Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 12, 2013

Giving Gifts That Make A Difference ~ World Vision Review & Giveaway

Here in America, we are very spoiled. Much of what we have we don't even appreciate and it isn't until something we use everyday is gone that we realize just how we truly are blessed. Many years ago, I went on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic and it really opened my eyes to how desolate and desperate many people's lives are. Bathrooms that were simply holes in the ground surrounded by sheet metal for privacy, dirty and disheveled children running barefoot through dirt streets, small houses packed full of families who lived together because they could not afford their own housing and so much more. It was heartbreaking. Well, if you have a generous heart this Holiday season, why not give a gift that will mean more than anything a child has ever received?
Choosing a charity to which you can contribute can be difficult, especially with so much (sadly) fraudulent activity that takes place within charities. In thinking about a charity to donate to this season, World Vision has a few suggestions on how to pick the perfect one! Here are their tips...

1. Find a charity with a track record; review the organization’s IRS tax status, check how it spends money and makes important decisions. Good places to find this information are Charity Navigator and GuideStart. 

2. Be thoughtful about an organization’s overhead and administrative costs; cost efficiency is an important factor when choosing a charity, but effectiveness is the key. 

3. Ask questions before you give – visit a charity’s website, send an email, or call if you have concerns. 

4. See what others are saying about the charity of your choice via social media and trusted online forums. 

5. Watch for scams; be on your guard for emails that ask for credit card or other personal information. Check the Better Business Bureau Charity Reviews website ( before giving.

I have to admit that I am always skeptical when it comes to giving money to charities and therefore, I rarely do unless I know them extremely well. World Vision is a reputable, non-profit organization with a wonderful track record of fighting poverty and aiding women, children and families all over the world. I love it when a company takes the well-being of those less fortunate into consideration and actually does something to help them. When it comes to shopping for holiday gifts, you can do something very unique through World Vision to help others. World Vision offers 36 hand crafted items that you can purchase for someone and at the same time, help someone in need! You can also give money for livestock, clean water, wells and other things. 
For this review I was sent one of the hand crafted items available in the World Vision Gift Catalog and I chose to receive the Fair-Trade Coffee Set. This set comes in a beautiful, African sewn gift bag, hand sewn by local women. I love the colors of this bag! You also receive a gorgeous, hand carved olivewood scoop for the coffee. 
The coffee itself is in bean form and smells WONDERFUL! My sniffer is totally sensitive right now and I was just loving the scent as I pulled the coffee from the gift bag. This delicious coffee features flavors from Ethiopia, Sumatra, and Costa Rica and is blended by Remember, when you purchase a gift from World Vision you are paying a higher price because that money is going to help someone in need. So when I say that this coffee set retails for $65, please don't be shocked. It is totally worth it. :)
This set is just one of 36 different gifts that you can purchase to help another child or family out this holiday season. I would strongly encourage you to check out World Vision's Gift Catalog to see what you can do to make this the best Christmas ever for someone across the world. 
World Vision has offered to give away a Fair-Trade Coffee Set to one of you! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products in exchange for this post. All quotes and stock photos are from the World Vision website and email. Prize is being provided and shipped by the sponsor. This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 12, 2013

Snow & A Slow Week

Well, I apologize for the lack of posts this week. It has been hectic around here and I have been crazy busy. I hope to be back to blogging soon but until then, how about a picture of some of the snow we had over Thanksgiving??? We are getting alot of snow now but this picture was sooo pretty. Have a great weekend! :)

Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 12, 2013

All About Holiday Pet Safety

We had a dog several years ago and fortunately, never had to deal with many Holiday issues. Lily was a beautiful Golden Retriever who was curious, rambunctious and VERY energetic. We had a 13 month old child in the house when Lily became our dog and because of the age of our daughter, we completely gave up on having a Christmas tree. She (my daughter) was so busy, I didn't have time to keep her away from a tree. So, we never had to deal with training Lily or my daughter to keep out of the tree. Other decorations were strategically placed above reach of little hands and paws and we always enjoyed a stress free holiday. For those of you who have four legged friends around your decorations, I have some tips to share with you on how to keep them safe during this very busy and joyous time of year. These tips are thanks to DOGTV.

1.   Don’t turn your pooch into a holiday decoration – avoid putting lights on the lower branches of the tree
Source: We Heart It

2. Pups get chilly too – keep them warm and cozy on winter walks
Source: We Heart It

3. Holiday plants can be dangerous – keep dogs away from the poisonous ones like poinsettia, holly and mistletoe
Source: flickr

4. Avoid an expensive surgery – keep tinsel, ribbon and garland out of their reach
Source: flickr

5. Don’t throw them a bone – turkey, ham and lamb bones can get stuck in their throat and intestines
Source: flickr

6. If your dog gets into the prescription pills it will give you more anxiety that your in-laws – keep them out of paws reach

7. Use a pet friendly tree preservative – just like toilet water, dogs may drink from under the tree
Source: We Heart It

8. Dogs are curious creatures – don’t put edible gifts in stockings. They may not be there in the morning
Source: Flickr
So, there you have it...some simple yet effective ways to help ensure your pets safety! The holidays can be hectic and you don't want to forget to keep your furry friends safe. Enjoy your Christmas!!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 12, 2013

Soy Protein Gives You Some Delicious Snacking Options! {Review & Giveaway}

My children love to snack and I find that the biggest snack times occur after their afternoon nap time. Why they need a snack at this time I don't know but when I break out the snacks, they are pretty happy campers. I try to find healthier foods for them to snack on but around here, that is not always easy. So typically, I try to find healthy snack bars that will fill them up with good stuff, rather than junk that will leave them feeling empty.

