what the age of your child, the big potty can be a scary thing to a little person and so it is needful to calm those fears before trying to potty train. This is where The Little Looster comes into play. A booster for the potty...who would have ever thought of such a thing?!?! Glad you asked, because I have to tell you that I am pleased to say that it is another MOM INVENTED product! Mom invented products are my absolute favorites because it means that out of their experience, this product was born and usually, it is to make our lives easier! Here is a bit more about The Little Looster and it's founder, Monica Mylet...
After giving birth to three kiddos in four years, I came up with a solution to the potty-training blues that we all experience.   Along with the need to offer children support, confidence and comfort while on the loo, I wanted to create a product that would not be in the way for adult use, easily cleaned and space saving.  The Looster Booster was born and a couple other amazing benefits were discovered.  The first being the fact that parents are saving hundreds of dollars by potty-training faster and NOT having to buy those unsanitary little step-stool potties that require CONSTANT attention.  We are saving money and landfills.  Another unexpected benefit that has been revealed is the obvious aid to children with special needs that could use a little help with balancing.
Little Looster LLC was initially a Portland, OR based business but is now located in St. Augustine, FL. I designed The Looster Booster over a period of about 3 years, including the very time consuming "Patenting" process.   Almost every aspect of the Looster's life cycle from birth-of-concept to design and manufacturing was completed by Oregon based companies  and is still MADE IN THE USA.  Now I am finding my way around Florida and working with some great new companies in the SE.  Can you tell that we like to travel?  I have had a great time spreading the word about the Looster to all corners of the US, 17 other countries and revolutionizing the way we potty train - one tush at a time!

I remember the first time I plopped Hannah onto a big potty...she screamed. Why was I not surprised??? Big potties are intimidating and are not like sitting on a chair...especially for little ones. They feel like they are falling into a hole and the whole concept of getting them to relax while sitting in a hole long enough to go potty, is expecting alot.
So, for this review I was SO EXCITED to receive a Little Looster to try out. I have to say that this is unlike any stool I have ever seen used for the potty in that it is big. Made out of sturdy, heavy duty plastic, this booster can hold up to 200 pounds. It is also a stool that doesn't get in the way of adults. It took a bit of getting used to but once it was in place for a few days, we were good to go! :)
Every parent that has seen this Looster in my house has been amazed and they always ALWAYS ask what it is and how they can get one. :) What I love about this Little Looster is that it wraps around the entire front of the toilet so no matter what angle your little one gets onto the potty, they will have something solid under their feet to make them feel secure. I always hated to see their little feet dangling in mid air while they struggled to keep their balance. :(
Potty training should not be a dreaded experience, but one that teaches, assures and gently leads your little one into this whole new world of big kid underpants and going to the bathroom in the big potty. This is Isaac...he is my youngest and is a little over the age of one right now. See how perfect this Little Looster is, even for him? He is small, yet his little piggies still have a nice place to be.
Even if you have tried to potty train and have failed, the Little Looster can give more than your little one a can boost YOUR confidence and get you headed in the right direction. My daughter has been fully potty trained now for about a year and she loves to use the Little Looster. When I put this in the bathroom, she was the first to try it and I heard her yelling from the bathroom "Hey Mom, it works!!!". Ha ha. Great to know that it meets her approval. :) The only thing I don't like is that the "L's" on the surface of the Looster are raised and if you have a child (or guy) that is sloppy when it comes to their pee going into the potty, the urine can get caught in those areas and so you have to be diligent to clean frequently. Thankfully though, it is super easy to clean and I typically just wipe my Looster down with a Clorox Disinfecting great!
The Little Looster retails for $34.99 and can be purchased at many different stores across the country including Bed Bath & Beyond, buybuy Baby and other retailers.

So, in my humble mommy's opinion...the Little Looster is SO GREAT! I am getting ready to try and potty train my son once again and am so glad to have the Looster for him. He definitely is scared of the potty but I think this will be a great comfort for him. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone...especially parents and grandparents! What a great potty training tool to have on hand for your children!

Monica has offered to give away a Little Looster to one of you! YAAY! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a free Little Looster for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the Little Looster website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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