So, recently I was invited to try out some soy protein snacks and I actually found out about some companies that I had never heard of before. One of them - MorningStar Farms, I had heard of before and their Veggie Burgers are to die for!! I haven't had a veggie burger in a very long time and seeing this company's name made me hungry for them once again.
If you have never heard of soy based products before than this post should help acquaint you to some of the companies and products that are out there that make some delicious soy snacking options. Vegetarians aren't the only ones who love soy! Here are a few facts about soy protein...

  • Soy protein is a high‐quality, plant‐based protein derived from soybeans
  • Soy protein supports healthy growth and development
  • Because of its ability to impact satiety, soy protein can help in managing a healthy weight in children
  • Soy protein is a healthy alternative for children with milk, egg or peanut allergies
  • Incorporating high-quality proteins, such as soy protein, into children’s diets supports immune health

Those are some things that I didn't know but am glad to have discovered now. I don't know of any food related allergies in our home but knowing that soy protein is a good alternative is helpful (especially if I am having someone over for dinner and they have allergies to certain foods).
So, for this review I was sent a nice package of goodies that would introduce me to soy protein products...snacks and meal options! I was sent: One coupon for a MorningStar Farms product, one A3 Honey Graham S'mores bar, one Nogii Kids Chocolate Chip bar  and one “Soy Satisfying” Lunch Cooler.
I was really excited to try these products out and was even more excited about the coupon for a free Morning Star Farms products. I was NOT prepared for the variety that met me when I approached the freezer case.
It was a difficult decision but I finally picked the Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuits. I love quick breakfast ideas and these biscuits looked so good.
These biscuits are about 3 inches in diameter and contain veggie based sausage pieces, cheese and eggs. They looked very hearty and yummy when I pulled them out of the package. All you do is microwave them (or you can put them in the oven) for about 45 seconds and they are ready to eat! I have to admit that these biscuits were very filling. Typically, something this small does not fill me up but these were wonderfully filling. I especially enjoyed the sausage as it had a very rich flavor...couldn't even tell it was vegetable based!
My children love snack bars and I was really excited to try out the two bars that I was sent an A3 Honey Graham S'mores bar and a Nogii Kids Chocolate Chip bar. Both of these bars are gluten-free and all natural, which makes them very desirable and healthy snacks for any child. I have to admit...both of them did NOT make it to my children to taste. I ate one and it was VERY good and again, very filling.
When my daughter woke up from her nap she heard me unwrapping something and came into the kitchen to investigate. Well, when she saw these bars she wanted one and so I gave her the A3 Honey Graham S'mores bar to try. She loved it and didn't ask for any additional snacks (which she typically does).

So, if you are looking for good, wholesome soy protein foods for you or your family, be sure to check out these companies. They have such a great variety of products to suit anyone...check them out today!
Now, we have a really quick giveaway that will run until Wednesday and one of you will win the same prize pack I did! Here are your entry options...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email. Prize pack is being provided and shipped by DuPont Nutrition and Health This blog is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 12, 2013

Check Out Kidorable's Holiday Gift Buying Quiz!

Do you have some picky children on your gift list?? My children aren't really old enough to be picky and enjoy just about anything that comes in fun, wrapped packages. I think sometimes the packaging is more exciting than the gift itself! :)

Well, in lieu of Christmas and buying gifts that will only be played with for 10 minutes after opening, Kidorable has come up with a cute Gift Buying Quiz that will help you pinpoint exactly what kind of gift your child will love. I took the quiz and here were my results:

Your score is 2 out of 5. It sounds like you've given some dud gifts in the past. Perhaps it's best to leave the gift selection to the experts. Check out the Kidorable Gift Finder.

Oh dear...HA HA HA! Dud gifts must run in my genes. Hopefully I will do better this year. LOL! :)

So, be sure you stop by Kidorable and check out their is fun, easy and a super quick way to make sure you get the perfect gift for your special little ones!

Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 12, 2013

Prank Pack Fake Gift Boxes Make Gift Giving HILARIOUS!

So, how many pranksters read my blog?? Do you like to play practical jokes on people? My daughter pulled one on my hubby recently and he just about died. It was late at night and he had not yet come to bed but she was still awake. I quickly ushered her into our room and snuggled her waaaay down under the blankets on his side of the bed. When he came in to go to bed he shuffled around the room and then proceeded to pull the sheets back. He saw Hannah's big eyes peeking out from under the blankets and yelled and jumped all at the same time!! I honestly never thought it would scare him like that and that is the reaction you always dream of getting but goodness, it was very funny. Now, I walk around on pins and needles waiting for his payback. HA! Playing clean and fun jokes on others can be fun and the holidays are the perfect time to exercise a bit of humor...especially during gift-giving time.
Recently, I became acquainted with a company called Prank Pack and what this company specializes in is creating fun and hysterical prank gift boxes for any occasion. When I first went to the website, I was immediately caught off guard. I thought to myself, "now how can they make something like that and make it work too???" So, it worked for me immediately and I knew ahead of time that it was all a prank, but forgot momentarily. Pretty funny I thought. Here is how it works...

Prank Pack fake gift boxes appear to contain ridiculous products from clueless companies. Just pack your real gift inside, sit back and revel in your gift recipient's half-hearted enthusiasm. Your party will thank you!

Having never heard of anything quite like these Prank Gift Boxes, I was immediately intrigued and just by looking at the site I knew it would be a fun item to review.
So, for this review I was sent three Prank Pack Gift Boxes. I was sent the Pet Sweep Box, the iDrive Box and the Crib Dribbler Box. Sounds great, doesn't it?? I have to tell you soon as my package arrived, my husband had such a blast looking at these boxes. I think he is going to confiscate every one for gifts for his co-workers. Especially the Pet Sweep Box for his boss, who recently got a new dog. HA!
Each box comes flat and you do need to unfold it into it's box shape. When fully unfolded, it is about the size of a large phone book. It you have a totally gullible friend or relative, they will probably have some great reactions to the box itself...take a look at the box pictured above. It supposedly contains an iDrive Mobile Device Mount. You can only imagine what this device will do...soooo funny!
Once your suspect opens the box from either end, they will be greeted with this kind message that will immediately let them know that they have been "pranked". I love this. I can think of sooo many people that I want to use these on!!
My ultimate favorite of the three I was sent was the Crib Dribbler Box. Oh goodness...the box shows a rodent-type water container in a crib with a baby sucking on the end of it. 
The idea is that you can keep baby "watered" all night long or any time you want some "me" time. Trouble sleeping through the night because of night time feedings??? Try the Crib Dribbler! Of course, we all know that there is no such product on the market and that this is all just a prank designed to make people smile. I for one LOVE this box and it would definitely make a fantastic gift for anyone who is expecting a baby or is a new parent. 
So this holiday season - instead of going for the plain gift boxes, why not check out these hilarious Prank Pack Fake Gift Boxes? There are many from which you can choose and they retail for just $8 per box (or you can get 3 for $20!). I think it is the gift that could keep on giving and hey, you just might get it back with YOUR gift wrapped inside! Be sure you check out Prank Pack on Facebook and also on Twitter and put the fun back into traditional gift giving. :)

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. I did receive free products for review purposes. All quotes and stock photos are from the sponsor's website and email.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

The Benefits of Renting Your College Textbooks!

We are currently in December which means that a lot of college students are looking forward to a new semester and putting the old one behind them. That means one's crunch time and also it is time to start shopping for new college textbooks. Ok, I am a college graduate and have an Associates Degree in Administrative Assisting. I remember my college days very well and the one thing that seems to be an issue for any college student is money. I never had any. Ha ha! I worked two jobs and made it through about 1 year of college by paying cash. However, the cash soon disappeared no matter how hard I was working and I ended up getting loans. Yuck. Anyway, I think the biggest financial drain of college besides tuition was having to buy books. Books that seemingly were never used and just sat in the book bag, only opened on a few occasions. That drove me nuts. I spent hundreds on books and never really used them. Many of them were in brand new condition at the end of the semester and the textbook company was the only one that benefited.
Well, if you are a college student and are dreading having to buy new books, I wanted to let you know that there is another option that will help stretch your pennies a bit further. is an online company that RENTS out college textbooks and the perks are wonderful! Here are just a few...

-Save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-Free shipping both ways
-Can highlight in the textbooks
-Flexible renting periods
-We donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
-21-Day Risk-Free Returns

To me, this would have been such a huge help...I dreaded having to buy my books and since I rarely wrote in my books, this would have been a great option. I am just spreading the word so other college students know about this wonderful company.

In conjunction with the CampusBookRentals website, there is also an option to rent out your textbooks to other students. This is also a fantastic way to make 2-4 times more money that selling books at the end of the semester (which hardly gives you any money at all). rents you books to students and you get paid for it! Waaaay cool. Check out this quick video on how it works.
So, whether you are looking to buy or sell your books, be sure to check out these sites as they have some wonderful options that will save and make you money! Both of those options are a big plus for any college student.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post for CampusBookRentals. All opinions and thoughts are my own .